Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show

Wayne Szalinski, the show's protagonist, is the husband of Diane and the father of Amy and Nick. The well-meaning Wayne constructs a variety of inventions, including the Shrink-Ray, Neuron Nudger and Brainiactivator among others, that create predicaments for his family. His wife, Diane Szalinski (Barbara Alyn Woods), is a lawyer. Diane supports Wayne and is very loving, but gets fed up with his antics. Amy Szalinski (Hillary Tuck) is the only daughter of the Szalinski's. She displays normal teenage angst, but comes to love her family more than anything else. Her younger brother, Nick (Thomas Dekker), is very much like his father. Nick likes to invent things and even looks like Wayne. He and Amy generally get along with each other.

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Season From To Episodes
All Seasons
Specials June 1989 March 1997 3
Season 1 September 1997 May 1998 22
Season 2 September 1998 June 1999 22
Season 3 September 1999 May 2000 22
Unassigned Episodes 0
Season From To Episodes
Unassigned Episodes 69
Absolute ordering places all episodes in a single ordered season. This is generally used for anime.
Season From To Episodes
Season 1 0
Unassigned Episodes 69
Name Number of Episodes Dates
Scott McGinnis 17 11/08/1997 - 05/06/2000
Kat Likkel 13 10/25/1997 - 05/06/2000
Ed Naha 12 09/26/1998 - 05/20/2000
Roger Reitzel 8 10/31/1998 - 05/20/2000
Adam Weissman 8 12/05/1998 - 01/29/2000
Peter Scolari 6 10/31/1998 - 05/20/2000
Francis Damberger 4 11/07/1998 - 02/05/2000
Tony Dow 3 11/22/1997 - 05/16/1998
Savage Steve Holland 3 10/25/1997 - 05/09/1998
Victoria Hochberg 2 04/02/1998 - 02/20/1999
David Grossman 2 09/27/1997 - 09/26/1998
Terry Ingram 2 11/06/1999 - 02/26/2000
Michael Lange 2 04/23/1998 - 10/10/1998
John Bell (XI) 2 11/21/1998 - 12/12/1998
Robert Ginty 2 11/01/1997 - 11/29/1997
Jonathan Hackett 1 05/29/1999
Randal Kleiser 1 07/17/1992
Damon Santostefano 1 11/15/1997
Bill Malone 1 10/11/1997
John Landis 1 09/25/1999
Chad Gottlieb 1 02/21/1998
Joe Johnston 1 06/23/1989
John Tindall 1 02/06/1999
Valerie Breiman 1 10/18/1997
Stuart Gordon 1 10/24/1998
Joey Travolta 1 01/15/2000
Dean Cundey 1 03/18/1997
Tom Spezialy 1 10/04/1997
Hayma Washington 1 04/24/1999
Name Number of Episodes Dates
Jim Lincoln 5 10/18/1997 - 04/02/1998
Edward Ferrara 5 09/27/1997 - 05/16/1998
Joe Reinkemeyer 4 11/29/1997 - 04/24/1999
Matt Kiene 4 11/29/1997 - 04/24/1999
Dan Studney 4 10/18/1997 - 04/02/1998
Kevin Murphy 3 09/27/1997 - 05/16/1998
Craig Volk 3 11/14/1998 - 11/06/1999
Josh Stolberg 2 10/11/1997 - 02/28/1998
Mark Fink 1 01/15/2000
Steve Chivers 1 05/22/1999
Bill Kenny 1 02/06/1999
Jordana Arkin 1 05/09/1998
Michael Franco (IV) 1 04/29/2000
Adam Campbell 1 11/07/1998
Gloria Ketterer 1 11/08/1997
Kari Lizer 1 12/15/1997
Sandy Gunter 1 12/19/1998
Annie deYoung 1 10/16/1999
Brenda Lilly 1 12/12/1998
Wendy Engelberg 1 09/25/1999
Jeff Vlaming 1 04/30/1998
Chris Black 1 10/04/1997
Patrick Towne 1 04/29/2000
Peter Mohan 1 02/05/2000
Sarit Catz 1 11/08/1997
Curt Shepard 1 05/22/1999
Michael Lato 1 02/06/1999
Amy Engelberg 1 09/25/1999
Mahatma K. Jeeves 1 05/13/2000
Max Enscoe 1 10/16/1999
John Hoberg 1 11/20/1999

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Honey I Shrunk the Kids Franchise

4 4 szsori

An inventor accidentally shrinks his own and his next door neighbor’s children to a quarter of an inch with his electromagnetic shrinking machine and accidentally throws them out with the trash, where they must venture into their backyard to return home while fending off insects and negotiating hazards.

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