Kyoko Hori, the most popular girl in her class, dresses plainly at home and takes care of housework. One day, Izumi Miyamura, the class loner, discovers her secret when he escorts her younger brother, Sota, home from a nosebleed. Hori discovers that Miyamura wears piercings outside of school and has tattoos, but the two decide to keep each others' secrets and befriend each other as Miyamura continues to visit to play with Sota. Meanwhile, Toru Ishikawa, a classmate, befriends Miyamura in spite of his feelings for Hori and tells him that he plans on confessing to her. Miyamura puts distance between himself and Hori until she confronts him, upset that he had avoided her to protect her reputation. The two make up, with Hori explaining she rejected Ishikawa. As Miyamura recalls his dark past, for a class project, Hori, Ishikawa, and Yoshikawa form a group with him, and he realizes he has them to call his friends.
Kyoko Hori, a garota mais popular de sua turma, se veste com simplicidade em casa e cuida das tarefas domésticas. Um dia, Izumi Miyamura, o solitário da turma, descobre seu segredo ao acompanhar seu irmão mais novo, Sota, para casa após uma hemorragia nasal. Hori descobre que Miyamura usa piercings fora da escola e tem tatuagens, mas os dois decidem manter os segredos um do outro e fazer amizade enquanto Miyamura continua a visitá-lo para brincar com Sota.