We follow four outcasts on their first day of junior year at Rydell High. There’s Jane, a brainiac good student who wants to run for student council but is fighting tawdry rumors about her. Olivia, who is still fighting off a scandal from last year. Cynthia, who just wants to be one of the boys. Nancy, a fashion maven who is growing apart from her childhood friends. The four unlikely friends will shake up the social order of Rydell High.
Cuatro marginados sociales afrontan el primer día de su tercer año en el instituto Rydell.
Quattro studentesse: una secchiona, una cinica che ha dato scandalo, un maschiaccio e un'esperta di moda affrontano il primo giorno di scuola del primo anno al Liceo Rydell.
Quatre parias, dont une bonne élève, une cynique à scandale, un garçon manqué et une passionnée de mode, passent leur premier jour au lycée Rydell.
Quatro párias, incluindo uma aluna inteligente, uma cínica cheia de escândalos, uma moleca e uma especialista em moda, vivem seu primeiro dia do primeiro ano na Rydell High.
Vier Außenseiter, darunter eine gute Schülerin, eine skandalumwitterte Zynikerin, ein Wildfang und eine Modefanatikerin, erleben den ersten Tag des zweiten Schuljahres an der Rydell High.
Четверо изгоев, ботанка, скандальный циник, сорванец и знаток моды, проживают свой первый день в старшей школе Райделл.