남편이 횡령한 돈을 갚으라는 협박이 어어지고, 살인 전과자 도진우는 문영의 주변을 맴돈다. 문영은 자신이 모르는 음모가 있음을 확신하지만, 주변 사람 모두들 남편의 명예와 딸을 위해서 사건을 덮으라 충고하는데.
The threat to repay the money embezzled by her husband goes awry, and Do Jin-woo, a convicted murderer, hovers around Moon-young. Moon-young is convinced that there is a conspiracy that she doesn't know about, but everyone around her advises her to cover up the incident for the sake of her husband's honor and her daughter.