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Season 1

  • S01E01 Bumblebee

    • January 2, 2013
    • ABC Kids

    Sporting her well known yellow and black colors, we meet the bumblebee. Despite her peaceful existence she still has all sorts of creatures after her, it's a good thing she's got that stinger to protect her, even if it doesn't really do much harm.

  • S01E02 Daddy Long Legs

    • ABC Kids

    It's a hard knock life for this daddy long legs, as he tells us from his hiding place about all the creatures trying to eat him. While he can hide by sticking things onto himself, and even take his own legs off, he still doesn't have it easy!

  • S01E03 Cockroach

    • ABC Kids

    Emerging as the lights go out, we meet a cockroach, coming to take some food. This survivor, tells us how he can go without air, food, water and even a head. But with all the humans and animals out to get him or eat him, it's no wonder he tries to avoid the light.

  • S01E04 Slug

    • ABC Kids

    Insulted by the salt left in the garden, this slug begins to tell us how wrong we are about him. With his 25,000 teeth he eats things like dead leaves, fungus, and dog poo all over the world. Between being on the menu and drying up in the sun, it's pretty hard for this guy to survive, and yet he's still feeling ignored.

  • S01E05 Moth

    • ABC Kids

    Meet the moth, a voiceless critter that dreams of one day being in the spotlight. She tells us about how she loves the light, flower necter, and dew, but it's a shame she doesn't get more attention like her relative, the butterfly!

  • S01E06 Dragonfly

    • ABC Kids

    Here, flying around a pond, we meet a newly grown up Dragonfly. While she may have spent two years growing up underwater, she's only going to be an adult for two weeks. She's now a fast flying beauty, but if she gets in trouble, she'll blow gas out of her bottom to jet away!

  • S01E07 Flea

    • ABC Kids

    Bouncing around happily on a small dog, is an even smaller flea. Born among thousands of brothers and sisters, this little guy has been making pets itchy for more than 100 million years! It's a good thing he is such a good jumper too, because he's got to look out for flea treatments!

  • S01E08 Wasp

    • ABC Kids

    Look out! Here among the flowers we meet a wasp! While living in a nest she built out of chewed wood, she does really helpful things like eat bugs that eat your plants and drink nectar from flowers, but whatever you do, don't mistake her for a bee, you might get stung!

  • S01E09 Mosquito

    • ABC Kids

    Everybody hates mosquitos, but this mosquito tells us she loves humans, and their blood! As a mommy she needs the blood to help her babies, so she's gotta get it from humans, horses, and cows. She doesn't mean to spread disease around, but it's still hard to like a creature that likes the smell of sweat and feet.

  • S01E10 Centipede

    • ABC Kids

    Come on out at night and meet a centipede, the oldest land animal in the world. Even though she's eaten by both humans and animals the centipede uses her hard shell, speed, and 20 to 300 feet to try and keep out of trouble. Good luck keeping this girl in shoes and pedicures!

  • S01E11 Caterpillar

    • ABC Kids

    Eating away at the plants of farmers and gardners, we stumble upon a very hungry caterpillar. He tells us that even though he's soft and slow, he can survive using his bright colors and 4000 muscles. And if he can make it, then he's going to be a beautiful butterfly!

  • S01E12 Earwig

    • ABC Kids

    Meet the earwig; this guy likes to sleep all day and then eat things like rotting plants and insects all night long. But don't worry, even though he's got big pincers he says he's not going to go through your ears to your brain any time soon.

  • S01E13 Termite

    • ABC Kids

    Hard at work for his colony we meet a soldier termite. He may not be able to feed himself, thanks to his big head, but he's got to protect the workers, the king, and the queen! She's the heart of the colony, laying about 2000 eggs per day, and with that many powerful termite soldiers, you better make sure you're a friend, not a foe.

  • S01E14 Fly

    • ABC Kids

    Oh no! A fly is about to eat your food! With 4000 lenses in each eye, this guy can brag about how well he detects movement, making it hard to swat him. Plus he's a great flier, able to land almost anywhere, even ceilings. He may wash all his legs before and after eating, but that still doesn't mean you want him on your food!

  • S01E15 Tick

    • ABC Kids

    Hanging out wherever there are grazing animals, is the tick. This little guy shares with us all his cool design features that have been helping him suck blood for 146 million years. But like anyone, he's not very fond of the name parasite, he's just trying to do his job.

  • S01E16 Tigerbeetle

    • ABC Kids

    Wearing those fast stripes on his back, comes the super speedy tigerbeetle. He tells us that almost anything that crawls he can chase after and eat, even if he doesn't have any teeth. If you find this little guy in a sandy area or a desert, you better try not to get nipped.

  • S01E17 Potato Bug

    • ABC Kids

    Hanging out on the US west coast and Mexico is this cool potato bug. Even though he doesn't have ears, this chill dude dispels some of the rumors about him, saying he's not poisonous, he's not an invasive pest, he's a vegetarian, and he's actually not all that partial to potatos.

  • S01E18 Glow Worm

    • ABC Kids

    Here, putting on a pretty light show, is a glow worm. We learn that after sundown she and her girlfriends light up to attract both boys and food. But with wings that don't work, all this girl's got is her light, and those street lamps can be really distracting!

  • S01E19 Butterfly

    • ABC Kids

    Just coming out of her cocon, is a beautiful butterfly. She tells us that while she may have once been an ugly caterpillar, she now has bright and colorful wings. The designs on her wings can attract the attention of other butterflies. One of them better appreciate her beauty, or she won't be very happy.

  • S01E20 Praying Mantis

    • ABC Kids

    Look real close and you may find a praying mantis, getting ready to catch her dinner. She may look like she's saying her prayers, but she's no angel. With her five eyes she's always on the look out for her Prince Charming, but it's probably very hard to find him when you keep biting off everybody's heads!

  • S01E21 Tarantula

    • ABC Kids

    While she is waiting for a mouse to fall into her trap, we meet the biggest spider in the world, the tarantula. With that big hairy body and some scary poison fangs, it's a wonder anybody would ever want to keep her as a pet.

  • S01E22 Ant

    • ABC Kids

    Meet a tiny little worker ant. He takes a quick break from his duties to tell us about his colony, in an ant hill. This heavy lifter can pick 20 times his own body weight, plus he's got the largest brain among insects. Brains and brawn, wow! Just don't stay and talk to long, you might get him in trouble.

  • S01E23 Bed Bug

    • ABC Kids

    Feeling a little itchy? It could mean you're sharing a bed with this little guy, the bed bug. Actually you're probably sharing your bed with a lot of bed bugs, because they really like to share. Good night, sleep tight, and don't let the bed bugs... well actually he tells us he can't bite at all, he's got no teeth, but that doesn't mean you're safe.

  • S01E24 Firefly

    • ABC Kids

    Welcoming us to his swamp is the handsome and bright firefly. Putting on a fabulous light show is all in a night's work for this beetle. Normally he and his friends only light up to mark out their territory, find a mate, or scare away the bugs that want to eat them, but tonight you're very lucky, he's gonna put on a show just for you.

  • S01E25 Ladybird

    • ABC Kids

    Disappointed at the loss of his dinner, this fearsome predator shares with us that, despite his name, he is not a lady or a bird, he's a beetle. Underneath his colorful, spotted shell are a nice pair of wings. And he's gonna need 'em to catch those lousy flies!

  • S01E26 Scorpion

    • ABC Kids

    Be careful! Stay away! This scorpion might not be able to see very well but that doesn't make her any less dangerous. She's got a stinger full of poison and some pretty scary pincers. Animal, human scorpion? Doesn't matter, make sure you don't get too close!

  • S01E27 Snail

    • ABC Kids

    Even though we can see this little snail, he can't see or hear us, good thing he can smell us! As he hangs upsidedown he tells us that most snails actually live underwater. It must be really hard to move on land with that shell on his back, because this little guy can't seem to move in a straight line.

  • S01E28 Worm

    • ABC Kids

    The world is a dark and scary place for this little worm. Even though he's cold and slimey he's still got an awful lot of creatures out to eat him, it's really no wonder he stays underground all the time. But it's a good thing he does, his tunnels and recycling help plants grow, and I'm sure they're really greatful!

  • S01E29 Weevil

    • ABC Kids

    Oh dear! Looks like all 60,000 branches of the weevil family are coming over for dinner, with things like grain and nuts on the menu. You better make sure you seal up the food and keep your lids tight, you don't want this family coming over to visit.

  • S01E30 Spider

    • ABC Kids

    Here in the bathroom we meet, the spider. This arachnid tells us she can eat more insects than birds and bats combined with her scary looking, poison filled, fangs. You've got to feel bad for anything that gets trapped in that 100% silk web of hers.

  • S01E31 Sandfly

    • ABC Kids

    This hungry lady is a sandfly, a parasite on the look out for food any place warm, like Africa or Australia. She needs the food to help her with her eggs but it's not very pleasant to get bitten by one of these guys. Got any bug spray on you?

  • S01E32 Water Strider

    • ABC Kids

    WooHoo! This fun loving guy is the water strider. If he senses movement on top the water he can float over the surface to get it, without sinking! As the only sea-going insect he's got some pretty cool features to help him out, and it's a good thing too, he's got to eat those pesky mosquitos!

  • S01E33 Junebug

    • ABC Kids

    You've got to be quick if you want to catch the grown up Junebug, he'll only be an adult for 3 weeks during the month of, you guessed it, June! This clumsy little fellow had to hide underground for the last 9 months, from all the things trying to eat him. He probably didn't mean to destroy lawns and crops while he was at it.

  • S01E34 Locust

    • ABC Kids

    Keeping your plants safe is going to be a real challenge with this locust around. He and a few billion of his friends are ready to come and devour some food. They may not attack humans or animals, or carry any diseases with them, but these jumpy fellows are some greedy little gluttons.

  • S01E35 Silverfish

    • ABC Kids

    Meet silverfish. This sneaky fellow is on a very important mission to obtain... snacks! Sitings of him are pretty rare because of how swift and silent he can be. He can get into the smallest cracks and even get up onto the ceiling, all for his precious food. That is one dedicated eater.

  • S01E36 Cicada

    • ABC Kids

    Sporting her brand new summer wings is the cicada. She's one of millions of these noisy little guys, coming out of the dirt for the summer. She thinks she's pretty devine, and all that singing must mean the boy cicadas think so too.

  • S01E37 Grasshopper

    • ABC Kids

    This fiesty fellow here, is a grasshopper. With his five eyes and extreme jumping skills it's pretty hard to catch this little guy. He's probably pretty happy about that fact, because even people like to eat him as a snack!

  • S01E38 Walking Stick

    • ABC Kids

    Did you see that? You've got to look really hard to find this walking stick, because he looks just like a stick! This bug tells us that when he's not hiding from everyone that want to eat him, he relaxes and soaks up the sun. He probably gets to relax a lot, because with his ability to change colors, hiding has got to be pretty easy!

  • S01E39 Hornet

    • ABC Kids

    Make sure you've got a clearance pass if you're gonna meet up with this hornet. He'll use any means necessary to protect his nest so that nothing happens to his queen. But this scary guy confesses that when he's away from his nest, he's not so scary after all.

  • S01E40 Millipede

    • ABC Kids

    Meet the millipede. Despite his name, this scaredy cat doesn't have anywhere near 1,000 legs. Even with the legs he does have, he admits to us that he's really slow. It's a good thing he's got so many ways to defend himself, otherwise he'd be in big trouble.

  • S01E41 Greenbottle Fly

    • ABC Kids

    Ew, what's that smell? Meet the greenbottle fly, a lover of all things gross and smelly. No matter where you are in the world, if you've got something smelly around, you can bet the greenbottle fly will show up to eat it. Somebody should go fetch the fly swatter.

  • S01E42 Cricket

    • ABC Kids

    Can you hear that? That lovely singing can only be a cricket, rubbing his wings together for some new lady friend. Even though he's easy to hear, this guy is not easy to find, if he senses danger he'll get really quiet and... Hey, it stopped!

  • S01E43 Carpetbeetle

    • ABC Kids

    Well now, this fabulous little lady could only be a carpetbeetle. Now that she and her girls are all grown up they can stop munching on your carpet, leather, rugs, and other furniture. But this little mommy still has kids back inside, better get the vacuum cleaner.

  • S01E44 Aphid

    • ABC Kids

    Floating around from plant to plant is the very thirsty aphid. This little guy needs a special ingredient from plant juice to help him grow big and strong. It doesn't seem to help him very much though, everybody is still out to get him.

  • S01E45 Horsefly

    • ABC Kids

    Buzzing around in her usual way, is the horsefly. She tells us all about her troubles with horse wasps and her love of horse's blood. She says she needs to be careful though; if she drinks too much on accident, it could make the horse feel a little woozy.

  • S01E46 Mite

    • ABC Kids

    Even though he's invisible to the human eye, if we zoom in far enough we'll be able to meet the mite. This teeny-tiny fellow is no bigger than a grain of sand, and he might be living in your rugs and carpets. But don't worry, you can get this little arachnid with the vacuum cleaner!

  • S01E47 Stinkbug

    • ABC Kids

    Whoa, did you smell that? Meet the stinkbug. Despite his name this guy doesn't actually want to make everything smelly, it's just his way of defending himself. Like most of us he'd rather eat veggies and sit in the sunshine all day. It's too bad for him, his reputation preceeds him, nobody wants this smelly guest in their house!

  • S01E48 Water Beetle

    • ABC Kids

    Training for the next diving competition, we meet the water beetle. Named for her love of water, she can conserve air beneath her wings to help her stay underwater for a really long time. This tough-as-nails swimmer is also brave enough to hunt things way bigger than she is. Now if only she could win the diving competition...

  • S01E49 Woodlouse

    • ABC Kids

    In the middle of one disgusting meal, the woodlouse introduces himself. He reveals some disgusting things that his crab relatives would be ashamed of, like the fact that he drinks with his bottom! He may have blue blood, but this guy is anything but royalty.

  • S01E50 Mud Wasp

    • ABC Kids

    Meet the mud wasp. He not only looks different from other wasps, but he's also a lot less likely to sting humans. He and his family are not very sociable but would you socialize with a critter that froze you with a stinger and fed you to his kids? I don't think so.

  • S01E51 Froghopper

    • ABC Kids

    If you promise not to be too distracting, you can witness the world high-jump champion, the froghopper. With big eyes, like a frog, and incredibly powerful back legs, this olympian can leap up to 71 centimeters. He'll need skills like that to avoid being somebody's dinner!

  • S01E52 Assassin Bug

    • ABC Kids

    It's got to be pretty hard to survive when the assassin bug is hanging around. This guy tells us he's so talented at catching other bugs that farmers and gardners use him as pest control. But shh! Don't blow his cover, or another assassin but might get him instead!