Disco Bear has a burnt hair strand, but his barber, The Mole, cuts off everything but his sideburns. Now he has to get his hair (and his beloved afro) back or he'll face humiliation.
Disco Bear tiene un mechón de pelo quemado, pero su barbero, The Mole, corta todo menos sus patillas. Ahora tiene que recuperar su cabello (y su amado afro) o se enfrentará a la humillación.
The Mole, coupe tout sauf ses sideburns. Maintenant, il doit récupérer ses cheveux (et son Afro bien-aimé) ou il fera face à l'humiliation.
Disco Bear ha una ciocca di capelli bruciata, ma il suo barbiere, The Mole, taglia tutto tranne le sue basette.