This programme looks at fireworks and the discovery of a commercial process for making ammonia easily converted into nitrate providing explosives for the First World War and fertilisers to fuel the agricultural revolution of the 1960s.
This programme examines the work of Henry Fox-Talbot, the father of modern Photography.
This programme reveals the connection between William Henry Perkin's accidental discovery of the first synthetic dye and the identification of the cause of tuberculosis and the cure for syphilis.
This programme focuses on the work of Heinrich Hertz who discovered that an oscillating spark gave off waves of electromagnetic energy, knowledge that was used by Marconi. initially, to develop Morse code signals.
This programme tells the story of Charles Babbage, a mathematician who, in the 1840s, became impatient with the mathematical tables of the time and built his own 'difference engine' - a precursor of the modern computer.
This programme looks at Yorkshire born John Harrison's invention of the grasshopper escapement, used in marine timekeepers and how in 1884 the Greenwich Meridian became prime Zero longitude of the world.