Each plate of food is weighed to guarantee equal distribution; you never see the face of the person who distributes the food; 4 different menus subtly cater to inmates of different nationalities and religions- this is the little known world of cooking in a correctional institution. Chan Sau-mei is a catering instructor at the Lo Wu Correctional Institution. Her job is to instruct prisoners to prepare meals, which according to her are simple and healthy. Ah Fan was put to jail for 12 months faking marriage. She is young, despises labour work and worries that she will not make it in jail. Ah Heung was an owner of a Chinese restaurant, she was sentenced to 3 months for breaking the employment law. She lost her freedom but got a go at being a chef. This is no kitchen of a celebrity chef and does not boast exquisite culinary creations- but these characters will take us on a tour of this little known world.