Home / Series / DEAR BOYS / Aired Order / Season 1 / Episode 3
Home / Series / DEAR BOYS / Absolute Order / Season 1 / Episode 3

The Practice Game Opponents Are...

The episode starts with a flashback showing how the star ace from Tendōji High's basketball team wound up at Mizuho. Basketball practice starts and once again the boys, barring Aikawa, don't show up. However the episode shows them all gathering things for basketball or practicing. The final day for the ban has come and Aikawa shows up to the gym to practice a little only to find Miura, Ishii, and Dobashi already there. When Aikawa comments on Fujiwara not being there and he is told that it's not a problem that he'll show up. The next day all five members of the boys' basketball team show up at practice. They play a brief game against the girls only to fail horribly showing that they don't play well together. In order to give them a little initiative coach Akiyoshi pits them against Narita high school in a practice match. The very same team whose coach is Shimojou, the previous captain of the boys' team.

English 日本語 español
  • Originally Aired April 21, 2003
  • Runtime 25 minutes
  • Network TV Tokyo
  • Created July 5, 2018 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified July 5, 2018 by
    Administrator admin
Name Type Role
Nobuaki Kishima Writer
Takao Yoshioka Writer
Susumu Kudo Director