In the second round of the tournament, the Try Fighters will be facing team SD-R from Toritsu Academy, representing Niigata. These three brothers are formidable enemies, who have made it this far by thoroughly analyzing their opponents' data, and then using their SD Gundams to execute precision tactics with skillful teamwork. As rival players look on, the battle finally begins. The Try Fighters must search through a huge haunted castle, watching out for enemy attacks. But due to Yuuma's unexpected weak point, they fall for their opponent's plan, and the Try Fighters are split up. Fumina heads underground to rejoin her teammates, and finds that a time bomb has been planted to block her path. Meanwhile, Sekai and Yuuma have fallen underground and are now in peril due to the enemy's Absorb System, which pins down their machines by absorbing Plavsky particles.
Try Fighters的大赛第二回合的对战对手是新潟县代表统立学园的队伍SD-R。他们是使用SD高达、以完全分析对手的情报后制定精密战术的三兄弟,并且通过兄弟间的巧妙合作在大赛中百战不殆的强敌。劲敌们都在观看的对战终于开始。Try Fighters一边戒备对战对手的攻击,一边探索巨大的幽灵城。但是由于佑马出乎意料的弱点让Try Fighters中了敌人的策略,令队伍分散了。为了会合世海他们而向地下进发的文奈,却因事先设下的计时炸弹陷阱被困在通道中。另一方面,掉进地底的世海二人因为敌人可以吸收帕拉夫斯基粒子的吸收系统令机体不能自由活动,身陷险境。