Es werden Gerüchte laut, dass die Menschen, die in der Quarantäne-Zone leben, schreckliche Dinge durchmachen müssen. Die Lage verschlimmert sich, als Mitglieder des Funeral Parlors als Druckmittel verwendet werden.
With Loop 7 completely sealed off from the outside world, Arisa tries to assure the panicked Tennouzu students that her grandfather's men will rescue them. However, one student lacks confidence in Arisa as student council president and calls for a vote of no confidence to elect a new president. While the student council thinks the students are being hard on Arisa, Tsugumi coldly dismisses the matter. Souta calls her out on her behavior. Later, she talks with Inori and realizes she may have been insensitive since the student council treats each other as family. Tsugumi reveals that she does not know what family is as she is an orphan. As the student council discovers a Genome Resonance Gauge that allows them to measure the power of a person's Void, Segai enacts Shuichiro’s plan to exterminate the civilians inside Loop 7 by Endlaves operated by a "Ghost Unit." Segai allows the news of the slaughters to spread, causing distress and panic as part of his demagogy strategy. Meanwhile, Oogumo and Arugo, are tasked by Arisa's grandfather to find and rescue Arisa and the Tennouzu High students. The next day, trouble arises on campus as the result of an internet rumor claiming that the GHQ will allow anyone that brings them a member of the Undertakers will be allowed to leave. This causes witch hunts by desperate students. Arisa tries to restore order, telling the students not to believe the rumor and remain calm. However, the rebellious students, who challenge Arisa, bring Tsugumi and Ayase before the student body, accusing them to be members of the Undertakers. With the desperate students unwilling to listen to Arisa, Shu stands up to the crowd and reveals his affiliation with the Undertakers to stop them from hurting Tsugumi and Ayase. To prove that the rumor is false, he uses Tsugumi's void ability to create indistinguishable doubles of Ayase, Tsugumi, one of the rebel students, and himself. Tsugumi sends the doubles to the barricade where they are shot down by the GHQ
봉쇄 선언에 학생들은 혼란스러워하고 쿠죠인은 통제력을 잃고 만다.
거기 더해 장의사 멤버를 정부에 넘기면 장벽 밖에 나갈 수 있다는 루머가 떠도는데...
그 루머에 눈이 뒤집힌 학생들에게 아야세와 츠구미가 붙들리고 만다.
Hay rumores de que las personas que viven en la zona de cuarentena tienen que pasar por cosas terribles. La situación empeora cuando los miembros de la funeraria se utilizan como palanca.
Keido annuncia che a Tokyo non sono rimasti sopravvissuti. Un assedio alla Linea rossa incombe e per tranquillizzare la folla di studenti, Shu decide di agire.
Keido annonce l'absence de tout survivant à Tokyo, complètement bouclée. Pour calmer la foule étudiante, Shu décide d'agir.
Keido ogłasza, że w Tokio nikt nie ocalał. Miastu grozi oblężenie. Shu postanawia sam zapanować nad tłumem uczniów.