J. J. Beal, der einst von Richter Hardcastle zu 16 Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt worden war, gelingt die Flucht aus dem Staatsgefängnis. Beal meldet sich daraufhin zusammen mit seiner Geliebten Donna bei Hardcastle und informiert ihn von seinem genialen Ausbruch. Eine wilde Jagd nach dem brillanten Verbrecher beginnt. Dabei fühlt sich vor allem McCormick als Rennfahrer herausgefordert. Mit besonderem Ehrgeiz beteiligt er sich an dem gefährlichen Katz- und Maus-Spiel.
A convict who has been having an affair with the warden's wife, escapes with her help. He then calls Hardcastle, which agitates him. He and McCormick go out to find him, clearly there is something personal between them but he is not saying what it is. Eventually, it's revealed that before Hardcastle chose McCormick, he gave this guy a try and he proved Hardcastle wrong. Now he is out and wants to get back at Hardcastle. He goes to the mansion and holds Sarah hostage but Hardcastle and McCormick arrive and apprehend him.
Un detenuto che ha avuto una relazione con la moglie del capo delle guardie, evade con l'aiuto di questa. Quindi chiama Hardcastle e lo mette in stato di agitazione. Lui e Mark escono per cercarlo, c'è chiaramente qualche legame tra loro ma il giudice non dice nulla. Successivamente, si scopre che prima di scegliere McCormick, Hardcastle aveva dato la stessa chance a lui, sbagliando. Ora è fuori e vuole fare i conti con Hardcastle.
Le juge Hardcastle et McCormick se lancent aux trousses du dangereux et rusé JJ Beal. Le criminel a en effet réussi à s'échapper de prison en trompant la femme du gardien...