Der erbitterte Kampf geht weiter und gelangt in die entscheidende Phase. Währenddessen erfährt Tohru von den wahren Hintergründen der Timekeeper.
After a fierce battle, both Tohrus arrive at the spot specified by Timekeepers. In the middle of a gunfight there, they’re suddenly told to stop fighting. The door at the end of the passageway opens, and they find an unexpected individual awaiting them.
다른 세계의 자신과 똑같이 골에 도착한 토오루는 타임키퍼와 대면하게 된다. 한편, 쿄카는 위기에 몰린 레미를 엄호하기 위해 다가간다.
Los Timekeepers reciben a los dos Tohru y explican la razón por la que luchan entre sí y el papel que cumplen los Timekeepers.