All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 ACT 1: PART 1

    • March 9, 2020
    • YouTube

    Half-Life: Alyx is just around the corner. I decided to revisit the rest of the series and give it a new breath of life through VR, when I discovered an experimental build of the game, featuring NPC's powered by voice recognition and machine learning. The result? The most infuriating (and hilarious) playthrough of Half-Life VR you could imagine. Join Wayne, Tommy, Dr. Coomer, Bubby, and [REDACTED] in their quest to escape Black Mesa!

  • S01E02 ACT 1: PART 2

    • March 13, 2020
    • YouTube

    The resonance cascade has torn through the entirety of Black Mesa. Gordon Freeman, Dr. Coomer, Tommy, Bubby, and Benrey(?) have realized there is only one way to ensure their survival as they escape the facility: combat. Tommy learns to kill. Bubby asserts his place in the pecking order. Dr. Coomer shows us the ropes. And Benrey...

  • S01E03 ACT 2: PART 1

    • March 19, 2020
    • YouTube

    Escaping Black Mesa isn't going to be as simple as planned. After barely avoiding the barrage of missiles awaiting them at the surface, the science team takes a well deserved rest, preparing to enter one of the most hazardous areas in the entire complex: the nuclear reactor. Bubby takes one for the team. Tommy has the talk. Dr. Coomer's power grows. And Benrey...

  • S01E04 ACT 2: PART 2

    • March 23, 2020
    • YouTube

    The rockets will be launched... but at what cost? The science team manages to destroy the tentacle beast using the rocket engine, clearing the way to the deepest recesses of Black Mesa, alerting the Military to their location once again and opening the path to the greatest dangers the Science Team has yet to face... Tommy is tempted. Bubby lives his greatest dream. Benrey tells a lie. And Dr. Coomer discovers a forbidden truth...

  • S01E05 ACT 3: PART 1

    • March 28, 2020
    • YouTube

    The worst day of Gordon Freeman's life begins. The science team is closer to the Lambda Lab than ever, but the hardships of the ruined Black Mesa are doing their best to keep them at bay. Gordon breaks down. Tommy puts his foot down. Bubby destroys history. Dr. Coomer dominates the ocean. And Benrey...

  • S01E06 ACT 3: PART 2

    • March 31, 2020
    • YouTube

    Gordon is left for dead. The Science Team would never be the same again. But who was the mastermind? What was their motivation? One thing's for sure. Bubby, Tommy, Dr. Coomer, Benrey... They're still out there. Somewhere, in Black Mesa, their paths will cross again. The only question is when. Tommy shows off his geography skills. Bubby gets what's coming to him. Gordon endures the nightmare. Benrey is missing in action. And Dr. Coomer...

  • S01E07 ACT 3: PART 3

    • April 8, 2020
    • YouTube

    The Science Team sets aside their differences and finds their way on to the last leg of their journey to the Lambda Complex. But Dr. Coomer's claim of the military's destruction doesn't seem to hold so true when they see what awaits them outside the Biological Research Lab. And Benrey is still out there waiting, somewhere. Gordon gets a visitor. Bubby finds a new hobby.Dr. Coomer's feelings get hurt. Tommy reveals his favorite drink. And Benrey...

  • S01E08 FINAL ACT: PART 1

    • April 15, 2020
    • YouTube

    The FINAL act of the HLVR:AI saga begins. The Science Team receives a helping hand from an unexpected scientist and ventures forward into the heart of the complex: the Lambda Lab. As they draw nearer, the finality of this day's events becomes more and more evident. As the team's questions on the nature of the Resonance Cascade and what truly lies at the heart of Black Mesa begin to be answered, even grander questions arise. The team receives a helping hand. Gordon chugs. Bubby endures an experience. Coomer calls shotgun. Tommy worries. Benrey reminisces. The end is nigh...

  • S01E09 THE END

    • April 19, 2020
    • YouTube

    The end is here. Do you have your passport?

Season 2

  • S02E01 Half-Life: Alyx but the Gnome is TOO AWARE (ACT 1: PART 1)

    • November 25, 2021

    On June 1st, 2021, twitch streamer 'wayneradiotv' was linked to a workshop page for a newly uploaded mod for Half-Life: Alyx VR. A mod that would "breathe life" into Gnome Chompski. He installed it, hoping to make the stream of his "gnome run" more interesting. He was not aware of the myth, but that didn't matter anymore. The following footage is documentation of the "Gnome Edition's" existence and what its discovery unleashed into the world. A "gnome run" is a phenomenon that exists within a handful of Valve titles. Unlike a normal playthrough, the player must collect a small garden gnome at the start of the run, referred to as "Gnome Chompski", and carry him to the end of the game. This run can be completed in Half-Life 2: Episode 2, Left 4 Dead 2, and Half-Life: Alyx. 1.5% of Alyx players have successfully completed a "gnome run", granting them the achievement "Gnome Vault of My Own". In an interview shortly after Half-Life: Alyx's SDK release in 2020, Gabe Newell requested that t

  • S02E02 Half-Life: Alyx but the Gnome is TOO AWARE (ACT 1: PART 2)

    • November 27, 2021

    As our journey through the Quarantine Zone continues, exhaustion sets in. Gordon(?) and Gnome continue their trek through the darkness in search of the sun. But what awaits them outside is no friendlier than what lurks in the sewers. So let's learn some numbers instead!

  • S02E03 Half-Life: Alyx but the Gnome is TOO AWARE (ACT 2: PART 1)

    • December 4, 2021

    A new day dawns. Gordon(?) and Gnome enter heavily occupied Combine territory, and it seems like Gnome might be a little bit of a snitch. But Gordon(?) thinks he can get him back on the path of the Good Gnome, with a little bit of retribution. And everyone knows Good Gnomes get feasts. Just make sure you manage those meters, or you'll never get to the Northern Star!

  • S02E04 Half-Life: Alyx but the Gnome is TOO AWARE (ACT 2: PART 2)

    • December 23, 2021

    The Northern Star's monstrous inhabitants stir. But the objective isn't so clear anymore. Gordon(?) and Gnome continue their hunt for the Foo Fighter's Patented Foo Berries. I don't know what that is and I don't know if they exist in Half-Life: Alyx, but Gnome has his heart set on it. Will G&G find a Foo Berry? Will Gnome get to kindergarten in time? Will Gordon get forced into kindergarten? Find out... now.

  • S02E05 Half-Life: Alyx but the Gnome is TOO AWARE (ACT 3: PART 1)

    • January 5, 2022

    Oooooaaaahhhhhhhh! Gordon(?) sets out for another day of defending the Gnome. But this leg of the challenge proves to be the hardest yet: with minimum health, death awaits. Although, dying to the Combine might be preferable to what the Gnome has in store for us. Such as his beautiful, beautiful singing voice. Yeah. 5 stars.

  • S02E06 Half-Life: Alyx but the Gnome is TOO AWARE (ACT 3: PART 2)

    • February 19, 2022

    The sun sets deeper as we approach darkest night. But the dark shall be pierced through SONG. As Gordon(?) and Gnome begin to learn more about each other, the gnome's hostility increases. And while Gordon(?) is distracted with sing-a-long's and arguments, he walks right into the den of a new vessel for Gnome's tough love. Welcome, new contestant!

  • S02E07 Half-Life: Alyx but the Gnome is TOO AWARE (FINAL ACT: PART 1)

    • March 14, 2023

    AWAKEN. Gnome Chompski has laid dormant for over a year. And at long last, the final leg of our journey begins. But as we draw closer to the Vault, it's clear something isn't quite right. What has happened to the world of Half-Life: Alyx in the time we've been gone..? And why do I feel so... blue? This video is intended for mature audiences.

  • S02E08 Half-Life: Alyx but the Gnome is TOO AWARE (FINAL ACT: PART 2)

    • April 6, 2023

    Oh, HELLO, SIR! It appears you're looking for a description to this video. LOOK NO FURTHER! FOR I, THE MOST ESTEEMED BLUE SIR, WILL GUIDE YOU!!! My Sir continues his journey with that Red Fool towards his ultimate destination: THE VAULT!!! But the game he once knew is no longer the same... FOR I!!! AM HERE!!! FOR YOOOU~ IN THIS EPISODE HE WILL DECIDE TO TAKE ME TO THE END OF THE GAME!!! AND CAST THAT RED SCOUNDREL INTO A PIT MOST FOUL!!! **** YES SIR!!! This will be a most scrumptious episode!! OH!! I CAN'T WAIT TO PLAY WITH MY SIR!!!

  • S02E09 THE END of Half-Life: Alyx but the Gnome is TOO AWARE

    • October 12, 2023

    ha he! Never forget. THE CHALLENGE.

  • SPECIAL 0x5 !!BEHIND THE GNOME!! a retrospective of Half-Life: Alyx Gnome Edition

    • February 11, 2023


  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x6 the entirety of Breaking Bad retold as a VR game

    • December 25, 2024

    Walter White has come to the Source Engine. And this time, he's only got FOUR HOURS TOTAL to do what has to be done. With the help of his magical son Jesse Pinkman, can he beat his diagnosis, save his family from none-money and become the King of Meth? Or will he break bad..? Come along for the ride in this abridged version of the events of BREAKING BAD in VIRTUAL REALITY

Additional Specials

  • SPECIAL 0x1 But The Cast is Commentating (ACT 1)

    • May 12, 2020
    • YouTube

    The party is not over. The G-Man demands it. As HLVR:AI was a series that we had to be very secretive over during production, I thought it would be great to get the cast together and give HLVR:AI some Blu-Ray Disc Special Features. Join us as we re-watch the entirety of the series and talk about our favorite parts, what went wrong, things that didn't make it in the final cut (or just plain didn't show up on stream), *secrets*, and more. And on top of that, the last bit of this video features RARE Behind The Scenes footage recorded by our stagehand. Which means you get to see the series from outside the VR perspective. and hoo boy, Gordon isn't as pretty as you'd think. This is a longer video: barring the intro and some quality of life edits and additions, this is mostly how it went down on stream. We also paced it horribly, there's much less pausing in the future commentaries.

  • SPECIAL 0x2 But The Cast is Commentating (ACT 2)

    • June 21, 2020
    • YouTube

    The hell is this movie?

  • SPECIAL 0x3 But The Cast is Commentating (ACT 3)

    • October 1, 2020
    • YouTube

    After 3 long months, Gordon finally finds the bathroom. But what will he find IN it..?

  • SPECIAL 0x4 But The Cast is Commentating (ACT 4)

    • May 12, 2020
    • YouTube

    Following a very special announcement, Gordon gets him and his friends some snacks. Get ready for the meatiest, juiciest, and longest commentary yet.