PENTA-B makes a head start and leads on the first few rounds, but you'll have to watch until the end to see who wins. CUBE Girls also show what they’ve got with their excellent Korean skills. Hyung Don makes everyone confused by distracting them.
어디서도 볼 수 없는 BTOB(은광, 프니엘) & 펜타곤(키노, 유토)의 새로운 유닛 ‘펜타비‘! 전 세계로 뻗어나가는 ‘대세 아이돌’, CLC(예은, SORN) & (여자)아이들(수진, 우기)이 떴다! 큐브 가문의 불꽃 튀는(?) 퀴즈 대결! 승자는 과연 누구!?