Raimon arrived in the Sengoku time and they are searching for information about Nobunaga. Shindou met Okatsu and Okatsu brought Shindou to her house for a talk. Tenma, Shinsuke and Aoi saw some boys playing soccer and Tenma and Shinsuke decided to join. When they lost the ball and a boy wanted to pick up the ball, two guys kidnapped the boy but Tenma stopped the two guys with the ball. The two guys wanted to attack Tasuke and Tenma but Kinoshita stopped them. Okatsu threw some water at Shindou.
In the afternoon, Daisuke revealed that Shindou is the first one of the Ultimate Eleven and that he must fuse with Nobunaga. In the next morning, Nobunaga arrived and stopped a horse with his hand. Wonderbot wanted to Mixi Max Shindou with Nobunaga but it failed. Dr. Arno explained that Shindou's and Nobunaga's energy levels are different and that Shindou has to fuse with Nobunaga without the Mixi Max Gun. Then, Okatsu came and told to Shindou that Raimon has to come with her. Raimon followed her and they arrived to a place, where they see Beta. Raimon has to fight against Team White Deer.
Au Japon féodal, les Raimon se mettent à la recherche de Nobunaga Oda. Tandis que Riccardo fait la rencontre d'Okatsu, Arion, JP et Skie rencontrent Tasuke et ses amis et jouent au foot. Arion sauve un des enfants qui se fait kidnapper, puis tous les Raimon arrivent et font la connaissance de Kinoshita Toukichirou, qui leur parle de Nobunaga. La nuit tombée, David Evans dit à Riccardo qu'il doit fusionner avec Nobunaga, et le lendemain, les Raimon se prosternent devant lui. Wunderbar essaie sans succès de mixi-maxer Riccardo avec lui, puis après que le docteur Crossword a dit à Riccardo qu'il faut atteindre l'énergie de Nobunaga, les Raimon se rendent chez les kidnappeurs du cerf blanc, contrôlés par Beta, pour sauver Tasuke.