While struggling against Shoushou, Houhou recalls Niken's words and begins her counterattack. Ouya and Shokatsu Sei's match is next. Shokatsu Sei has realized Ouya is a fangshi and Qimen Dunjia user like himself. During their match, Ouya encourages Shokatsu Sei to stop fighting and admit defeat, but...
Bao Bao doit finir son combat contre Xiao Xiao, mais elle a beaucoup de mal. Le combat suivant entre Ye Wang et Qing Zhuge s'annonce extraordinaire
Aunque no lo parezca a simple vista, Hoho es una guerrera de mucha fuerza y capacidad que esconde más de un truco que usar contra sus rivales, quienes harían bien en no subestimarla.
Com problemas ao enfrentar Shoushou, Houhou se lembra das palavras de Niken e começa o contra ataque.
Com problemas ao enfrentar Shoushou, Houhou se lembra das palavras de Niken e começa o contra ataque.