Kurz vor dem Kampf mit Leucocyte zieht Shu sich aus der Mission zurück. Den Undertakern ist ihre Unterlegenheit gegenüber der feindlichen Gruppe bewusst, ihnen bleibt aber nichts anderes über, als die Mission weiterzuführen.
Gai survives the attack but reveals that his team and the mercenaries were killed by the Leukocyte blast. At the outskirts of Tsukigase Dam, Gai briefs the Undertakers that their mission is to attack the Dam where the Leukocyte control system is located but due to the Leukocyte's security system, he will have Shu use Kenji's Void to disable it. Shu doesn't want to take part of the operation as he's afraid of the people who will die if he fails until Inori goes to talk to him. Meanwhile at Tsukigase Dam, Major Segai informs the Anti Bodies director Shuichiro Keido that his men are prepared for the Undertakers attack including Daryl, who wants revenge against the Undertakers for stealing his Steiner. As Gai gets another blood transfusion in a room alone, he confesses to what he assumes is Inori that he regrets of the lives who died for him and it was difficult to act as their fearless leader until he realizes the other person was in fact Shu due to Inori. Shu admits he never wanted to see this side of Gai and agrees to join the operation. As the Undertakers distract the GHQ forces guarding the dam, Shu, Gai, and Kenji sneak into the Leukocyte control system with Inori defending them. As Gai and Shu hacks the control system with Tsugumi's help via Funell, Segai sends Daryl to stop them which Gai battles and disables Daryl's Endlave. However, Daryl damages the control system, sending one of the Leukocyte's crashing to the dam. In order to stop it, Gai makes a deal with Segai that he will stop the crashing satellite using Shu's transmitter, revealing it is actually a targeting beacon for the Leukocytes, in exchange that he destroys all records of Shu's involvement with the Undertakers. Realizing Gai is sacrificing himself to destroy the falling satellite, Shu, with Inori's encouragement, combines Kenji's and Inori's Voids to destroy not only the falling satellite but also the one still in space. With the operation over, Shu finally accepts Gai and the Undertakers while S
Le drame frappe de nouveau les Croque-morts et leur combat. Le GHQ vient d'employer sa toute dernière technologie, la constellation de satellite équipée de lasers, pour décimer les renforts que ceux-ci avaient trouvé en dehors du Japon. L'opération destinée à neutraliser le Leucocyte semble vouée à l'échec mais Gai s'adapte une fois de plus. Alors que Shuu était prêt à participer, les risques qu'entraîne la nouvelle stratégie le font à nouveau douter...
루카사이트의 공격으로 지원병력을 잃은 가이는 그럼에도 희생을 감수하고 지상 제어국을 공격하기로 한다.
한편 슈는 가이의 그러한 냉혹함에 불신을 내비치는데...
우연히 혼잣말을 엿들은 슈는 가이와 주먹다짐을 벌이게 된다
Cambios de sentimientos y dudas rondan en Shu, al no querer participar en la misión de ataque contra los leucocitos. Sin embargo, el aprendizaje de algunas cosas acerca de Gai, Shu podría cambiar de opinión sobre la misión a efectuar
GHQ 的奇襲讓葬儀社失去了不少夥伴。但是受傷的涯卻堅持繼續進行作戰計畫。此次作戰的關鍵,就是集的王之能力還有城戶研二的空洞,但集卻拒絕參與這個會造成多人犧牲的計畫。懷疑涯是否有資格當領袖的集,在聽到涯的心聲之後改變了主意。失控的白血球即將墜毀在東京,涯卻主動迎上前去──此時,對集說話的神秘聲音,引出了虛空之力。
L'attacco del satellite Leukocyte è brutale. Tutti i rinforzi dei Funeral Parlor sono annientati e Gai è ferito, ma la squadra si organizza per vendicarsi.
Satelita Leukocyt przeprowadza brutalny atak. Wszystkie siły Domu Pogrzebowego zostają zniszczone. Gai jest ranny, ale zespół się nie poddaje.