Stan beauftragt eine Gedächtnisspezialistin, um Graces Erinnerung auf die Sprünge zu helfen. Natalie bittet Alex, Nevilles Aussage zu prüfen. Prinz Theo droht Alex.
As Stan works on Grace’s defense, Graces struggles to remember a chunk of missing time on the night of Molly’s murder. Stan wants to bring in a forensic psychiatrist who specializes in Memory Recovery Therapy to help discover what Grace might have blacked out from that night. Natalie develops her own theory about Prince Theo and goes to Bruno for help, not knowing he’s been covering up the Prince’s tracks along the way. But Theo has his own problems when he realizes Charlotte has figured out his lies about Molly. Meanwhile, Patrick discovers the Prince is Gentleman 33, who happened to be Molly’s best customer at the Courtenay.
Stan engage un expert pour aider Grace à se rappeler l’heure qu’elle a oubliée. Natalie supplie Alex de vérifier l’histoire de Neville. Le prince Theo menace Alex.
סטן שוכר את שירותיה של מומחית לשחזור זיכרון כדי שתעזור לגרייס להיזכר בשעה החסרה. נטלי מתחננת בפני אלכס שיבדוק את הגירסה של נוויל. הנסיך תיאו מאיים על אלכס.
Stan chiama una specialista di recupero dei ricordi per aiutare Grace. Natalie prega Alex di controllare la storia di Neville. Il principe Theo minaccia Alex.
Después de relacionar a Grace y Molly con el oscuro mundo de la prostitución, parece que la americana ha perdido parte de los recuerdos y Stan se dedica a conseguir un terapeuta para que ayude a la chica a recordar todo lo que pueda sobre la noche en que Molly fue asesinada.
Stan, Grace'in kayıp saati hatırlaması için hafıza kurtarma uzmanı tutar. Natalie, Neville'in öyküsünü kontrol etmesi için Alex'e yalvarır. Prens Theo Alex'i tehdit eder.