Baba Shouko is a teacher everyone dislikes because she frequently scolds students and is very strict. A fake Hotline to Hell was created by somebody and it is circulated among students who were just scolded by Baba sensei. Tracing was carried out and they concluded that a student named Ikami Waka created and circulated the fake Hotline to Hell. However, Ikami claims that she did not do it. On the same night, another teacher named Kuriyama Mami calls Ikami and tells her that it was Baba who made the fake Hotline to Hell, blames her for it and told Ikami to come to school. Mami-sensei waits in school for Ikami to come and tried to convince Ikami to access the real Hotline to Hell to send Baba to hell. To her surprise, the one who turned up is Ai. Mami and Ai already knew each other from their pasts. The truth is Mami was the one who created the fake Hotline to Hell and blamed the students for it. It was all because Baba scolded Mami when she was young and she blames Baba for all her problems. Baba comes and types in Mami's name into the real Hotline to Hell, as a punishment for an attempt to use her students as sacrifices. Baba agrees to go to hell as she blamed herself for coaching a teacher like Mami.
Baba Shouko es una profesora muy estricta, que hace que todos los estudiantes la odien, un día a una estudiante Nohonara Ikue, le llega un correo de la página falsa del infierno, al día siguiente Ai y sus ayudantes quienes ya llevan investigando el caso, se dan cuenta que muchos estudiantes han puesto el nombre de Baba Shouko, cuando la policía investiga el caso, se da cuenta que Ikami Waka, otra estudiante ha creado la página, Ikami no tiene idea de lo que pasa, así que es expulsada del colegio, durante la noche Kuriyama Mami una profesora del instituto la llama y le dice que valla a la escuela para entrar en la verdadera página del infierno, al llegar Kuriyama se da cuenta que no era Ikami, sino Ai quien hace 9 años Kuriyama intento enviar a Baba al infierno pero al saber que iría al infierno rechazo la oferta, durante 9 años intento perjudicar a Baba, en ese instante Baba entra al salon y se da cuenta de todo lo que ha echo Mami, por lo que en ese instante Baba entra a la verdadera página del infierno, Ai le explica las reglas y envía a Mami al infierno, al día siguiente se menciona a una nueva profesora quien fue estudiante de Baba, y le pide perdón por haberla odiado. Una vela con el nombre Baba Shouko se enciende.