IDOLiSH7 and Re:vale begin receiving different types of jobs than they had been previously. They are obviously filling in for TRIGGER. Meanwhile, ŹOOĻ is taking on more and more work, and their popularity is skyrocketing. They even appear as guests on IDOLiSH7's show "Lovely Night With You!".
Os integrantes do IDOLiSH7 terão que conviver com o grupo ZOOL durante alguns trabalhos e precisam se preparar mentalmente. Nagi parece ter a chave para que tudo ocorra de forma tranquila.
ŹOOĻ ist bei der Sendung von IDOLiSH7 zu Gast und geht sofort auf Konfrontationskurs. Währenddessen muss Sōgo lernen, mehr zu seinen Gefühlen zu stehen und diese nicht immer nur zu unterdrücken,