In NYC, the Notorious B.I.G. fosters an empowering protégée, Lil’ Kim. When the East-West feud claims Biggie, Puff Daddy and Jay-Z vie for the throne.
À New York, Notorious B.I.G. prend sous son aile la prometteuse Lil' Kim. Mais quand la querelle Est-Ouest rappelle son roi, Puff Daddy et Jay-Z se disputent le trône.
Em Nova Iorque, Notorious B.I.G. promove a sua protegida, Lil’ Kim. Quando a disputa Este-Oeste vitima Biggie, Puff Daddy e Jay-Z põem os olhos no trono.
Στη Νέα Υόρκη, ο Notorious BIG προωθεί μια ανερχόμενη προστατευόμενή του, τη Lil’ Kim. Ο Μπίγκι πέφτει θύμα της βεντέτας και τον θρόνο διεκδικούν ο Puff Daddy κι ο Jay-Z.
A New York, Notorious B.I.G. cura la relazione con Lil’ Kim, sua protetta. Quando Biggie cade vittima della faida tra East e West, Puff Daddy e Jay-Z mirano al trono.