All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 The Purple Planet

    • November 3, 2018
    • Prime Video

    When Hyper Piper and friends meet with Principal Leadier, they learn realize that they must work together to solve a quest, which will lead them on an even greater adventure. Meanwhile, the Outer Planets Research Space Station (OPRSS) has an interesting discovery that will lead them on a special mission. Will Hyper Piper get to see her father, who is on the OPRSS? Will the kids work together?

  • S01E02 The Golden Gem

    • March 3, 2021
    • Prime Video

    Jared, a student intern on the Outer Planets Research Space Station (OPRSS), visits Hyper Piper's house with an important invitation for the kids to tour the space station. When Hyper Piper accidentally pushes a button on the tour, they are transported to another world. When they figure out which aliens they can trust, the kids use teamwork to complete one of Intergalactic Gloop's quests.