Several months after the end of the trial run, Chigusa-sensei returns to Kanenone for a weekend to prepare for the upcoming school integration. Joining her on the trip is Futaba, who has kept in touch with Yuusuke since her return to her original school. Although Yuusuke and Futaba are both anxious to see each other again, they are unable to admit their feelings for each other. It is up to a dreamworld Midori to give the would-be couple the push they need to take the final step.
あの夏から半年――― 新学期からの共学化に向けた準備の為、一足先に鐘ノ音を訪れた千種先生と、双葉・若葉・早苗の三人。実は双葉はこの半年間、祐介との手紙を通じてその想いを募らせていた。それを優しく見守る若葉と早苗。一方の祐介は、双葉の想いを感じつつも、みどりとの思い出を未だに引きずっていた。そして、再会。互いの想いを感じつつもなかなか勇気の出せない二人。そこに現れたのは、恋のキューピッドならぬみどりだった!?