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All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Death Down Under

    • June 3, 2005
    • National Geographic

    An English tourist vanishes while sunbathing on Fraser Island, Australia. A month later, dingoes attack two boys, killing one of them. What is happening on this island down under?

  • S01E02 Predators in Paradise

    • National Geographic

    In parts of Florida, alligators are surging from waterways and ambushing people. Join our team of biologists, trauma physicians, and detectives as they investigate this disturbing outbreak of violence and explore details of alligator behavior.

  • S01E03 Mangrove Man-Eater

    • National Geographic

    In India, Bengal tigers stalk men in forest and spring upon fishermen as they ride the rivers. One tiger even has a target inside one of the local villages. Why are these wild tigers killing human beings?

  • S01E04 Kodiak Attack

    • National Geographic

    On Alaska's Kodiak Island, hunters and tourists are suddenly faced with what seem to be unusually aggressive bears.

  • S01E05 Stalked at Sea

    • National Geographic

    Examining attacks by great white sharks on humans in waters near South Africa.

  • S01E06 Tanzania Terror

    • National Geographic

    Exploring reasons why a single lion preyed on humans along the Rufiji River in southern Tanzania, killing 49 people between 2000 and 2002. During the killing spree he was dubbed “Osama.”

  • S01E07 The Silent Stalker

    • National Geographic
  • S01E08 Vanished

    • National Geographic

    An enormous saltwater crocodile attacks a group of tourists in the Australian outback. Why were these people swimming at night in croc-inhabited waters? Eyewitness accounts and forensic evidence yield disturbing answers

Season 2

  • S02E01 Kidnapped

    • National Geographic

    In a remote area of South Africa, a male baboon steals a baby from its bed. Why did this baboon take the child? Is this incident connected to the increasing conflicts between baboons and tourists in Cape Town?

  • S02E02 Shadow Stalkers

    • National Geographic
  • S02E03 Dolphin Attack

    • National Geographic

    Enters dolphins' complex world of sexual aggression and social hierarchy to find out what causes these seemingly harmless animals to attack.

  • S02E04 Ambush

    • National Geographic

    A rash of black bear attacks one Canadian summer has experts looking for answers. Through eyewitness accounts and detailed analysis of the attack scenes, we begin to piece together the puzzle. A bad berry crop the year after a drought is stressing the animals' food supply a spring hunting moratorium several years in a row has led to a surge in the number of young bruins an especially warm summer brings more people into bear country than ever before . But our investigation suggests a much more disturbing reason behind these attacksCould it be that some black bears have learned to see humans as prey?

  • S02E05 Shark Invasion

    • National Geographic

    Recife, Brazil, has miles of sandy beach, inviting waves, and the most shark attacks in the world. Investigators try to find out which ancient predator is the culprit, why the attacks began so suddenly, and what can be done to stop them.

  • S02E06 Danger in the Delta

    • August 6, 2006
    • National Geographic

    In the heart of southern Africa lies the Okavango Delta, filled with lush vegetation and home to many of Africa's spectacular big game animals. The beauty of the Delta draws visitors like Bruce and Janice Simpson who have chosen this exotic location for their honeymoon. But in the blink of an eye, their amazing experience takes a horrific turn when their canoe is attacked by a fierce and deadly foe. Why has this place, normally tranquil and beautiful, become the setting for this horrible encounter? What has attacked them, and will it attack again?

  • S02E07 Horns of Death

    • National Geographic

    On a cool July morning, in Tanzania's lush savannah, Bob Fontana shoulders his hunting rifle suddenly 2000 pounds of brute force bursts out of a nearby bush and tramples the man - its horns piercing the hunter's crumpled body. The culprit is legendary throughout Africa: The cape buffalo . But what has caused this normally placid grazer to attack a human? Chillingly, Fontana is not alone attacks by cape buffalo are occurring throughout the Dark Continent. But why?

  • S02E08 Cougar Island

    • National Geographic

    Cougar attacks on humans happen more often on Canada's Vancouver Island than anywhere else. What is making the cougars here so dangerous? Experts investigate six attacks, including one on a four-year-old girl.

  • S02E09 Gator Attack

    • National Geographic

    The American alligator is an efficient and opportunistic hunter, but seldom preys on humans. So when alligators attack three women in three different parts of Florida in one week, experts want to know why the hunter became the hunted.

Season 3

  • S03E01 Bear Man's Land

    • National Geographic

    Naturalist Vitaly Nikolaenko worked in close proximity to brown bears for 30 years -- until one viciously killed him. Could it have been a shortage of food or did Vitaly?s own actions spark the attack? NGC sheds light on what actually happened.

  • S03E02 Dragon King

    • National Geographic

    On a typical morning outside Komodo Village in eastern Indonesia, a young boy finds himself in a fight for his life with a famous and deadly foe. Komodo Dragons are the largest lizards in the world, growing over nine feet long. They are famed scavengers, able to find carrion as far as seven miles away, and, contrary to what scientists initially thought, the massive lizards are also fearsome predators. An international team of experts investigates the attack, and attempts to determine why humans have seemingly become the hunted.

  • S03E03 Ghosts of the Snow

    • National Geographic

    Russia's Far East is famous for its long and brutal winters, and the undisputed king of this frozen domain is the Siberian Tiger. Hunted almost to extinction, there are now only 500 of these elusive cats left in the wild , and they are spread out across almost 70,000 miles of wilderness . Incredibly stealthy with a killer camouflage, these tigers are rarely seen. But when a researcher is suddenly attacked in the vast frozen forest, Investigators are left scratching their heads. As the researcher battles for his life, our investigators analyze a rash of similar attacks in the area. What they discover only adds to the mystery. What is causing these normally elusive cats to come out of hiding and attack humans? And is the real predator the tiger or the man?

  • S03E04 Jungle Breakout

    • National Geographic

    In West Africa's Sierra Leone, a chimp charges a touring car, breaks a window and bites one of the passengers. What provoked such violent aggression?

  • S03E05 Rhino Showdown

    • National Geographic

    In South Africa, rhinos attack a group of tourists for no apparent reason. Are tourists unwittingly provoking these normally shy animals? If so, how?

  • S03E06 Victims of Venom

    • National Geographic

    Two talented snake handlers are bitten by cobras. The astounding story of how they were bitten -- and their struggles to survive -- unfolds in a tragic tale involving cobras, cameras, and contrasting cultures.

  • S03E07 Arctic Attack

    • National Geographic

    On Norway's Arctic island of Spitsbergen, less than a mile from a remote but busy town, two coeds hike under the midnight sun. But the dreamy, summer day turns into a nightmare when an enormous, white blur suddenly knocks one woman down, savaging here with it's enormous teeth and claws. Then, abruptly, the 600 - pound polar bear turns upon the second girl Critically injured, the first victim leaps from the sheer cliff face to avoid the ultimate fate of her companion -- and survives. Two other striking attacks lead investigators down a stunning trail of leads, where they discover the factors that reveal the cause of the animal's disturbing behavior. In each case, one small error that might have been ignored by healthy, calm and normal male bears might have been the catalyst for death. If we happen to meet these perfect hunters in their own kingdom, we must respect their complex, sensory world --or accept the risk of being the hunted.