Xiang Qian is the son of common workers while Xun Zhao is from a literary family. The two fall in love and decide to marry against Xun Zhao’s parents’ wishes. Xiang Qian, who has to rely on his own intelligence and hard work, spends all his time working in order to go up the ladder in a famous investment company. In the meanwhile, Xun Zhao has given up everything to become a housewife after their marriage, but can’t adapt to it. The relationship between Xiang Qian and Xun Zhao deteriorates more and more. When Xun Zhao gets diagnosed with depression, she is afraid of affecting their son Hao Han and thus decides to leave the family. After their divorce, Xiang Qian fails at work as well and has to pull through his son and himself without any money. Only when he meets Alisa, he finally faces himself and stands up again. Xun Zhao, on the other hand, wants to start life anew, but coincidentally becomes her ex-husband’s new girlfriend’s assistant.
向謙是普通工人的兒子,而荀荀則出身於文人世家。 兩人墜入愛河,違背趙尋父母的意願決定結婚。 靠著自己的聰明才智和努力工作的向謙,為了在一家著名的投資公司爬上梯子,把所有的時間都花在了工作上。 與此同時,趙尋在婚後放棄了一切去做家庭主婦,卻無法適應。 向謙和尋趙的關係越來越惡化。 趙尋得了抑鬱症,怕影響到兒子浩寒,決定離家出走。 離婚後,向謙也工作不順,一分錢也沒有,只能靠兒子和自己過日子。 直到遇到艾麗莎,他才終於面對自己,重新站了起來。 而趙尋想要重新開始生活,卻巧合成了前夫新女友的助理。