O show que definiria a participação do IDOLiSH7 foi feito, mas faltou pouco para ser perfeito. As dificuldades farão com que uma decisão muito difícil seja feita.
Though the concert ended without incident, Riku was unable to perform in the encore due to an asthma attack. Fortunately, it doesn't affect the Zero Arena general manager's opinion of the concert, and IDOLiSH7 is officially offered an appearance at the inaugural concert. Mitsuki and Nagi are delighted, but there are reservations about whether or not the sickly Riku can continue acting as the center. Riku tries to act tough after his recovery, making Tsumugi wonder how to approach the situation. Meanwhile, she discusses a major decision with Iori.
Nach Rikus Asthma-Anfall machen sich alle Sorgen, dass er sich nun schwere Vorwürfe machen wird. Tsumugi fragt sich zudem, ob der Job vielleicht zu viel für ihn ist. Als sie sich mit Iori bespricht, hat sie einen drastischen Vorschlag …
Pendant que Riku se remet de ses émotions, le directeur de l'arène Zéro vient faire une proposition aux IDOLiSH7. Toutefois, beaucoup de gens s'interrogent sur la santé de Riku.