They tell us High Fructose Corn Syrup has all kinds of health risks. Is there really any reason to avoid this common sugar substitute?
The latest health food fad is to go gluten free. What does this mean and how can it help you?
Is Earth being visited by aliens, either now or in the past?
Some claim that GMO crops are dangerous, while others applaud the new crop science.
Here are 5 quick ways to tell good science from bad science.
A 3-minute guide to one of the most divisive questions of our day: Global Warming.
This method of natural gas mining has come under close scrutiny from shock-doc filmmakers. Do the facts match the hype?
Aspartame has been one of the most popular artificial sweeteners for decades, but now some people are starting to say it's poisonous. Is that really true?
Municipal fluoridation of drinking water is done nearly everywhere, but some communities are starting to reject it. Is this based on sound science, or on unfounded fears?
Nikola Tesla was one of our greatest pioneering electrical engineers. Unfortunately, pretty much everything else you've heard about him isn't true.
Some people passionately believe those airliner contrails you see in the sky are the government spraying aerial drugs on the population. How likely is this?
Many people believe homeopathy is a natural, herbal supplement like any other. But is it?
It seems nearly all your friends are doing special cleansing diets. Should you do one too?
The popular explanation for frogs and fish falling out of the sky is that waterspouts deposit them. How true is this?
The simple, observable proof that human-caused CO2 is warming our planet.
Truthers claim Building 7 fell exactly like a controlled demolition. Did it really?
Some believe that world governments and economies are secretly controlled by the Rothschild banking family.
Did climate scientists in the 1970s really think we were headed for a new ice age?
Thorium reactors aren't the panacea some claim they are, but their benefits over light water reactors are many.
Science shows that those plastic bag bans you love so much may be doing the environment more harm than good.
Since the Myers-Briggs test is used in so many important ways: employment, military service, even child custody decisions, a debunking of this quasi-horoscope is sorely needed.
A rapid-fire history of one of the craziest conspiracy theories of all time: QAnon.