The final round of the Gunpla Battle Japanese Championship tournament has finally begun. Taking the initiative, the Try Fighters opt to fight inside a space colony. Sekai and Fumina split off from Yuuma, and both groups make preparations to intercept the Gunpla Academy. The audience members watch this quiet start with bated breath, until the silence is broken by Kijima’s Transient Gundam. Having anticipated the Try Fighters’ plan, Kijima launches a diversionary attack to distract them, and at the same time Yuuma finds himself in combat against Shia and Adou. As the teams continue trading blows in a fierce back-and-forth struggle, Yuuma and Fumina battle Shia and Adou of the Gunpla Academy to mutual destruction. Only Sekai and Kijima remain, fighting desperately to the brink of collapse, until they ultimately reach the time limit and usher in the first overtime battle of the tournament.
全日本高达模型对战锦标赛决赛终于开始。Try Fighters先行一步,选择在宇宙殖民星内作战,世海、文奈以及佑马兵分两路,做好准备迎击高达模型学园。观众都紧张地观看着这场寂静开场的决战。而打破沉寂的是木岛的瞬变高达。他看穿了世海等人的作战,使出威吓攻击以牵制他们。而差不多在同一时间,佑马与西亚、阿藤也开始战斗。在这场称得上为一进一退的死斗,上演激烈攻防战期间,佑马、文奈,和高达模型学园的阿藤及西亚同归于尽。剩下来的世海和木岛虽然损伤严重,却仍拼死作战,但最终超过时间限制,要进行大赛首场延长战。