Home / Series / 香港故事 / Aired Order / Season 23 / Episode 8

Saving lives

Hong Kong people’s awareness of the need to protect animals is on the rise. In our community there are many organisations and activists who race against time to save the lives of these small creatures and to fight for their right to life behind the scenes. Most animal rescue missions are carried out by the animal rescue team of the SPCA. They are on call 24 hours a day except when there is a black rainstorm warning or a number 8 typhoon signal. Once a call for help comes in the team will try to get to the scene as soon as possible to save the life of the animal at risk. Other than SPCA’s animal rescue team, activists in the community have organised themselves in protecting the rights of the animals. They are connected online to provide information on strays or animals that need help. There are also volunteers working with SPCA to help to collect stray cats and dogs for sterilisation. They take immediate action when reports come in about possible strays to prevent overpopulation. Some volunteers even provide a temporary home for the spayed cats until they are adopted. When asked why they work so hard for these animals, their answer is that all life is equally precious.

  • Originally Aired September 29, 2014
  • Network RTHK
  • Created June 15, 2020 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified June 15, 2020 by
    Administrator admin