In this episode, we take a step into the infinity portal in hopes of arriving in season 7 of Hermitcraft! Once there, we work to find riches and survive and thrive.
In this episode, we make the layout of our future base, make a magical portal to get above the nether easily and plan our first major farm.
In this episode, we gear up to take on an ocean monument and then we attempt to take down all 3 Elder Guardians without dying!
In this episode, we clear out the ocean monument, then have visitors stop by my base to make some deals. We finish the episode by discovering a new way to make a guardian farm with minimal effort!
In this episode, we begin to move from our starter base into our permanent base for season 7. We also figure out how to break through the bedrock ceiling of the nether and decide to offer bedrock removal as a business in the shopping district.
In this episode, we construct the pillars to support the foundation of our ocean base and then figure out a way to get easy quartz!
In this episode, we open our first shop selling Prismarine and Sea Lanterns and then begin construction on our mega base!
In this episode, we get our category sorting system up and running and then focus on the collection of all the guardian drops we are getting from our amazing guardian farm!
In this episode, we deliver "free samples" from the emerald and totem shop to all the Hermits on the server. Then we build a mega kelp farm to fuel our new furnace array system.
In this episode, more progress on the base is made inside and out and we fix a few minor issues that were preventing us from getting the full benefits of our farms.
In this episode, we build The Phineas Machine and The Boomers receive our first customer!
In this episode, we get our automatic storage sorting system up and running, do some pickle magic, and show of an amazing wool farm that Tango and I have been working on during streams for the past 3 weeks!
In this episode, we make some major progress on the base including adding a whole new color to the palette. Then the Boomers get to work on our first official job!
In this episode, xBCrafted hires us to deliver some guardians to his base and we find out if our new goods for redstone shop is making any business.
In this episode, we attempt Iskall's 2,000 Diamond challenge and then construct a mega ice farm!
In this episode, we prepare for a mega ice farm AFK session by getting villagers to trade us amazing diamond pickaxes for only 1 emerald!
In this episode, we see how much Ice our new farm produces in one AFK session and then build an amazingly simple and productive wither skeleton farm!
n this episode, we get the guardian farm back up and running since the 1.16 update and also fix our wither rose farm by converting it to a newer, safer, and more efficient design!
In this episode, we make some major upgrades to the wither skelly farm, take care of an unusual bedrock breaking request for Zedaph, and construct a new shop selling beacons!
In this episode, we discover how profitable the beacon business is, strike up a new partnership with BdoubleO, and upgrade to netherite everything!
In this episode, we check out the new shop designed by Bdubs only to find out he's wanting to sell more than we were ready for!
In this episode, we finally meet up with Iskall to find out what his bedrock breaking order is all about. Then we begin working some more on Phase 2 of our base.
In this episode, we make some major progress on the upper level of my base as well as the chorus farms and then we construct a Hero of the Village Farm that produces 77 different items!
In this episode, we tackle Iskall's enormous bedrock breaking job, finish off the raid farm with storage, and increased the rates of the hero of the village farm.
In this episode, we build up the greenhouse on top of our base, then take on iJevin in an epic match of Xisuma's mini-game "Stand Off"
In this episode, we finish the flooring on the interior of the base then build a brand new mini-game in the Netherlands using some cool armor stand magic!
In this episode, we finish our new mini-game complete with prize redemption and then go in search of Iskall's treasures!
In this episode, we get redemption at Iskall's Treasure Island, get our hands on a Pigstep Disc, and take on not one but two new farms decided by the Phineas Machine!
We are finally back after IRL stole all my time from me only to discover chaos in the shopping district! After restocking the Beacons at Lamps Plus, I decide to let all the Hermits know we had stock once again in a very generous way.
In this episode, we make a "Bad Omen" farm in order to easily kick-off our pillager/hero of the village farm. Then we go inside Tango's new Decked Out game looking for loot and artifacts and have a few run-ins with some ravagers!
In this episode, we get started on the landscaping for the greenhouse section of our base. While gathering materials, we discover the secret lair of the Mycelium Resistance. We also find a few keys to decked out and make an artifact trade with Joe that gives us the lead score in Decked Out!
In this episode, we decide to join the Mycelium Resistance and make our first contribution by constructing a mega mycelium farm. Then we team up with Tango to build the best road in the shopping district!
In this episode, we find some Decked Out keys, dominate Xisuma's Chicken game, get bold at the silent auction, and get our hands on some new Decked Out Artifacts!
In this episode, the Mycelium Resistance is officially formed and we scout a location for our secret headquarters. A plan is formed and Grian instructs me that much mycelium is needed so I spring into action and gather a huge amount!
We formulate a new diversionary tactic. We spread the word that MumboJumbo is the true leader of the Mycelium Resistance! We also make a replica HQ that we can use to spread false information to the anti-resistors.
In this episode, we show Grian our decoy HQ, find out if False takes the bait, and then we get our prize for participating in the Shopping District Road Competition.
In this episode, @Tango Tek and I team up to build a special house in the shopping district for Halloween. Inside, the Hermits will have a chance to get a special treat or will get tricked into playing a frantic puzzle game of crafting in order to save their own life.
The real story behind how Scar and Bdubs found the Mycelium HQ is revealed!
In this episode, I get de-spookified, finish the facade of the cow farm, and then link all the farms in my industrial farming area to a mega centralized storage system complete with auto sorting of items!
In this episode, I give our new industrial storage system a fancy building, strike a deal with Xisuma to upgrade my double blaze farm, and get together with Etho and Grian to leave some LOLS for the HEP. Yep, it's all about the LOLS now :P
In this episode, Grian, Etho, and I get together to infiltrate the HEP Factory and take back our mycelium.
In this episode, the Mycelium HQ is found by the HEP forcing the resistance to regroup and cover half the shopping district with the mycelium we managed to grab as our base was infiltrated. I then reveal some of the resistance's biggest secrets before constructing a new tunnel in the nether to the hub and making more progress at the industrial farming area.
In this episode, we finish the nether hub connection to my base, make a deal with Grian, summon the GOAT Docm77 to help the Mycelium Resistance, AND compete in Grian's amazing barge quest for epic prizes!
In this episode, I blow up the upper part of my base to make way for an upcoming transformation. I move Guardian Goodies into the barge and set up a prank for HEP.
In this episode, I begin "Phase 2, 2.0" by finishing the exterior of the pyramid and adding a new structure to the outer circle. Ren and I meet up to split our Barge Quest winnings and the Resistance is captured by the HEP!
In this episode, I begin on my mini-game for the Mycelium Resistance vs. HEP contest. We get deep into some redstone and make a working whack-a-mole style game using armor stands!
In this episode, I give the outer ring of my base some support and make the spokes much cooler. I also install a system under town hall that will let the Hermits repair their gear whenever they want...for free!
In this episode, I finally get around to fixing my multi-item sorting system, get some super cheap villager trades for bottle o' enchanting, and then we go head to head against Bdubs in Grian's mini-game as part of the Turf War contest.
With H.E.P. leading the Turf War 2-0 can the Mycelium Resistance make a comeback? It's time to find out once and for all who the winner of the Turf War is.
In this episode, we complete the exterior of the base and then turn our focus to the interior. With a lot of design decisions to be made, we take some time to think while building up a super simple hoglin farm.
In this episode, we make a major decision about what to do with the basement of our base and begin some mega farms!
In this episode, we add a pumpkin and slime farm to the "base"-ment and discover some shenanigans that have been going on in our base before striking up a deal with Cubfan135 for some bulk prismarine sales.
In this episode, we discover Grian's secret base in my base and then decide that two can play at this game, except we can keep our secret base a secret ;)
In this episode, we find out our storage system isn't going to work out and devise a new plan. Then we build two new farms under the base including an iron farm and a hostile mob farm!
In this episode, we get a visit from @ZedaphPlays and have a little fun with some TNT. Then we reveal where our secret base was actually built and find the location of Grian's real secret base.
In this episode, we finish our secret base and continue to work on our under the base farming area before running into @iskall85​ in the shopping district who has the same concern I do about what the mysterious countdown timer could mean.
In this episode, we save DocM77, finish the bunker, save our valuables, make progress on the cactus farm, discover what the HCBBS actually is, and the Secret Base Bros have a new plan! Jam-packed episode!
In this episode, we get a tour of Stress' base and move on in. Then we strike up a deal with VintageBeef to install a drumset in her base and I create some funky beats using noteblocks.
In this episode, we do our first prank for the Cleo Games by flipping the half mansion horizontally then get a brand new look from Bdubs.
In this episode, we decide to ramp things up in the Cleo Games and bring a number of things from the city down into the sewer in hopes of winning. We also find out if we won a bid for a building Aque Town!
In this episode, we make some rocking changes to our new base, setup a trap in Cleo's base, and finished the floors of 15 Shades Tower.
In this episode, I show Stress my rockstar base and we decide it might be best to swap back. Once I'm back in my old base, I realize we have a lot of work to do so we get after it!
In this episode, I meet up with the Sewer Cats to find out who is the winner of the Cleo/Keralis Games. Then we meet up with Bdubs to fix my fading hair dye. I make a discovery that Xisuma might make a build blocking my view to my base so I decide to do something about it.
In this episode, I make some drastic changes to the interior of my base and make a great deal with Xisuma.
In this episode, I construct a gigantic ice fortress after finishing my mega ice farm! If you enjoyed the episode please leave a like!
In this episode, I begin work on the basement under the ice fortress with an amazing floor pattern and then meet up with @Grian​ to make some plans for the HCBBS (Hermitcraft Big Barge Sweep).
In this episode, I finish my portion of the track for the HCBBS (Hermitcraft Big Barge Sweep) which includes bouncing the players all around and shooting them up into the sky as part of the ride. Then we install the cart launcher and make a propper entrance to the Ice Fortress basement.
In this episode, we finish up the HCBBS track and then do so work on the Ice Fortress including installing two new farms!
In this episode, the HCBBS is open for business so we add some new goods to purchase at Impulse Buys at the end of the ride. Then we meet up with Tango and 6 other Hermits to play his amazing Among Us game!
In this episode, we add our face to Mt. Scar, finish the Ice Fortress and start a new HCBBS.
Today we gather some resources, build a starter base, get some diamonds, and make friends for life in a Botem Pole
Today we make a honey and honeycomb farm, discover a magical pig, tear down Pearl's base, make a boatem hole, and create a new ride in Boatem Town. It's a busy one!
Today we start a slime farm, build a hostile mob farm, break some bedrock, kill the dragon, and get our wings! Another busy one!
Today we build a sugarcane farm, do some end busting, and open a new shop!
Today we discover the fastest way to kill a wither using dripstone! Also we open a new shop with the best shop name yet.
Today we contruct an amazing Gold and XP farm, make horses fly, and consider making a new club on the server.
Today we fix our iron farm, then make an amazing piglin bartering farm, and finally meet up with Welsknight to start a new club!
Today we open another shop in the sky, search for the dragon egg, and meet up with Wels to check on the progress of the YWC airport.
Today we construct a chicken-powered wither rose farm and then build up the YWC Clubhouse with Welsknight before opening the sign-ups for members.
Today we start planning our mega base build and claim a massive area for it. Then things get a little out of hand with messing around with end crystals with Grian and Mumbo before I get fully geared up with netherite armor.
Today we begin building our mega base!
Today we build up the fence around the factory and build up a courtyard complete with two garages!
Today we explore the island via horse, build up even more of the megabase, and take on a wither boss out in the open!
Today we make shady deals, build up even more of the megabase, and then wrangle up a few mobs to be employees in the Yes Wings Club!
Today we find and hide the TEGG using redstone, put some finishing touches on the YWC, set some Boatem goals, and take our base to the sky. Action-packed episode!
Today we build op even more of our megabase before discovering the TEGG has been found and Zedaph has issued a challenge to the Yes Wings Club!
Today we build an automated sorting system and super cool storage room. Then we break some bedrock and increase the size of the Boatem Hole before having a crazy meeting to establish roles for Boatem Inc.
Today we try to convince Scar to build his megabase by us before running into some bad luck in the nether and then building an infinite wood generator.
Today we construct an infinite bone meal farm, duel with Cubfan, move our base, and start a new shop. All the things!
Today we begin working on the interior of the factory and make our first attempt at making an "iDimpy Bar". Oh, and also another crazy Boatem meeting happened
Today we bid on some IOUs before having Pearl taste-test our latest attempt at making an iDimpy bar. Then we finally complete our multi-item storage system!
Today we complete our storage system before visiting Zedaph for one of his wacky experiments. Then we run into Scar who has a need for some moss.
Today we finally get the secret recipe for iDimpy Bars correct and then open a new Boatem Inc. Shop selling everything I can get my hands on!
I put a LOT of effort into this episode so please consider tapping that like button if you enjoy it
Today we hire GeminiTay to make a custom candy tree before creating a super-fast kelp farm and connecting it to a massive furnace array to give us an infinite fuel source using dried kelp blocks.
Today we receive a gift from Charlie and construct new iDimpy Bar delivery trucks delivering some goodies to iCandy.
Today we work on the back of the giga-base by building two more buildings and a giant smoke stack!
Today we finish the cactus farm and give it a fun ride before sending it to storage. Then we help Mumbo test his thought machine before doing some aggressive marketing with Grian and Pearl.
Today we finally connect our giga-base factory to the Boatem giga-base. But first, we get pranked by Tango, and then Boatem strikes back!
Today we complete a bamboo farm inside our factory before meeting up with the Boatem peeps discovering a very deadly retaliation prank set up by the Big Eyes crew.
Today we catch a few shulkers and bring the to the factory to create a new levitation game!
Today we finish our levitation game and get our first contestant. Will Cubfan make it through the top!?
Today we finish the interior of the Phantom Sanctuary and then have a surprise visit from an old friend.
Today we trust in an old friend to help us save the factory from impending doom.
Season 9 has begun and this episode is packed with adventure, mob farming, and the best starter base I've ever designed!
We jump right into our first shop offering up enchantments to all the Hermits. Let's see if we can make some diamonds!
Our "iEnchant" business is booming and in order to fulfill the orders, I need to make a villager trading hall and then realize that we also need to construct a raid farm to get the XP and emeralds we need for the book enchantments.
It's time to expand the business to sell enchanted books! The villager grind is real but we've managed to get every tradable enchanted book in the game and have put them on sale in our shop. Time to get rich!
Today we team up with Pearl and Gem to go hunting for our first pair of elytra wings! We also strike up a deal with Beef and build up a wither rose farm with Tango.
Today we do a custom iEnchant order for Bdubs before building a new shop that is sure to make us super-rich. Then we start preparation for a huge project with Tango!
Today we make some progress on the wither skull farm before starting a brand new modern/futuristic industrial district with a mega sugarcane farm!
Today is prank day. We discover a prank and then make one of our own. Find out who my "Secret Fool" is!
Today we get a tour of the new interior of iEmMortal done by Bdubs and then Tango and I get together to build the biggest wither skelly farm in the history of Hermitcraft!
Today we open a new shop, do some redstone for Gem, enter an Easter Egg hunt, get some netherite, and finally pick a location for this season's mega base!
Today we finish the sugarcane/bamboo farm and exterior before hiding easter eggs and then making an amazing discovery hidden within our mountain!
Today we hunt for Easter eggs before before building the entrance to "The Impyre" and our Dwarven Keep in the mountain.
The entrance to the Impyre just wasn't quite right so let's try this again but even bigger this time!
After some terraforming advice from Scar and some shenanigans with the Soup Trio, we start digging out the inside of the mountain to begin forming our base. Diggy, diggy time!
After testing out the best worst gear we made for Zedaph, I decide it's time to open a new shop that will brighten the lives of all Hermits.
After making the map art for the iLuminate shop, we design the showroom floor with many different lamp designs. Then we join forces with xBCrafted and Cubfan to win the diamond pillar race before constructing two new guardians outside the Impyre.
After doing a little lag-busting at spawn, I meet up with the Diamond Block Bearded Bros for some shenanigans and finally start mapping out one of the biggest projects of the season.
Today we tackle a farm I've been too scared to tackle in the past...a shulker farm!
In this episode, we open a new shop, expand our dwarven keep, and the diamond pillar war comes to a conclusion.
In this episode, we try a new method for hollowing out the dwarven keep and discover the most cursed ocean monument ever! Then we discover the stock at iTrade is running low so we build a new redstone-powered villager trading hall.
In this episode, we begin constructing the inside of the dwarven keep. Many hours went into this episode so please consider hitting that like button! ????
In this episode, we use the AI of the Blaze against them and make a double blaze spawner farm. We also make a chorus fruit farm so we can begin production of end rods! Oh, and Ren is now the king.
In this episode, Hermitcraft is finally updated to 1.19 so we can make a frog light farm and stock iLuminate. But first, Grian whacks us with the Dare Stick which results in some Warden chaos!
In this episode, I team up with Pearl and Gem on an adventure to find some Swift Sneak III books inside an ancient city. I then decide to do some looting on my own after setting up a mechanism to prevent wardens from spawning at all!
In this episode, we challenge a new hermit to a dare before getting distracted by the king's quests.
In this episode, we finish the design of our storage room using mud! Then we build up an allay-powered wheat farm and mud-making machine.
In this episode, we begin the construction of a MEGA Shop that we will use to sell almost every item in the game. Then we get up to some shenanigans with Zedaph and GeminiTay while completing some more of the king's quests.
In this episode, we build up more of the MEGA Shop before heading to the industrial area to begin inter-connecting our farms.
In this episode, we decide that in order to continue the construction of our Mega Shop, we're going to need a Bee Nest farm. Once, we collect the materials, we make significant progress on the build before checking in with the Arch of Champions and passing off the dare stick.
In this episode, we discover and take on a couple new priority quests before completing the ceiling in the dwarven keep. We then turn to Grian's content generator to give us something to do next episode.
In this episode, we team up with the soup trio to formulate a plan to remove the king's claim to the throne before finishing the exterior to iBuy.
In this episode, we double our villager trading setup before discovering our iBuy shop has been defaced by Ren's minions. Time to get the soup group together and enlist Grian's help for some payback!
In this episode, we are back from an IRL family vacation and greeted with a quest for riches. We then build a new mini-game for the Hermitcraft Charity live stream on October 23 at 11:00am PDT / 2:00pm EDT.
In this episode, the soup group unites to take down the king once and for all!
In this episode, we step into the rift and end up in a very odd place.
In this episode, we find the rarest ore in Minecraft, join a club, steal a god's gold, and then begin to build up the Hermit Industrial Empire.
In this episode, Grian and I get some villager trading started and begin to frame out Hermitopia. Then I solve our emerald shortage by building a super productive raid farm.
In this episode, we solve our beacon problem by teaming up with Jevin and Tango to take on a witherboss before designing a custom concrete maker for Hermitopia.
n this episode, we try out fWhip's Elytra Course resulting in getting tagged so we quickly find a new victim to pass it onto.
Everything is done. Almost. I still need my beard back and should probably train the Empires peeps on how to use my farms. After that, I'm ready to go home.
Grumbot has opened the rift! Let's go home and get back to work on Hermitcraft.
Our first product is for sale inside of iBuy and we've already got plans for 2 more. Oli (OrionSounds) stops by to ask for help on a redstone project before we discover our Secret Santa gift and deliver ours!
Today we spend 15 hours flattening the Industrial District in order to turn it into a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) before adding two new farms to it.
Today we build the entrance to the Dwarven Keep and finish relocating our Shulker Shell Shop into iBuy. Help name the Shulker Shell Shop!
Today we build the redstone elevator in iBuy so we can start building shops on the upper floors before constructing a tunnel in the nether to get to the industrial district and raid farm.
Today we make a storage system at our Industrial District that can store over 6 million items!
Today we make more progress in the Industrial Area before cleaning up some eyesores in the Dwarven Keep. Then we face JoeHillsTSD in an epic game of TCG!
Today we finish the 2nd floor of iBuy before playing "Let's Make A Deal" with Gem. Then we start laying the foundation for the plans beneath the keep.
Today we add another shop to iBuy before finishing the walls of the Keep and adding our first bridges below.
Today we dig out over 93 thousand blocks to make an epic slime farm!
Today we constuct floor 3 of iBuy and partner with Xisuma to sell his goods. Then we do a quick check of our shop profits before pranking our neighbors.
Today we fix our storage system by replacing it with the new and improved "Recategorizer" which means a complete redesign of the entire room. The good news is I'm finally organized properly. Only took 55 episodes.
Today we build a custom AFK-able mud and clay in the industrial district before discovering a new prank left in our base. Then we have a little intervention with Grian about the back side of his base.
Gem and I decide Grian needs a little extra motivation to finish his base in the form of a TNT dropper on a timer over his base. While we wait to see if he's going to get the job done in time, I begin working on the Dwarven mine and warehouse wing of the keep.
In this episode, we continue working on the warehouse section of the dwarven keep but manage to take some time out of building to hangout with our friends and play some mini-games.
In this episode, we add a new 2-in-1 Iron Farm and Villager Breeder to the Industrial District before finishing the warehouse wing of the dwarven keep.
In this episode, we add an emergency exit to iBuy and attempt to get a crown from the button before trying to set a record on False's elytra course.
In this episode, we ramp up our bamboo production in preparation for the 1.20 update and put it up for sale inside of iBuy.
In this episode, we get together with Cub, False, and Doc to wrangle a ghast and then try our hand at Bdub's Horse Pop game before making some special deliveries to all the Hermits.
I'm back from vacation and we have some catching up to do now that Hermitcraft is updated to 1.20!
In this episode, we start to build the forge wing in the dwarven keep before discovering the chaos that has ensued in the form of a prank war between Doc/Ren and Grian/Mumbo/Scar. Should we get involved?
n this episode, we finish the forge wing of the dwarven keep before learning about a new job opening in Scarland. Let's apply for the job and show Scar what we can do!
n this episode, we introduce you to "Paul" and then Scar offers us the job in Scarland so it's time to make a super cool turnstile for the park!
After helping cover the perimeter, we show Scar how the new Scarland turnstiles work. We then begin working on bringing more life to Scarland and start designing our office.
Today we finish decorating our office in Scarland and then connect the Dwarven Keep to Gems base before playing Xisuma's "Tunnel Rats" and Cleo's "Clocktower" social deduction game with the other Hermits.
Our ticket takers costumes have arrived at Scarland and then Decked Out 2 opens its dungeon and I attempt a couple epic runs.
Decked Out Phase 2 begins and Zedaph needs some help succumbing to some hostile mobs.
Let's bring some life to Main Street in Scarland and then do some Decked Out Phase 3 runs.
Written and Performed by impulseSV Remixed by elybeatmaker Animation by th3pooka Lyrics: Yo, gather 'round, it's time to drop some bars, I'll introduce you to the Hermitcraft stars. They be building, and crafting, and mining so deep, In the world of Minecraft, this is where the legends creep. Grian’s, the prankster with tricks up his sleeve, Pearl’s an artist who will make you believe. With MumboJumbo, automation is his game, Scar’s landscaping should be in the hall o fame. Iskall85, diamonds be his best friend, And FalseSymmetry, building wonders to no end. Keralis, the architect with mad skills, Stress in the house, bringing chaos and thrills. Hermitcraft fam, they be holding it down, Building up this server and running the town. From the nether to the end, they be grinding all day, The Hermitcraft crew is making their own way. Hermitcraft, a place of endless fun, A community where friendships are spun, From Bdubs to Xisuma's you know this is the place, Together...
As Season 9 comes to an end, let's take a look back at all we accomplished and remember the good times we've had together!
Season 10 Begins! Two new members join Hermitcraft so let's show them a good time.
After helping Skizzleman set up a trap for Demise II, I begin the construction of the very first building in the cyberpunk city!
First, we build a few personal farms then, we launch Hermits into space, and then, we make our first cyberpunk shop! Season 10 is fun!
It's time to make a proper storage system and secure the goods inside. But first Skizz and I helped out Grian and Joel after their demise trap did a little more damage than they anticipated.
Skizz and I decided to make XP banks for the mountain crew which means...we need some massive farms! We also find out what the deal with the shopping district this season is going to be.
After cyberpunking our vault door out, we get some much-needed upgrades and learn how to use our new mail system!
We need quartz! So of course that means we need to build a gold farm.
It's time to do some city planning! Today, we flatten the terrain of the cyberpunk city and layout the roads.
In this episode, we open a pop-up shop for our quartz permit and then finish the record shop and xp bank market stalls in the cyberpunk city.
In this episode, we add a few more buildings on Market Street, make a new permit deal with Scar, and get rich again.
n this episode, we give the cyberpunk city a source of energy while learning some building techniques from Bdubs, AdieCraft, and SirDerpol.
In this episode, we get together with Skizz and finally finish connecting up the XP ATMs on Market Street and then amp up our quartz production by bringing some villagers into the mix.
In this episode, we turn our temporary quartz shop into a permanent shop and then discover a much easier way to use custom audio to prank the Hermits.
In this episode, we reveal the BIG plan for the Cyberpunk City and begin a new underground Metro Station before trolling our neighbor Skizz a bit.
In this episode, we finish the metro entrance with an information desk and turnstiles after fixing an issue with our gold farm bartering setup.
In this episode, we construct the first leg of the metro race with a cyber train full of details with the help of BDoubleO. We also premiere our new timelapse music "Cyberpulse" produced by Jono!
In this episode, we add more obstacles to Metro Mayhem before starting construction of the swimming section of the course. We take a break from the course to do a little Minecraft science and raid some ocean monuments to take first place in a new contest!
In this episode, we add more obstacles to Metro Mayhem before starting construction of the swimming section of the course. We take a break from the course to do a little Minecraft science and raid some ocean monuments to take first place in a new contest!
In this episode, we discover the dark past behind the cyberpunk city and learn what the Hermits must do to save it.
In this episode, we build a bunker in the mountain for our city residents to escape, including a piston elevator from the secret tunnel to bring them up into the bunker.
In this episode, we build a bunker in the mountain for our city residents to escape, including a piston elevator from the secret tunnel to bring them up into the bunker.
In this episode, we make a rocket factory and then release over four-thousand TNT minecarts on magic mountain.
In this episode, we open a giant hole in the bedrock center of Magic Mountain before tragedy strikes.
In this episode, we begin the next leg of the Metro Mayhem race with a TMNT theme before discovering a super simple way to get diamonds fast and easily.
In this episode, we start to add obstacles to the TNMT section of Metro Mayhem and discover a great use for wind charges. We're going to need a lot of them, so let's design a very cool Breeze farm!
In this episode, we emerge from the underground to get back to work on the cyberpunk city and tackle the biggest building in the city!
In this episode, we finally create a new shop for our grass permit and a fun mini-game inside it!
In this episode, we put the finishing touches on the "Go Touch Grass" mini-game and clean up the space between our new shop and Pearl's.
In this episode, we discuss what is next for us in Hermitcraft Season 10 as we get back to work on the Cyberpunk City and Metro Mayhem.
In this episode, we get back to working on Metro Mayhem and finish the TMNT leg of the race!
In this episode, we prepare the final leg of the Metro Mayhem race course and reveal the theme!
In this episode, we finish the water treatment area of Metro Mayhem before being invited to compete in Zedaph's game show, "Is That Sheep Looking at Me?"
In this episode, we add a Medical Center building to Pixel Pulse Valley but first need to create a concrete maker in order to get the materials needed.
In this episode, we modify our "Go Touch Grass" game and deliver awards for season 1. Then we break ground on our next BIG project in the cyberpunk city.
In this episode, we finish blasting our way down to bedrock and start designing the dropper game before meeting with the Hermits to kick off the Hermit History project and finally opening season 2 of Go Touch Grass!
In this episode, we continue building up the interior of the dropper game by adding a vertical train up the side. We also check out our TCG starter pack and start planning the building facades inside the game.