This episode of imagine-nation will be featuring the manga "Shin-Shinchou Kouki - Nobunaga-kun to Watashi" by Shinobu Kaitani which is currently being serialized in the "Weekly Young Magazine." The story of this manga is about cloned Sengoku period warlords who aspire to unify the world of delinquency in a high school setting. "Shin-Shinchou Kouki" is an ambitious manga that incorporates elements from the "delinquent manga" genre that's popular in Japan, the "Sengoku period" theme, as well as Sci-Fi elements such as human cloning. In the program, we'll be inviting Shinobu Kaitani to the studio to talk about the story behind the manga's creation. Furthermore, we'll be visiting Kaitani's studio to discover what makes his manga so unique!