Spielt man ein Spiel mit Audio-Dialog, sollte man seine Umgebung sorgsam auswählen. Am besten spielt man in einem geschlossenen Raum mit Kopfhörern.
After Sena is caught playing an eroge and insists it's not perverted, Yozora has her read out the dialogue aloud to prove otherwise. Meanwhile, Kodaka's little sister, Kobato, feels jealous that Kodaka is spending more time with the Neighbors Club than with her. After encountering a swim-happy character in her game, Sena asks Kodaka to teach her how to swim. After the swimming lesson, Sena gets herself into trouble when she insults some guys hitting on her, forcing Kodaka to help her out. The incident reminds Kodaka of a friend he once had as a child, who taught him a lesson about friendship that Yozora strangely reacts to.
声が出るゲームをする場合は周囲に気をつけよう。できれば鍵のかかる個室で、イヤホンかヘッドホン使ってプレイするのが望ましい。 漏れた音を聴かれたり、突然後ろに立たたれたりするのは友達であっても嫌なものだ。