Battle in the middle of Senjo Gakuen vs. Kidogawa Seiji. Haizaki's goalkeeper who was overwhelmed by "Fire Tornado" of Australia's Temple and allowed the first strike reveals regret and anger. Starry chapter school eleven that Kishido develops intense match-up with former team-mate Australia Temple and turns to counterattack. However, he can't keep up with Kiyoshida Kiyoshida which shows advanced collaborative play in advance. And after receiving the override technique "Bakunetsu Storm" of Kidokawa Seishuu, Haizaki allowed the score again. Why do you use forward as your goalkeeper ... Haizaki stuffs up on the Oniguma without being angry? However, Onigaido says, "If you do not know why you are the goalkeeper, you can not win the Big Flight Temple even if you return to the forwarding."
In questo episodio, si confrontano sul campo l'Accademia Stella e la Kirkwood: l'asso della Stella, Elliot Ember, viene costretto a giocare buona parte del match come portiere, ruolo che non gli appartiene. La squadra subisce il gioco dell'avversaria, e Elliot colpevolizza Axel, che lo ha privato della possibilità di attaccare; ma prima della fine della partita, Elliot capirà il senso della scelta del suo capitano e imparerà il vero gioco di squadra.