The amalgamation of Tom Fisher 's Secondary Boys' School with the Grammar School ' up the road ' into one large Comprehensive has been completed. Defeated by Alan Russell for the overall headship, Fisher decides to stay on as Head' of the Lower School. The events of the first day lead him to question his decision.
Patrick Davenant makes life a misery for Parsons, his RE teacher. Originally a teacher in the Grammar School, Parsons, baited by Patrick and his classmates, becomes angry and bewildered.
Russell invites Fisher and Philips with their wives to dinner. After a pleasant meal, the conversation inevitably turns to 'shop' and the occasion becomes distinctly less than sociable.
The School's public image is taking a battering. A feud has developed between the boys of the school and those of one nearby. The concerns and doubts of the parents grow when it is reported that Fisher has hit a youth.
Ill feeling breaks out when rumours of extra allowance money reach the staffroom. Philips feels increasingly insecure and a possible Headship for Fisher is hinted at.
Stephen lies, steals and truants. He accuses his maths teacher of brutality and to convince his listeners reveals very real bruises and signs of ill-treatment.
Fisher is good at his job but in new circumstances that isn't enough: he has to face all the risks of competition for something bigger.