During a Battle Royal among representatives from each school under the Meijin's supervision, Sekai Kamiki and Wilfrid Kijima have acknowledged each other as rivals, and they promise to fight again at the national tournament. Yuuma Kousaka, meanwhile, declares that he will get revenge on Saga Adou and looks to the tournament with fresh resolve. Elsewhere, the final regional qualifiers are completed, after being delayed by problems with the venue. The winner of the Osaka qualifiers is team Build Busters from Tendaiji Academy, to which Minato Sakai now belongs. With the national tournament 10 days away, the champions from the participating schools steadily make their preparations. Fumina and her comrades, aiming to defeat the Gunpla Academy, set out to power up their own Gunpla and address their shortcomings based on their experiences at the Nielsen Labs. As the start of the tournament draws near, Gyanko and others come to help, and at last the Try Fighters' new machines are completed.
在名人的安排下而进行的各校代表的大混战中,神木世海和木岛威弗里德互相将对方看成劲敌,并应允在全国大赛中再次对战。高坂佑马也向阿藤佐贺宣战,重新拾起对全国大赛的决心。另一方面,因为会场准备不足而延期,并成为最后一场地区预赛的大阪预赛,由阪井凑所属的天大寺学园创制暴风队胜出。在全国强手着手准备10日后的全国大赛期间,文奈他们也以打倒高达模型学园为目标,把在尼尔森实验室所得的经验用于弥补自已高达模型的不足之处,并着手强化。大赛日子不断逼近,在强子等人的帮助下,Try Fighters的新机体终于完成。