The series premiere kicks off with four guest comedians Urzila Carlson, Nazeem Hussain, Danielle Walker and Tom Gleeson where they take on a spelling challenge on Australian currency, and try to make their hometown proud.
Geraldine Hickey, Pete Helliar and Urvi Majumdar join our episode one winner to spell obscure hats they're forced to wear, decipher everyone's favourite font (wingdings), and guess what Aaron is cooking.
Cameron James, Jenny Tian, Tim Minchin and our reigning champ undertake a spelling horse race, attempt impressions of famous faces and put each other's trust to the test.
Wil Anderson, Steph Tisdell and Demi Lardner join our new carryover champ as they try to avoid going to Spelling Jail, Aaron rustles up some drink options and treats the comedians to musical performances.
Tom Ballard, Luke McGregor, Nikki Britton and the carryover winner spell magic courtesy of Aaron the Magnificent and choose their own adventure through the latest Guy Montgomery novel.
Rhys Nicholson, Concetta Caristo and Dan Rath join new carryover champ as they select and attempt to spell audience members' names, travel Aaron'd the world with Aaron Chen, and spell the dances happening in front of them.
Greg Larsen, Zoe Coombs Marr, Tony Armstrong and our carryover champ join some legends from various sporting codes as they attempt to spell together, before Guy asks our comedians to spell their feelings.
It's the final episode of the season and to celebrate we're joined by Michael Hing, Alex Lee, Tom Walker and the current champion. Our comedians battle it out over past social media posts, and explore 'girt by sea'.