PomPomPurin makes badminton racquets with My Melody's tambour, using a sugar cube instead of a shuttlecock. When the sugar cube gets cracked, PomPomPurin grabs a heart-shaped biscuit from Hello Kitty's bow to replace it, and when the biscuit breaks, Hello Kitty plans the broken biscuit in the ground.
Cinnamoroll makes some cookies and meets the friends to cheer Hello Kitty up. They hatch a plan to become an orchestra, and after practicing all night, perform before Hello Kitty in the morning, but make lots of mistakes. Meanwhile, the heart-shaped biscuit pieces Hello Kitty planted, start to grow, and they call it The Tree of Wisdom.
Cinnamoroll invites his friends to a mean, but is very disappointed with them as there picky and won't eat broccoli, baby carrots or other vegetables he serves them. He decides to change their eating habits by inviting them to another meal on baking a huge loaf of bread with all the vegetables hidden inside it!
One day Cinnamoroll picks up some of the sweets lying under a huge candy tree in the forest and makes three sweet medals. He holds three competitions to award the medals to his friends, but when Badtz-Maru doesn't win on he shakes the tree to get some sweets, until lightning strikes the tree and buries Badzt-Maru inside a heap of sweets!
'The Biggest Pumpkin Contest' is held in Stump Village on Halloween day. Badtz-Maru wins and receives a pumpkin pie as a prize. The children go trick or treating in their costumes, and after receiving lots of sweets at Cinnamoroll's house, they are sprayed with shaving cream by naughty Batdz-Maru and PomPomPurin who take away their sweets!