In the first episode, Noelle and her family had to battle a giant rice-cooking Daruma, sent by Dispell, using a mecha built by Lucca. Now Lucca has updated the mecha and Noelle is the designated pilot. Meanwhile, Miruru convinces the Daruma's wife (with baby in tow) to wreak vengeance upon the family for taking her husband away. The Daruma's wife proceeds to attack Noelle, who refuses to fight back - she understands that it's painful to be separated from the one you love. Sara suggests they bring the Daruma back to life, so that there will be no reason for revenge anymore.
En el primer episodio, Noelle y su familia tuvieron que luchar contra un gigante Daruma de cocción de arroz, enviado por Dispell, utilizando un mecha construido por Lucca. Ahora Lucca ha actualizado el mecha y Noelle es el piloto designado. Mientras tanto, Miruru convence a la esposa de Daruma (con el bebé a cuestas) de que se vengue de la familia por llevarse a su esposo.