Wir befinden uns in der nahen Zukunft, in der Roboter alle möglichen Dienstleistungen für ihre menschlichen Besitzer verrichten, von der simplen Hausarbeit bis hin zu unzüchtigen Spielchen. Nach letzteren verlangt es den Schüler Takaya Murase, als er den Laden des Roboterherrstellers MaidWorks betritt. Auf der Suche nach einer geeigneten Spielgefährtin, hält ihn plötzlich ein umwerfend hübsches und lasziv gekleidetes Androidenmädchen am Arm fest. Für Takaya ist es Liebe auf den ersten Blick und sofort steht für ihn fest, dass er sie in seine Dienste stellen muss. Später erweist sich die attraktive Roboterdame als gewöhnliche Haushaltshilfe, die statt auf unsittliche Fummelspielchen "nur" auf Kochen und Putzen programmiert ist. So weigert sie sich strikt, die von Takaya für sie vorgesehene sexy Kostüme zu tragen und entsorgt stattdessen erst einmal die heiß geliebte Sammlung des Puppenfetischisten....
Takaya Murase purchases a maid android. When Takaya receives the doll, he attempts to dress her up in different outfits to satisfy his maid-fetish. The android claims that Takaya is abusing her and not treating her like a maid. She reacts by knocking out Murase with a punch and disposes Takaya's figurine collection. When Takaya finds out what she has done, the android runs back to the android store. Takaya chases after her and apologizes for his behavior. He then names her Yui. However, when they return to Takaya's apartment, they find out that Takaya has filled the room with his reserve figurine collection.
Yui takes Takaya out of the house, believing that he cannot treat her like a doll in the public. Nearby, they see a woman in a revealing maid costume, trying to comfort a lost little girl. 2 mikos, Sumire and Ran Midou, punish the woman for her indecent behavior by letting an octopus assault her. Takaya successfully comforts the lost girl, Ayumi Hagiwara, and learns that she is looking for her "lost" mother. The woman introduces herself as Minori Sumitomo and invites them all to her father's, Tetsushi, cafe, Cafe Cowbeya. There, Ayumi reunites with her mother, Kanae. Due to the presence of Kanae and Yui, the shop is packed with customers. Takaya volunteers himself and Yui to help out.
Minori looks after a baby boy due to her relatives moving. She is called by her father to help out at the cafe. Yui volunteers to look after the baby. With Takaya out shopping, she has to look after the baby by herself. The baby suckles on Yui's breast but they do not produce milk because she is a robot. She gives the baby a bottle to suck on. She is fascinated by the baby's penis, calling it a "little elephant".
Cette histoire commence à la manière de Chobits, nous sommes à une époque où il est facile de se procurer des robots de tout type : Mère, Grande soeur, ou encore Servante... Takaya Murase veut justement s'acheter un robot. Il est alors frappé par la beauté de celle qu'il appellera Yui. Petit inconvénient avec Takaya Murase, c'est un otaku qui collectionne les figurines, et il a voulu un robot juste pour lui faire faire du cosplay. Que va-t-il advenir de la petite Yui ?
ご主人様のために尽くそうと思っていたゆいだったが、肝心のご主人様は、自分のことを着せ替えさせて楽しむマニアだった!? 村瀬に溺愛される日々を送りながら、ゆいは、立派なメイドロボとなるべく、まずは村瀬を立派なご主人様にしようと日夜奮闘するのだった!!
미디어 웍스의 잡지 '전격 모에왕'에서 연재중인 미즈키 타케히토의 동명 만화를 애니화한 작품. 인간과 겉모습으로는 전혀 다를 바 없는 '메이드 로봇'이 상용화된 시기를 배경으로, 어엿한 메이드가 되고자 노력하는 메이드 로봇 유이와 유이를 메이드라기보다 자신의 장난감처럼 여기는 오타쿠 주인 타카야를 주인공으로 그려가는 러브 코미디 작품이다.
사실 이 작품은 제목에서 풍기는 뉘앙스와는 달리, 스토리보다는 과도한 서비스씬으로 점철된 캐릭터성 작품이라 보는 편이 이해가 쉬울 것이다. 주인공인 유이의 설정에 사용된 '메이드'와 '로봇' 이외에도 코스프레(코스튬 플레이), 무녀, 어린 여자아이(로리타 컴플렉스), 유부녀 등 일본에서 흔히 손꼽히는 대표적인 인기 코드들을 작중에 여기저기 배치하여 시선을 끄는 것이 특징이다.
En un futuro no muy lejano, existen robots con apariencia humana, para hacer más cómoda la vida de las personas, Murase Takaya: un joven pervertido compra una robot programada para la limpieza, a la cual cariñosamente le llama Yui, lamentablemente él la quiere para un motivo muy diferente que solo ayudar en casa, la quiere para complacer sus deseos Fetichistas.