Today we build a new bulk storage system in the form of a new contraption and then proceed to learn all about armor stand knockback!
Today we find and fix all the technical problems with our armour stand golf game!!!
Today, Tango & I take a shot at completing The Hotswap Challenge!!! 2 Guys, 1 Lava Bucket and a whole cave crammed with monsters!!!
Today we get impulse to help us break through to the void! Then fall in a lot!
Why not have a free trickle of XP dripping into your base? Well, tough! It's my idea and I made it, get your own!
Today we fulfil our first voucher from Cub! And then play some golf for the very first time!!!
Today we start putting some baby zombies to work protecting our base! They aren't too cooperative though...
Today we officially connect up to the Nether but not just with one singular portal... but a 3D PORTAL ROOM to take us to ANYWHERE in the Cave of Contraptions!!!
Today we complete TWO contraptions, the Baby Zombie front door defence and the ONE PORTAL TO RULE THEM ALL (Except it's technically two)
Today we showcase the full 9 Hole Golf Course I've been working on behind the scenes!
Today, we begin work on the most ultimate over-engineered potion brewing system ever conceived!!!
Today we finish up and switch on the ComBREWter for the first time and watch the potions fly!
Today, we attempt our first run of Decked Out! How do we do? Do we live? I dunno, watch the video and find out!
Today, we make a suprisingly good 6x6 piston door in the top of The Cave of Contraptions! It's probably gonna kill someone someday.
Today, we head back into Decked Out and then get some serious work done on the Aquarium!!!
Today, we get back into the swing of things by finishing the aquarium with some rather pecky lights and wrap up the latest contraption!!!
Today we get buzzy building a big old drippy beehive farm thing!
Today we head to outer space (The End) to make a spacestation for PIGS!
Today we rip out the old farming area and start the brand new one!
Today we begin adding Minecart Chest storage to the Cave of Contraptions.. but how will we know what is inside?!?!
Today we return to the Snout Scout spacestation to help some more Piggies float around!!!
Today it blows up... And we make a mini tree farm and a pretty little farmy cave! :D
Today we take on Xisuma's Race Around the Base! We prepare the golf course foran upcoming tournament! And we add a little putting green to the Cave of Contraptions!
Today we move into Grian's Mansion and immeadiately get to work adding in a new contraption to make it feel more like home!
Today we build a contraption to help us get up in the morning!
Today we get back the Cave of Contraptions and add THREE contrpations, and remove two...
Today we make a very Zedaphy Front Door! By literally making it us...
Today we get the final preparations for the big Hermitcraft Golf Tournament, and then we finally fix that darn wrong side of the bed contraption...
Today we reduce the chicken population, store our memories and levitate a pig eternally!
Today we establish our very own Science Laboratory where we will be conducting all sorts of experiments!
Today we make our own lab-grown child and then trade with it!
Today we stumble through designing the ulrimate sheep based indicator wall, that is also a terrible sheep farm!!!
Today we build and test our Hermit Test Chamber! Starting with Tango, we delve into the deepest, weirdest corners of his mind and see what he does in odd scenarios!
Today we design a single-buttoned, zombie-or-no-zombie system to help us cure our villager babies into cheaper prices!
Today we work on THREE projects around the base including stopping a door slamming in my face, unleash the undead on my precious villagers and then get anti-gravity food tubes wiggling around the entire base!
Today we carefully delve as deep as we dare into the mind of Mr BdoubleO!!!
Babies, who needs um... am I right? Stick them in a centrifuge until they grow up! Problem solved!
Today, we build a brand new EXPERIMENT in the lab! The Mitey Maze finally answers the age old question "how long does it take an endermite to accidently walk through a maze?"
Today we let Impulse run around the Mitey Maze & then work on our short, but oh-so-sweet nether tunnel to the base!
Today we are back to work on the villager trading tower experiment, this time adding all the ways to hire and fire to our hearts content!
Today we put VintageBeef in THE CHAMBER and bombard him with weird challenges, just to see what his brain does! For SCIENCE, of course.
Today I showcase and start work on my concept for THE COMBREWTER 2.0 Potion Brewing System! Now with Extra Flingyness!!!
Today we complete The ComBREWter 2.0 in all its glory! It flings, it brews, it even gets Mumbo Jumbo's stamp of approval!
Today we complete the villager-making, carrot-to-emerald-converting, circle of life skyscraper!
Today, it's the turn of Mr @Mumbo Jumbo to have his brain poked and proded in THE CHAMBER!
Today we add a rather useful experiment to the lab in the form of The Arm That Farms!!!
Today science bites me in the butt and we wind up in The Chamber ourselves! With @BdoubleO100, @Tango Tek, @VintageBeef & @Mumbo Jumbo experimenting on us!
Today we check out EVERYTHING the Science Lab has to offer!
After surviving (mostly) and montaging away the early game, we get knee-deep into our plans for custom advancement glory!!!
We begin a whole range of new Zedvancements and make some progress on our main soon-to-be-trophy-filled base!
Today, we start the Hall of All and the Mob Mobile at the main base! With the "help" of some Hermits. All the things! XD
Today, we attempt to achieve the LONGEST death message possible in minecraft! And we get @GoodTimesWithScar to help us... with his face!
Today, we spy on @GeminiTay, @Keralis & @PearlescentMoon for our latest Zedvancement! We also make some great base progress!!!
Today, with the help of @BdoubleO100, we attempt to build the largest stack of mobs we can! Entity, riding enitity, riding enitity, riding enitity, riding enitity, riding enitity, riding enitity, riding enitity...
Today we aim to shoot an arrow through all THREE dimensions and into our face!
Today with the help of @impulseSV, we finally get a full set of the BEST worst gear ever! And then we test it out against good stuff!
Today we put Diamond Blocks on the line to see if @xisumavoid, @VintageBeef & @Tango Tek can bring us any new items for the 90% full Hall of All. And we start a new Zedvancement! Catching pumpkin-buying, globetrotting villagers!
Today we strike and convert 4 mobs with a single lightning strike all at the same time! And we do some sneaky spying on @ZombieCleo & @xBCrafted!
Today we design our official nether portal tunnel room, adorned with Nethery Zedvancements! Including the best butt sliding device known to mankind! Then we "have words" with @Tango Tek for being a cheeky bum.
Today, with the help of @rendog, we attempt a new Zedvancement of getting every record disc in a single explosion!!!
Today we get arrowed A LOT! With some help from @xisumavoid we build a huge wall of arrow dispensers!!!
Today, we start a HUGE base expansion! And then amaze some hermits by catching arrows in our teeth!
Today we Sneaky Spy on unsuspecting Hermits without getting caught! With our good friend @Keralis to help and distract!
How fast can you get 100 levels, starting with nothing? I think we get the world record for fastest ever!!!
Let's try to get struck by lightning in the void and die like no-one ever has before!!!! (I hope)
Today we pick up our trusty spyglass and try to spy on some more unknowing Hermits!
With @Pixlriffs by my side, we attempt to make the LONGEST Pig Chain EVER!
Deepslate Emerald Ore could be ours IF we can conqour cubfan's incredibly clever puzzle rooms!
Today we attempt to make creepers into musical instruments! EthosLab provides a wonderful note block rendition of the 1812 Overture by Tchaikovsky! Boom!
Today we do some dangling and then head to the TCG final to do some spying!
Today we look into the quirky world of respawn mechanics and build ourselves the ultimate speedy death loop machine!!!
Today we embark on a quest for the weird and the wonderful. Including a full-fledged custom mega egg hunt from Grian!
Today, we see how 1.20 has affected our Zedvancements and then get legit killed by a snow golem!
Today we explore and attempt to play every music disc at the same time!
Today the Aerial Sheep Service are back! Zed & TangoTek attempt their greatest feat yet... Their usual job that they are supposed to be able to do all the time anyway...
We need the slowest ever HORSE! @bdoubleo to the rescue! But only after making the shopping district nice and loud with the sounds of the cacophony!
We spy on the Decked Out 2 opening! And then have our first runs!
Today we experience crazy Decked Out runs! And we tackle our suprisingly hard zedvancement of dying to everything possible with impulseSV!
Today we use THREE tokens to bring Mr TangoTekLP himself, into Decked Out with us!
Today we prepare to fall over 4500 blocks and survive to tell the tale!
Today, with bdoubleo, we ride the WORLDS SLOWEST HORSE!
Today we build an army of Zed Clones to hide in, whilst spying on some Hermits!
Today, we look at the 25 crazy Zedvancements we managed to conquer!
Revealing our Season 10 Theme, Survival: Gamified! And attempt to survive with NO HOTBAR! We start our base and meet some people!
Making a Minigame with a very fussy, explosive furnace as our first "Survival: Gamified" game!
Zedaph, Impulse, Tango & Skizzleman! That is all.
Mumbo joins us to test our new elevators, in a race to the top of the ravine!
Let's talk Gaming District! Can we make this the best one ever???
Today we recieve a postbox, turn our enchanting table into a wacky minigame and find out which shopping permits we get!
Let's attempt to lock down 2 blaze spawners to turn into a farm!!!
Dripstone farming has never been so deadly! Etho helps us test our new farm. inspired by Indiana Jones!
We build a special Chicken Jockey Farm specifically to get Villagers that ride Chickens!!!
We build a better Chicken Jockey farm to increase our rates. We start work on our duel portal nether link. And we finally get some stuff up for sale!
Dual Blaze Spawners shouldn't be that hard to tame... right? RIGHT?!
My base is now super maneuverable, with things that kick you about! Then, we teach Skizz how to fly foxes with hilarious results...
We make our own version of Whack-a-Mole, but with Sheep... and waxing!
We try End Raiding with Beef, but we can only use TNT! Is this a bad idea or is this a bad idea?!
Zedaph, Impulse & Tango get flying some Dolphins!
The Void is so useful! And so scary! Tango and I being our secret passage to link our bases!
Creepers playing Spleef??? Sure, why not!
All the Chicken Villagers!!! We also decorate and play Creeper Spleef with the ZITS!
Counting items and a brand new shop that you HAVE to be on fire to enter!
Potion Brewing: Gamified! With the start of our new ComBREWter!!!
Our ridiculous potion brewer minigame is complete! And GeminiTay is the scientist to help me test it!
Zedaph hosts the first episode of the silliest, sheepiest gameshow around! Contestants: GeminiTayMC, BdoubleO100 & SmallishBeans. Ep 2: Friday 29th November Ep 3: Monday 2nd December Finale: Friday 6th December
Zedaph hosts the second episode of the silliest, sheepiest gameshow around! Contestants: Keralis, PearlescentMoon & Mumbo Jumbo
Zedaph hosts the penultimate episode of the silliest, sheepiest gameshow around! Contestants: impulsesv, tangotek & skizzleman
Zedaph hosts the FINALE of the silliest, sheepiest gameshow around! Contestants: Skizzleman, Keralis & GeminiTay
Zed answers your questions about the gameshow and gives a retrospective on the whole project! Ep 1: Ep 2: Ep 3: Finale:
Outtakes, bloopers & behind the scenes giggles from throughout the entire season of Is That Sheep Looking At Me?!!!
My Villagers riding Chickens have just got even easier to use! Plus, GoodTimesWithScar can maybe have one too!!! Season 10, Episode 17. #Zedaph #Minecraft #Hermitcraft