Superfans Jadejha Edwards and "Jerzey" Jim Farell face off in transforming an ordinary vehicle into an extraordinary Hot Wheels™ showstopper, inspired by personal stories, interests and pop culture touchstones. Terry Crews serves as guest judge.
Superfans Sheilah Spencir and Kevin Lister face off in transforming an ordinary vehicle into an extraordinary Hot Wheels™ showstopper. Anthony Anderson comes along for the ride.
Superfans Rob Anders and Aldavid Jimerson face off in transforming an ordinary vehicle into an extraordinary Hot Wheels™ showstopper. Rutledge Wood hosts.
Superfans Felix Arguelles and Arushi Garg face off by transforming an ordinary vehicle into an extraordinary Hot Wheels (TM) showstopper. Fast & Furious' Sung Kang guest judges.
Superfans Caroline Johnson and Angela Arnold face off in transforming an ordinary vehicle into an extraordinary Hot Wheels (TM) showstopper, inspired by personal stories, interests and pop culture touchstones. Joel McHale serves as guest judge.