Somehow Shimoda stumbled into an underground kingdom. This kingdom is a land for "animals that create the perfect society", with their queen at the top. In this society, there are few physical differences, no aging, and the collective's happiness is prioritized over the individual's. It's too ideal a place, but there is a hidden truth about this system.
Higuchi desenvolve um dispositivo que permite que os designers entrem na sociedade dos animais que criam, e Shimoda faz uma visita a uma sociedade perfeita, em que ninguém envelhece e não há dor. Seguindo a ideia, Deus pede um animal que rejuvenesce.
Für viele Arten ist das Altern ein fester Bestandteil des Lebens. Doch was ist mit solchen, bei denen das nicht der Fall ist? Welche Auswirkungen hat ewige Jugend?
Shimoda arrive dans une colonie où la toute puissante reine a le pouvoir absolu sur ses sujets. Ensuite, Dieu lui confie une nouvelle requête, un animal qui rajeunit.