Les sells a valuable Breitling watch for $42,000 to a trusted watch collector that he dealt with many times before; however, he did not have the cash at the moment, so Les gave him the watch in exchange for an IOU. Seth, however, had misgivings about the deal. The man later said that someone else will pay him the money as he leaves out of town; Seth still had bad feelings about it, but Les still has trust in the customer. But Les would end up getting an expensive lesson in trust when the customer pays him for the watch -- with over 40,000 watchbands.
Les mette a rischio molti soldi quando un cliente arriva per acquistare un orologio, con grande sconcerto dei suoi figli. Ma sarà lui a prendere l'ultima decisione?
Geschäfte sind Vertrauenssache? Les Gold händigt einem Freund eine teure Luxus-Uhr aus, damit dieser sie weiterverkauft. Das Schmuckstück ist rund 40 000 Dollar wert. Der Deal wird in alter Manier per Handschlag besiegelt. Doch in diesem Fall war der Pawn-Shop-Eigner wohl zu naiv. Denn am nächsten Tag schickt der Händler – statt der vereinbarten Summe – Armbänder ins „American Jewelry and Loan“. Damit ist der Fall für ihn erledigt. Pfandhaus-Manager Seth schäumt vor Wut und macht seinem Vater schwere Vorwürfe.