It is the first day at Grange Hill comprehensive for a group of new first years. Most of the focus is on Benny, Judy, Tucker, Trisha, Justin and Ann (who sleeps in). The first years go to the assembly hall to be allocated classes. Tucker immediately gets on the wrong side of Foster by flicking a rubber band at Trisha.Benny, Judy, Trisha and Justin are all allocated to One Alpha, with Mitchell as their form master. He immediately spots Benny's lack of school uniform. This is because his father fell off a crane and injured his back and is unemployed and cannot afford to buy a uniform for him. Tucker's name is absent from the register and he goes with Monroe to find out what class he should be in. Ann turns up late and is given wrong directions by a group of older girls. It turns out both Tucker and Ann are in One Alpha also. Tucker sits in front of Trisha and flicks her ruler up. She retaliates by smacking him over the head with it.
Benny is almost knocked over by Mitchell's car whilst kicking a football in the school car park. Mitchell reminds Benny of the school football trials after school that day. Benny says that he wants to enter but has no boots to wear. Tucker playfights with friends in the playground. They are caught by Foster. Foster tells Tucker he'll be watching out for him. Tucker tells his friends not to worry about Foster ("the size of this place we'll probably never see him again"). Lo and behold, Foster is to be the PE teacher for the first year class. Benny is late for PE, he mistakenly goes to the girl's changing rooms. When he does find the right gym, Foster tells him that his kit is inadequate, and that he will also need a proper kit, including boots, in order to enter the football trials. Tucker borrows Justin's kit for Benny to wear, but they have no luck with boots. Mitchell puts out an appeal to One Alpha for help in finding boots for Benny. Ann offers to lend her hockey boots to Benny. He is able to play in the football trials.
Judy complains to her mother that she hates Grange Hill. Her mother gives her 20p to cheer her up. Mitchell gives Tucker detention for sitting in the wrong seat in his class. Benny is told he has been chosen for the school football team. Judy is bullied by a gang of older girls who steal a pen that was given to her by her late grandfather. They tell her she can buy it back for 75p. Trisha intervenes but now both first year girls are cornered. Trisha's older sister Carol saves them however.
The first year boys have a swimming lesson with Mitchell and Malcolm. Hughes is a "non-swimmer" and has to wear water wings. Tucker, Benny and Alan throw Justin into the pool. Garfield happens to catch them. Tucker steals Justin's trousers from the changing rooms and hangs them outside from the wondow of the form room. The next time the class are at swimming, a boy cuts his foot. Both teachers carry him to the medical bay, and the pupils are sent back into the changing rooms. Benny discovers he has lost a neck medallion in the swimmimg pool. Tucker and co help him look for it, and end up larking about. They throw poolside benches into the water and have a race on them. Justin tells Mr Garfield what has been going on. The boys concerned are banned from swimming for the rest of the year. Tucker then finds that his trousers are now missing. He is walking accross the playground in a bathrobe when Benny waves his trousers from a window, as Tucker did to Justin's before.
Trisha is helping Rankin, an elderly biology teacher, with various odd-jobs in the lab during lunch breaks. Judy comes to see her in the lab one day when Rankin is away. Trisha decides to show off to Judy by taking a hamster out of its cage. The hamster escapes. Another teacher, Miss Clarke, appears. Although she does not notice the absent hamster she gives Trisha a detention for wearing earrings. It seems the hamster has escaped outdoors. Judy runs to a petshop in an effort to buy a replacement hamster. It costs £1.25. Judy makes it back to the biology lab just before Rankin arrives. He notices the difference immediately. The original hamster comes back also and Rankin says that the replacement was both the wrong colour AND the wrong sex. Rankin lets the girls off with no punishment.
Benny wears his new school uniform for the first time. Tucker invites Benny and Justin to explore an "old ammunitions dump".They play around for a while but then a van arrives, confirming that the site is still used. The boys try to escape over a wall, in the process Justin falls and is injured. It turned out he has a broken leg and concussion. His parents threaten to remove him from Grange Hill. Tucker and Benny get caned by Starling, with the full approval of their parents ("Its for their own good"). It is the first caning in Grange Hill's history as a comprehensive. Justin will miss the rest of term.
Doyle is moved into One Alpha from another form. He has been suspected of bullying in the past. He takes an instant dislike to Tucker and Benny. A vote is to be held to determine One Alpha's nomination for the election to determine the first year School Council representative. Trisha, Tucker and Ann all stand for nomination. Trisha withdraws, Doyle (his dad is a real councilor) joins the ballot. Ann is nominated by One Alpha. One of her main first year rivals, Adrian Jones, is campaigning on the grounds that if elected he will remove cricket from the timetable! Ann campaigns on the promise of getting a school tuck shop off the ground. Doyle's friend Robo wins the election but is disqualified when it is revealed he and Doyle have bullied people into voting in his favour. Ann is declared First Year School Council representative.
Tucker and Benny are messing about, Doyle becomes involved and he accidentally ruins a piece of artwork that Miss Mather's class is producing for the School Festival. He is given 10 hours of detention and is banned from the Festival. He swears revenge. Trisha is given three hours of detention for wearing coloured socks. Miss Mather has managed to borrow two valuable pistols to help with Festival artwork. Doyle steals the pistols as a mark of revenge, but Tucker sees him leaving the art room. Once the theft is discovered, it is threatened that the Festival will be canceled. Ann suggests that an amnesty should be called - the pistols can be returned with no punishment for the thief, and the Festival could then go ahead. Tucker and co beat up Doyle. The pistols are returned. It is unclear whether this is down to the amnesty or the beating.
Trisha is in trouble for the use of cosmetics in school. Mitchell loses his temper and sends a letter to her parents. Trisha intercepts the letter, and runs away from school. Doyle has been picking on Benny for being "poor" and Benny runs away also. Mitchell goes out looking for Trisha. Trisha is in the local Civic Centre and she finds Benny there also. They discuss their problems. Mitchell finds them and he says that if they turn up at school the next day, he will not report their truanting.
Baxter and Mitchell discuss the new headmaster, Mr Llewellyn. Baxter has doubts about his "progressive style". Benny asks his mother for a £1 deposit for the school camp. She says the family cannot afford the entire cost. Benny finds 50p on his way to school. On the orders of Llewellyn, the forms are reordered and renamed after G,R,A,N, etc, One Alpha largely becomes G1. Ann (unseen) and Justin are moved to form R1, which includes Alan Humphries, Penny Lewis, Susi McMahon and Andrew Stanton. R1's form mistress is Miss Summers. New arrivals in G1 include Simon Shaw and Cathy Hargreaves. Another new invention of Llewellyn's is the six-day timetable. Initially there are timetable clashes. Mitchell and another teacher go to consult the master timetable to resolve confusion over G1's form room. While the class are unsupervised, Tucker and Doyle fight and a window is broken (Benny is involved also). Llewellyn and Garfield arrive on the scene. Mitchell arrives back and is given a humbling talking-to in front of G1 by Llewellyn for leaving the class unattended. Simon and Benny go to (local rivals) Brookdale school to play in the first leg of the District Football Cup Final. Benny happens to be the last out of the changing rooms. Benny greedily tries to score a goal when a pass may have been a better option, much to Baxter's annoyance ("What are you doing boy?"). Joey Singer commits a Vinny Jones-esque tackle. From the resulting free kick Brookdale score (1-0). That is the full time score. Singer is suspended from the team by Baxter for "alehouse football" In the changing room a boy discovers that 50p of his has been stolen. Baxter makes the boys turn out their pockets. Benny has 50p in his pocket.....and he was last out of the changing room before the match. He is strongly suspected of the thieving but the evidence is circumstantial so Llewellyn can't take the matter further. The rest of the football team ignore Benny, saying they won't play with a thief.
Benny tells his parents he does not want to go to school due to being branded a thief. His parents go up to the school to complain about his treatment. Judy is told by her mother that they are moving house and she will have to leave Grange Hill and go to Brookdale instead. Judy says it will be "just awful!". It is a games lesson for the first year boys. Tucker shows off a rubber "chicken foot" that he has got from his brother. In the changing room before the lesson Antoni Karamonopolis falls asleep . Simon forgets his games kit due to the six-day timetable. Baxter makes the boys play rugby. While the class are on the sports field, Singer goes into the changing rooms and steal various things, including Tucker's chicken foot. At rugby, Justin gets a bleeding nose. Baxter takes him into the changing room and goes for first aid. Singer comes out of hiding and threatens Justin that he'd better not grass. After school Judy and her mother go to look over Brookdale. Trisha and Cathy accompany them and then Judy bids farewell to Trisha. Baxter catches Singer threatening Bennett (again) and works out that Singer is the thief. Baxter goes to Benny's house and apologies for accusing him. That matter sorted, Benny's dad then asks Benny about the £2.45 bill he has received for the repair of a broken window!
In the playground Andrew steps in to stop Doyle picking on Justin. Alan reminisces to Justin over their old days in One Alpha (which is strange because Alan wasn't even in that class!). Baxter leads a staff delegation to Llewellyn to complain about the changes he has introduced. It is announced Ann has left. Penny is keen to replace her on the School Council. Antoni falls asleep in Miss Summers' class. A staff meeting is called to discuss their reaction to Llewellyns ideas. There is to be a musical produced later in the term:"Joseph And His Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat". Justin is keen to play the piano in it. He and Andrew practice (with Andrew singing) in a music room. Sutcliffe walks past and is impressed. He encourages both to audition. Summers talks to Antoni and it soon becomes clear he is often falling asleep due to late nights at home. He is kept up, often until at late as 1am, doing the accounts and invoices for his father's restuarant. Another staff meeting is called an the pupils are given the rest of the day off. Justin goes to Andrew's house before the audition. Andrew tells Justin that he is afraid his parents might split up. Summers turns up at Antoni's to speak with his parents. Mr Karamonopolis is very hostile initially ("You leave my family to me lady!") but comes round, saying that he will have to learn to do the invoices himself and that Antoni must be in bed by 9pm from now on. The next day Andrew is confirmed in the lead role of Joseph for the musical.
G1 get a punctuation exercise returned to them by Mitchell. Nearly everyone performs abysmally. Simon has been consistently late for school, and Trisha is given the task of calling for him every morning as they live in the same area (his parents leave for work early). The staff have called a halt to all extracurricular activities until the timetable confusion has been sorted. The next day, Simon keeps Trisha waiting and they are BOTH late for registration. In class Simon is asked to read, he says he can't as his glasses are broken. But we know he doesn't wear glasses.... Cathy's older brother Gary chats up Trisha at a lunchtime school disco. Garfield tries to get the disco stopped but Mitchell confirms that Llewellyn has approved it. Penny is appointed as the first year school council representative. There is a notice on the changing room door announcing that first year football practice has been canceled. But Simon goes into the changing room. He meets Gary who tells him that Trisha doesn't like calling on him, and threatens that it'd better stop. Hughes overhears this conversation as he is outside the changing room. The next day Simon leaves before Trisha arrives for him. She is late for school. Simon ignores Trisha after she confronts him about not waiting. Hughes tells Trisha what he heared. She reacts with anger and says "Just wait 'til I see that Gary Hargreaves!"
Trisha reassures Simon that she doesn't mind calling for him. On their way into school they meet Jessica Samuels of the Student Action Group (SAG). SAG wants to abolish school uniform. Penny visits G1 to discuss the first year's proposal for the next school council meeting. She wants to propose a bookshop on behalf of first year but G1 is adamant it wants a tuck shop, even although Penny says the older years will vote against the proposal and it will be rejected. Gary warns Trisha that he doesn't like her seeing other boys. Penny's mother suggests a joint "book AND tuck" shop. G1 approve of this. The school council passes the idea in principle, although Doyle's father is vehnemently against the idea. Fund raising via a jumble sale will have to be carried out however, to get the project going. The issue of uniform is adjourned to the next meeting, much to the disgust of Jessica who is waiting outside. Tucker and Doyle challenge each other over who can collect more jumble for the sale. Tucker and co take what they think is a discarded old sofa from outside a "junk shop". It is actually an antique "Chaise Long", and the owner comes to the school and the boys have to carry it back. Doyle has collected more jumble than Tucker but the bet was rigged so that Tucker couldn't lose. At the jumble sale Tucker sells Justin's mother's expensive coat for 5p. He thought it was jumble!
At lunch one day Baxter pulls up Simon for missing a rearranged football practice. Simon says he never saw any notice. Baxter says that that is no excuse, as everyone else saw it. Simon is given a three-match suspension from the team. Tucker invites Simon to join his secret society, the Tremblers, on the condition that he climbs to the top of the school tower. He says that the existing members (Alan, Benny, Hughes and himself) have already done it (they haven't). The entrance to the bottom of tower is in a props room hehind the stage in the assembly hall. Tucker goes up first and succeeds and comes back. Simon and Alan then do the same. Benny is up the tower when Garfield enters the props room. Tucker uses the excuse that he is helping with scenery for the school musical. Garfield throws the four boys out and closes the door into the tower, meaning Benny is trapped from the inside. The boys decide they must now wait until after school to let Benny out. In Sutcliffe's class, Simon is asked to read aloud but pretends to be sick and is sent out for fresh air with Tucker. He tells Tucker he was only pretending so that he didn't have to read. The boys try to let Benny out but Garfield is still in the vicinity and sees them. Tucker returns to class. When the coast is clear Simon goes to let Benny out. They hatch a plan to scare the others. Benny leaves the school. After school the boys (minus Benny) meet up to free him (or so they all think except Simon who obviously knows he is free). The assembly hall is occupied with rehearsals for the musical so the boys agree to come back after tea and break into the school and let Benny out. Benny turns up first. Simon has been hiding inside the school and opens a window to let Benny in. Benny goes back into position behind the "locked" door, and Simon lights some candles (as the electricity is off) just as the others ,except Hughes, arrive. The boys lark about and Simon and Benny scare Tucker with a plastic skeleton. Accidentally a
The next day the boys worry about whether Simon escaped from the school in time. Simon is OK however and he confesses to Trisha that he can't read. The fire was not TOO bad, although the scenery for the school musical has been destroyed. Llewellyn addresses the school and 'diverts' the money raised from the jumble sale to pay for the damaged caused by the fire. Llewellyn says he wants to speak to the boys that Garfield saw hanging around the props room the previous day. Tucker, Benny, Simon and Alan give themselves up. Tucker tries the excuse that he was showing his friends his artwork for the musical but Summers confirms that he did not have permission to be there at that time. Llewellyn asked Tucker and Simon what they were doing there later during class. Simon says that he feigned illness to avoid reading and the boys were just hiding in the props room. For the moment the boys are let off with a warning. Trisha tells Simon that she will help him learn to read. Simon's timetable is found in the fire debris by Garfield and he takes it to show Llewellyn. In class Sutcliffe tells Simon that he wants him to read today as he missed his turn last lesson. Simon refuses to read and runs from the room, just before Llewellyn and Garfield arrive. They call the police in to search for Simon. Trisha tells Sutcliffe about Simon being unable to read. After school they drive round the streets looking for him. Trisha and Sutcliffe eventually find Simon down near the river, he tries to escape but in the end the three of them sit down and discuss things. Sutcliffe thinks that Simon may be dyslexic (his brain does not register what his eyes see). Simon returns to school and confesses to his involvement in the fire but does not implicate anyone else. He is spared expulsion but will be tested for dyslexia and if the tests are positive he will be sent to a special school to deal with this problem.
Trisha and Cathy are helping with a SAG petition calling for the abolition of school uniform. There is a school assembly where Llewellyn introduces a policeman warning of a man who has recently been following schoolgirls in the area. No girl is to walk home unaccompanied until the man is caught. After school Cathy is standing outside the school gates waiting for her brother to walk her home. Unknown to her she is being watched by a man in a parked car. Just as he begins to make a move, Gary arrives and they walk home. The next day Trisha and Cathy volunteer to take a parcel to the Post Office for the school secretary, meaning they miss the last lesson of the day. The same man is waiting outside the school and he follows the girls. They post the letter and do some window shopping. He continues to follow them, unseen. By this time school has finished and Trisha's older sister Carol has been waiting for 20 minutes to walk her home. She panics and goes to see Mitchell, who allows her to phone from the school to see if Trisha has arrived home yet. Trisha is not at home. "To be on the safe side" Mitchell calls the police and within minutes he and Carol are in a police car looking for the two girls. By this time the two girls have split up, with Cathy taking a shortcut home through the park. Mitchell and Carol see Trisha walking home and take her into the police car. Trisha says that Cathy is walking home through the park alone. The policeman says that that is where two of the recent attacks have taken place and that there is not a minute to be spared. Cathy is walking in the park when she notices she is being followed. She starts to run, the man runs after her. Just as he is gaining on her she exits the park and two police cars (one with Trisha, Carol and Mitchell inside) screech to a halt and block off the road. The man is captured. He tells the police he is Cathy's father. Cathy says her father is dead. The next day the policeman comes to the school and tells Mitchell t
Tucker and Simon volunteer to help redo the artwork for the musical that was destroyed in the fire. Trisha invites Cathy to a pop concert at Wembley but says the tickets will cost £3.50. Jessica leads a deputation to Llewellyn to ask when the issue of school uniform will be debated. The first rehearsals for the Joseph musical are held. Gary meets with his father but Cathy doesn't want to. Gary is given £5 as a present and says their father will give Cathy £5 too if she meets him. She wants the money for her concert ticket so she meets him. It transpires that their father is leaving London again. Cathy and Trisha have a minor disagreement over Trisha's friendship with Simon. Cathy goes off with Madeline and they bunk off games and go for a smoke with some older girls but Garfield catches them. Simon announces it will be his last day at Grange Hill. In Miss Summers' Art class Trisha places a trick ink blot on Cathy's work when she isn't looking Cathy thinks that it is a real, deliberate act of vandalism by Trisha and attacks her. Summers tries to break up the fight and in the confusion she hits Cathy. A delighted Madeline takes Cathy to report the incident to Llewellyn. He asks Summers if Cathy's allegations are true. Summers admits they are, but adds that she was only trying to break up a fight. Llewellyn says that the circumstances are irrelevant at this time. Outraged at her treatment, Summers tenders her resignation.
Cathy tries to apologies to Trisha over their fight but Trisha doesn't want to know. Sutcliffe catches Cathy and some other first year girls dancing to "Daddy Cool" in the cloakroom but instead of reproaching them he joins in! Baxter organises a staff walk out in protest at the way Summers was treated over the fight. Due to there being no staff supervision for the pupils, the school is cleared and the pupils are all sent home. Madeline and Cathy go "shopping" in the local precinct. Firstly Madeline steals an apple. Then both girls steal (empty) record covers from a music shop. The girls sit down for a coffee and then tease two older boys into chasing them but escape by hiding in the ladies toilets. Both girls then go to a boutique and Madeline steals an item of clothing. Just in the nick of time the shop manager realises the theft and chases them along with security guards . The guards chase them on to the precinct roof where Madeline slyly puts the stolen item into Cathy's bag. They escape from there but are soon caught by the guards and the shop manager. Madeline tells the police to look in Cathy's bag and Cathy is shocked when the stolen item is found there. Cathy is sent to see Llewellyn. Mitchell and her mother are there also. Llewellyn says that due to her previous good character and recent difficult home circumstances (her father turning up) he is prepared to overlook the incident in her case, although Madeline is handed over to the police. Cathy retracts her complaint about Summers hitting her and the Art teacher will be reinstated. Mitchell tells Cathy to "go and make it up with Trisha!"
Now that the staff have called off their ban on extra-curricular activities the second leg of the District football finals versus Brookdale is to be played. The team is understrength so Baxter holds trials to find some new additions to the squad. Andrew is chosen. SAG, led by Jessica, holds a protest in the school canteen about the school uniform. The participants protest by turning their blazers inside out. Tucker is sitting next to Benny and Doyle takes great delight in telling him he cannot sit at that table as it is the free meals table for so-called "scroungers" like Benny, while Tucker pays for his lunch. Doyle and Tucker fight until Miss Clarke breaks it up. She sides with Doyle and tells Tucker he must move. Tucker enlists the help of Jessica and SAG and they protest over free meals tables by standing on the tables and chanting "we want the Head!". Llewellyn arrives and agrees to scrap the practice. In future pupils can sit wherever there is a place. Baxter tells the football team that Brookdale cannot make the date of the second leg and that by the time they CAN make it all of the football pitches will be taken up. So instead Grange Hill will take them on at cricket! SAG appeal to the pupils to boycott sports events until uniform has been abolished and that they intend to get their support one way or another. They organise picket lines and intimidate members (of all school teams) into not playing. A couple of days before the cricket match the team are three players down. Tucker, Alan and Justin are drafted in to make up the numbers. SAG try to picket the team before they get on the coach but Baxter orgainses Gary Hargreaves and some other burly older pupils to keep SAG at bay while the team get on the coach. Brookdale win the toss and bat first and set a score of 68 for 2, a good total. Grange Hill go into bat. Andrew is out first ball. Alan is doing well when he gets a hand injury and is forced to retire. Tucker is last but one to bat and he and Benny stri
Trisha is at home painting an anti-uniform banner for a SAG rally. Cathy turns up and apologizes over their argument. Trisha's sister Carol sabotages the banner. The protesters march through the corridors of school and around the playground ("Uniforms a drag, so says SAG!"). Llewellyn invites a delegation into his office and says that uniform will stay until the majority of people want it to be abolished. He gives a concession that the matter will be discussed and the next staff-pupil commitee meeting. Dave, a SAG member, is on the committee. However Dave is slightly late and when he enters he finds that the matter has already been raised and the motion defeated. After the meeting Jessica is enraged as she feels Llewellyn has pulled a "fast one". To make a stand SAG (including Cathy and Trisha) decide to occupy the secretary's office until their demands are met. Llewellyn gives the protesters 10 minutes to reflect upon their actions and vacate the room. No-one leaves, and after 10 minutes the door is locked. SAG call the local paper which sends up journalists however Llewellyn intercepts the journalists and plays down the problem and gets rid of them before any harm is done. The locked-in protesters see the press leaving and smash up the office in a fit of rage. Cathy and Trisha hide in a cupboard as they do not want to be involved anymore. Garfield, Mitchell, Baxter and Llewellyn round up those in the office and proclaim that they will all be expelled. Cathy and Trisha sneak out and go to Trisha's house. They think they have escaped but soon Mitchell turns up. Both girls are subsequently suspended for seven days.
The school musical ("Joseph And His Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat") is on the horizon and lead actor Andrew feels unwell. His mother puts it down to nerves. Tucker has not done his Maths homework for Mr Keating and does not turn up at his lesson so that he can finish painting the "chariot" (a converted bicycle) for the musical. Doyle turns up at the class and has not done his homework either and is given double detention. In the last dress rehearsal before the first show Andrew puts in a poor performance. Penny and Susi carry scenery from the art room down to the hall on the way they are ambushed by some older girls who threaten to damage the scenery but Summers comes and gives them detention. Keating catches up with Tucker and gives him detention, that evening. The older girls wreak revenge for Summers giving them detention by vandalising scenery and props,including the "Dreamcoat" for the musical. Sutcliffe blames Tucker but Summers sticks up for Tucker when she sees his chariot has been damaged also. Tucker says the may be able to get a replacement coat at short notice and darts away. Andrew is sick in the toilets. The parents begin to arrive for the performance. Tucker's mother says she had left her coat out to wear but it had disappeared. Tucker tells Andrew about a change in stage directions in the last scene so that the damaged part of the chariot is not seen by the audience. The show goes well on the whole with Andrew performing well. There is a slight hiccup in the last scene when Andrew forgets Tucker's instructions. Summers thank's Tucker's mother for lending her coat. Tucker is beckoned by his annoyed-looking mother....
Letters are to be sent to all parents regarding the application of methods that are to be used to raise the standard of discipline at Grange Hill. This firmer line is mainly attributable to the recent SAG sit-in. Tucker is running late for school and on the way is ambushed by three Brookdale boys. They take his blazer and chalk "Brookdale No 1" on it. Tucker turns up at school to find Baxter on the gate taking the names of latecomers as part of the discipline clampdown. Penny visits G1 and says that there will be a referendum on school uniform after all. Summers is off ill and will be unable to go on the forthcoming first year field trip but Miss Clarke will go instead. It is lunchtime and Tucker wants to go down to the chipshop but Benny is reading a magazine and Hughes and Alan are playing chess. He grabs both the magazine and the chess set and the other three chase him. They fight harmlessly and then decide to go to the chip shop after all. But Mr Matthews sends them to the secretary's office with a letter and says that there will be things for them to collect and take back to his classroom. After Matthews has gone Tucker says they can do their task after they have been down to the chipshop. They are ejected from the chipshop for being rude to the owner. They see one of the Brookdale boys that jumped Tucker that morning and now the boot is on the other foot. They take his blazer but the boy takes off back to Brookdale where he fetches several of his mates. They return and chase Tucker, Benny, Alan and Hughes. Benny gets his blazer stolen. The boys decide they have to enter Brookdale and get it back. Tucker, Alan and Benny all take off their (remaining) blazers and ties and give them to Hughes, who stays outside. Their blazer-hunt is unsuccessful initially but soon they see one of the boys, chase him and make him show them where Benny's blazer is. He then runs off again and gets his gang. The bell goes to signal the end of lunch at Brookdale. The boys escape despi
A group of first year pupils including Justin, Alan, Andrew, Doyle, Penny and Susi are going on a school trip to a Roman fort of archeological significance at Little Dudley near Beckensfield. Teachers on the trip are Mitchell, Clarke and Sutcliffe. The bus is ready to leave but Doyle has not arrived. His mother is walking him to the bus but he runs off, forgetting his wellington boots. Doyle throws Justin off the back seat of the bus. The bus sets off. Doyle slyly puts a fake spider next to Penny as a joke. She sees it and screams. Justin tells Mitchell that Doyle is responsible. Doyle vows revenge. Later on the trip the bus has to stop so that Justin can be sick. The group arrive at the centre they will be staying in. The warden lays down the ground rules. The nearby Forest is out of bound to unaccompanied pupils as they could get lost easily. In their dormitory Justin and Doyle have a pillow fight, Mitchell comes in and tells them to “Get up!” and says that from now on he will be watching the boys like hawks. Susi admits to Penny that she is not really interested in archeology, she only came on the trip because her mother told her to. The next day, after helping to assist with the dig, Penny and Susi have a “free period”. They ask Clarke if they can go and see the “long barrows” in a field next to the centre. She says yes they can, as she believes the two girls are trustworthy. The boys have a free period also but have to go for a walk in the forest with Sutcliffe. Doyle tells Alan, Justin and Andrew of “Dick Turpin’s Cave” which he says is in the forest and that they should escape from Sutlciffe’s walking party and go and see it. When the chance comes the four boys dodge away. Penny and Susi are in a field, they have been unable to find the long barrows but they do find a donkey, which Susi climbs upon. They see a man on a horse and run off into the forest a panic, thinking he is going to give them a telling off. The four boys see the two girl
Sutcliffe sees the four boys coming out of the forest and he asks them where they went. They lie and say they saw a deer and followed it. Sutcliffe says that the other pupils (apart from Penny and Susi) are back at the centre as a puma has escaped from a nearby reserve and that hunters are to go out looking for it. Justin wants to tell the teachers that they saw the girls in the forest but Doyle and the others persuade him not to. Mitchell calls in the police. The four boys hold a dormitory meeting. Justin still wants to tell about seeing the girls but Doyle says that they should give it another half hour. Half an hour later the hunt for the girls is about to set off. The light is fading rapidly. Despite their agreement the other boys still won’t let Justin tell the teachers where they saw the girls as they fear it will get them into trouble. Justin says he is going to the toilet but goes and tells Mitchell, Doyle follows. The hunt for the girls is reorganised due to the information about where Penny and Susi were last seen. The hunt sets off with Justin and Doyle squabbling, Justin uncharacteristically says “Look, I’m sick of hearing your voice, so shut it or I’ll smash your face!” which shuts Doyle up. Suddenly the puma is seen and is shot with a tranquilizer dart. The girls are found, basically alright, although Penny has had a fall and has injured her foot. Clarke persuades Mitchell not to take further disciplinary action against the four boys. The next day on the way back Mitchell concedes that it has been “Not a bad trip at all!” and promptly falls asleep.
Susi is worried about the forthcoming First Year Exams - her parents are pressuring her to get into the top "sets" for all her subjects, and threaten to send her to another school if she does not perform well. Penny announces to the first years that there is to be a referendum on whether school uniform will be made optional. Staff, Parents and Pupils will all be given a vote. Tucker, Benny and Hughes discover a geography exam paper and delightedly vow to find out all of the answers before the exam takes place. The school librarian is surprised when she is inundated with first years coming in to the library to find out what the "Corealis Effect" is! Susi is copying Maths homework questions that Keating has set off the blackboard after class when Madeline comes in and wickedly scrubs it off. Susi asks to copy the questions from Penny but Penny cannot assist as she is in a hurry to get home. Susi goes home where her mother ensures she gets on with her exam revision immediately. Next morning Susi tells her mother that she doesn't feel well. They go to see their doctor who says that physically Susi is fine. Mrs McMahon unsympathetically insists that Susi must go to school immediately, although her books are still at home.Keating gives her a detention when she has no homework to hand in and no doctor's note. The next day is the first day of the exams and Susi is clearly unwell this time with a high temperature. Mrs McMahon phones the school and is pleased when the school confirm that Susi can take the exams when she returns. On hearing this news, Susi breaks down in tears. The Geography exam comes around, and Tucker looks pleased with himself at the start. However none of the questions that Tucker predicted would come up are in the exam and afterwards he is given a "doing" by his irate Classmates. It was a second year paper that Tucker stole! Susi returns to school and Summers tells her that she is doing well academically and that she worries too much about matching the a
It is almost the end of the school year and there is an open day on the horizon. The First Years are creating an exhibit on "The History of Grange Hill" as their project. Judy Preston arrives at Grange Hill as part of a delegation from Brookdale challenging Grange Hill to an end of term General Knowledge Quiz. It will take place as part of the open day. The pupils selected to represent Grange Hill are chosen by a simple ballot method. Hughes, Antoni and Susi will represent the First Year. Hughes realises he has an awful grasp of General Knowledge and tries to back out but it is too late. Trisha and Cathy produce an exhibit on "school uniform through the ages", and Tucker & Co produce various models showing Grange Hill past and present. Llewellyn unveils a model of the projected new assembly hall that can be built after an improvement grant has been approved by the Council. Doyle steals some of Tucker's models and then locks the models in a cupboard with Hughes. The quiz is starting and the First Year round is postponed until Hughes appears. Tucker and his gang corner Doyle and force him to lead them to their models and in the process Hughes is freed. He returns to take part in the quiz but his efforts are in vain as Brookdale win by a point. Mitchell announces that he is leaving Grange Hill and as a leaving present Tucker gives him his rubber "chicken foot" and Mitchell tells him that it's "Just what I've always wanted!".
Tucker & co are late on the first day when the bus doesn't turn up. Mr Sutcliffe helps lay signs around the school for the new first formers. Benny turns up with football in one hand, and little brother in the other. Andrew Stanton is accompanied by his sister, Karen: he is overprotective, but she would rather be independent. Sudhanami Patel turns up with uniform, but her classmates are now casually dressed. Penny's know-all hauteur gets up the nose of Trisha. Tucker and Alan seem to be as lost as the first years. Mr Sutcliffe falls out with the caretaker over the arrows supposed to help new pupils. In the new Miss Peterson's class, Cathy's jeans don't meet with approval. Tucker's mates tell him he must finish his holiday assignment, even though it is not needed till Friday. Duane's bike goes missing.
Duane turns up with a black eye, given by his dad as a result of his lost bike. With school maintenance going on, the window putty proves irresistible. The drama class starts. Duane's long-term friendship with Tracey seems to be crumbling under peer pressure. Pogo's putty removal causes some headaches for the school maintenance man. Pogo accidentally spills some red paint over Duane's jacket. Tracey repairs the rift in their friendship by sorting out Duane's paint problem.
Justin is given the bumps on his birthday. The third form wants a common room for lunch and breaks. A school trip to some waste ground inspires Penny and Susi to ask if they can go to the proper countryside. Susi has bra troubles. Alan, with Andrew, and witnessed by Susi leaves a fire burning, but a chain of kids put it out using milk churns. Susi throws her bra in the river, but Andrew retrieves it, and there's a mutual agreement between them to keep quiet about what each other has seen.
A new school council rep is elected. The students still are thinking about the countryside, and want a regular trip. Cathy flirts with the decorator. Trish is pushed into becoming a school rep. Tucker starts a fire in Chemistry. Tempers flare between Trisha, Cathy, and Penny. Doyle and Trisha, and Mark and Penny are proposed from the each class. Doyle's proposed policies are all stolen from other candidates. Trisha & Cathy fight until Miss Peterson intervenes. Doyle wins but both Trisha and Penny are beaten by an outsider.
Duane's bike seems to have resurfaced as owned by another pupil. Madelin Tanner is seen behaving suspiciously. The first formers are told their project is to collect insects. A meeting is held about the school magazine: censorship rears its ugly head. Another bike goes missing. Pogo holds an insect race, but the contestants escape. Sally Forsyth takes a tumble during Miss Peterson's obstacle course, and rumours spread that she has died. More bikes go missing.
A new girl Fatima starts, and a little racism is apparent in the staff's assumption that Sudhanami speaks her tongue. Fatima has difficulties fitting into the school, but is taught useful phrases by Cathy and Trisha, including "Shut yer Mouf". The school fair looms and Tucker has plans to get a teacher wet. An accident in Chemistry makes Trisha re-evaluate her stand against school uniform. Sudhanami's dad is upset at her Western friends, and decides he would like her moved to an all-girl's school. Can Trisha and Cathy persuade him that Sudhanami is not being corrupted?
Doyle is abusing his position on school council by taking bribes. Mr Hopwood has arranged for a hut to be rented for outdoor activities on a nearby farm, but transport seems to be a problem. The First form has a mime lesson, but it is interrupted by Mr Garfield setting up lunch tables. Pogo is obnoxious in Cookery, so the girls teach him a lesson. Because the lunch is delayed, Pogo gets his first stab at a business venture, selling Duane's cakes to starving students. Pogo and Duane are mugged after the second day's cake sale, but Mr Sutcliffe intervenes. Although the staff aren't happy about Pogo's venture, it prompts them to start the official tuck shop, using Pogo and Duane as helpers - but with a detention and essay thrown in for good measure.
Sutcliffe and Mooney seem to be having a lover's tiff, which pleases Cathy no end. Mr Hopwood is not pleased to find virtually no-ones come to the meeting about the outdoor centre - Doyle is blamed for doing nothing. Penny and Susi are determine to show how useless Doyle is as a council rep. They type a short piece for the school magazine, which is accepted at the last moment. The "Trading Post" makes a start with its hungry customers and sells out. Doyle finds out about the school magazine and confronts Penny, but she is rescued by Alan who has evidently taken a shine to Susi. The staff aren't amused by Penny's comments, worried because Doyle's father is on the council. All magazines are rounded up, and this annoys Andrew Stanton and Justin Bennett.
Andrew's parents seem to be having marital strife again. Andrew gets paint over his trousers. A tug of war between staff and pupils is planned. The meeting to discuss the outdoor centre has a lot more people this time. Penny realises she can use Susi to promote her anti-Doyle campaign. Fundraising is started for the outdoor centre, including a sponsored walk. Alan takes Tucker's two 50 pence pieces, and a small battle begins which ends up with Tucker lobbing a water bomb at Baxter accidentally. Benny tries for the District Team, and shows off his stuff in the trials, but is handicapped by not being a Brookdale boy. Mr Wainwright is thwarted when the teams reorganise themselves to show off Benny and the other boys in a more prominent position. Benny is chosen, but gives him a dilemma that his first match conflicts with one against Rodney Bennett.
Pogo has an argument with Karen, in Woodwork, and he breaks her toast rack. Karen hires some help, who ambush him and remove his trousers. Tucker, Benny and Alan shortcut Mr Baxter's runaround the block by using a bus. Mr Baxter reconciles with Benny and cancels his detention. Enough money has been raised for the outdoor centre, but who will win the tug of war?
The first trip to the outdoor centre in the newly acquired van. The third formers set up camp, and Alan takes off Susi for some judo practice. Tucker strikes up a deal with Justin. The boys set up the girls tent on an ants nest. Cathy ignores advice to go upstairs in the derelict building, and trips up over a rotting floorboard. She is carted off to hospital, but the damaged building raises doubts that the outdoor centre may be too derelict. Jill Harcourt's handwriting is arousing suspicion in Mr Sutcliffe. Alan takes his dad on an unofficial visit to assess the outdoor centre, but Mr Hopwood catches them there. Alan's dad is more optimistic than the school council, and promises a low estimate. Susi's Judo floors Jill Harcourt, and Alan is rewarded with a kiss for his efforts, to the glee of Tucker.
Tucker, Alan and Hughsey mess around at the shopping centre. Trouble seems to be brewing between Brookdale and Grange Hill. Baxter guards the entrance, and notes pupils arriving with injuries. A series of dares begins, each getting more and more dangerous. Are Trisha and Cathy really exhorting money from the first formers? Tucker makes use of the back entrance, selling its usage to other third formers. The precinct is made out of bounds. Sutcliffe catches Cathy and Trisha in the shopping precinct - but he can't be angry at their reason for being there. Meanwhile at the same time Tucker is pushed into the precinct's fountain as part of a dare. Antoni Karamanopolis takes a daring walk on the car park wall, is this one dare too far?
Penny's magazine contribution is being done through Susi. Tucker has ideas on using the school's video recorder. Cathy's having problems with her periods. Tucker's chair-knocking game falls foul of the cleaners. The Outdoor centre is vetoed in the council meeting, which seems to please Doyle. The option of sharing an outdoor centre with Brookdale is proposed by Tucker. Miss Peterson gives Doyle some grief about his poor council rep performance. In return he steals Penny's project and bins it. Mr Hopwood comes to the rescue and Doyle is made to retrieve the lost project from the rubbish, and loses his council rep position as a result. Brookdale agrees to a joint venture for the outdoor centre.
Justin is having troubles with his over-protective mother. Mrs. McClusky makes a start at the school, which is having vandalism problems. She puts new rules in place prohibiting pupils from staying inside during breaks. Tuck shop prices go up, and up and up. Trisha and Cathy form a group with some other girls. There's a competition to make a new design for the School Magazine, with a tenner for a prize, and Tucker thinks he's in with a chance. When a deliberate fire is started, and someone injured, a new prefect scheme is started.
Pogo overhears a girl talk about "time of the month", and tries the same excuse! A medical is in the offing for the 2nd Year - everyone speculates about how intrusive it will be. Alan worries about whether his smoking vice will be spotted, Clare is worried too, because she's not started her periods, and Selena is worried because her country's customs disapprove of undressing in company.
Gripper Stebson makes his first appearance and gives Grange Hill a bad reputation at the sweet shop. Mr Hicks seems to be a bit of a head-case at the swimming lesson: he pushes Christopher Stewart (Stewpot) who cuts his head. He talks his way out of it, when Stewpot's parents come to complain, because the boys are scared of him. Mr. Baxter announces that Mr Hicks will be taking P.E. Mr. Hicks now has it in for Stewpot. Miss Lexington senses something is wrong and speaks to Bullet Baxter, who reprimands her for listening to tittle-tattle, however, older kids are putting doubts in his mind, so he surreptitiously goes to watch Mr. Hicks in action. When he sees Hicks pushing Christopher to the ground, he calls him out and punches him on the jaw.
While talking about the bad behaviour of Doyle, Trisha learns that the school has a file on her. Tucker seems confident about his art winning the Magazine Cover Competition, but Doyle seems determined to scupper him. Trisha and Susi have another meeting about their rights and problems- a poll is being held asking everyone about their opinions. Trisha goes to see Mrs. McClusky about being treated like kids, and asks to see her file. Alan finds Susi is at his house, and she ropes him into working out a plan of action.
Roland avoids "GCE" (Gripper's Cash Enterprise) by accompanying Miss Mooney through the school gates. Gripper nabs Zammo and Jonah's cash, but they have no intention to continue paying him indefinitely. Roly cuts himself in woodwork - did he do it on purpose so he could go home? Annette wants revenge against Zammo and Jonah for their stink bomb damaging her shoes, and buys her own stink bomb. Jonah and Zammo goes to see Mr. Hopwood to try to get something done about Gripper, but without confrontation. Mr. Hopwood accuses Gripper, who denies it, but is forced to empty his pockets and donate the sizable amount of money to the school fund. Roly's mum finds Roly at home, and angrily brings him back to school to talk to Mrs. McClusky. Annette lies in wait for Zammo with her stink bomb, she throws it, but her aim is off and she gets Gripper instead.
A lesson on human biology is announced, with a letter to be taken home for permission to be sought. Can H3 be sensible about the subject? What will Anita Unsworth's Gran say? Matthew Cartwright would rather not do the lesson, and takes some stick from older sister Pamela. Pogo tries to make a few bob out of the biology textbook's "disgusting pictures". Claire's mother speaks to Mrs. McClusky concerned that her daughter is too innocent for the forthcoming biology lesson. How did Matthew Cartwright lose his trousers? It's all chaotic until Mrs McClusky asks the form on their opinion, and the conclusion is they do want sex education. Pogo and Gripper are interrogated by McClusky about their bad behaviour.
School cuts are being noticed, what with the lack of a Technical Drawing teacher, and book shortages. The Computer Club wants to buy a new computer for £1200, and the PTA tries to come up with some fund-raising ideas. A "Sponsored Spell" is on the cards. Can Gripper spell any other word than "G.B.H"? Gripper sees the text book shortages as a way of earning money, getting his supplies from St. Mary's girls. He ropes in Pogo as an unwilling accomplice to sell them. Unfortunately, Gripper's muggings have not gone unreported, and a spot inspection by Mr. Keating brings the sorry business to an end. The money raised towards buying a computer gets used instead for buying new text books.
Belinda starts learning the Clarinet, an expensive instrument that she becomes paranoid about getting damaged. Annette hides it in the boys' changing rooms for a laugh, but Belinda is not amused, and nor is Pogo when she bursts in while he is changing. Annette's joke backfires when they find the clarinet gone, and Mr. Baxter tells the girls off when he finds them skulking around. Belinda's mum is annoyed when she finds out the loss, but the clarinet is insured: Fay and Annette have to fork out the first £20 from their savings.
Why has Annette brought two eggs to cookery? Benny Green has inspired Zammo to take the Athletic Trials. Fay is pleased to be selected for the hockey team against Brookdale. Mr. McDuffy is holding auditions for the "school review". Annette's launching of an egg aimed at Roland isn't helping his self-esteem, but he is at least trying to join in. Gripper's back to demanding money from Roly, but Benny intervenes. Roly's entry in the shot putt is a disaster. Fay is praised for their team winning the hockey practice, but Belinda has a clash of interest between hockey and her music. Roland can't believe it - he is on the list for the school review!
A look at behind the scenes at Grange Hill from 1987 focusing on series 11 also featuring interviews with cast & Crew.
Tegs brother comes home, Mr. Bronson's car breaks down, Danny Kendall gets off to a bad start and Clark's new paper round is beset with difficulties.
Justine meets Tegs's on-the-run brother, Vince saves Georgina with his "psychic powers" and Gonch explains his computerized Homework Service to Ziggy and Robbie.
Vince's psychic powers continue to amaze Trevor Cleaver. Subterfuge is used to get Calley to do Mauler's French homework and the police raid Tegs's house.
It's the night of Ronnie's party, and there are unwelcome guests in the form of Trevor Cleaver and Mauler McCaul.
Chrissy is mugged on the way to school, and this prompts Miss Booth into suggesting self-defence classes. Danny starts on the swimming pool mosaic, but forgets his appointment with Mr. Tilly, about work experience.
Gonch tries to impress Mandy Freemont to get her help with the homework service - but "Les Diapositives de Bretagne" turns out not to be the musical gig he was expecting.
Mr. Bronson spoils Danny's work experience and Justine helps Tegs get his shirts clean. Trevor's got a lot of money on a horse - will "Lucky Shark" live up to the promise of his name?
Ronnie gets into Mr. Bronson's bad books when he collides with her moped. Clarke and Matthew use signalling to find the missing bike.
Trevor's out to get Vince for his failed prediction, and Mauler wants to muscle in on Gonch's Sweepstake. When Mauler and Ted chase Gonch and Ziggy through the estate, there's a tragedy in store when they discover Mr. Bronson's missing car.
Grange Hill comes to terms with Danny Kendall's death with the planting of a tree and the holding of a memorial service.
Who is hiding inside Grange Hill? Trevor has a skinful and has to be hidden away by Ziggy and Robbie. Mr Bronson, increasingly isolated and withdrawn, pulls out of the Isle of Wight trip.
Mr. Bronson changes his mind about the isle of Wight trip, Justine discovers where Tegs has been hiding, and Helen has her first day of work experience as an engineer.
Gonch sees Mandy in a new light on the Isle of Wight trip. Georgina's been getting weird notes from an admirer, and Trevor keeps losing his beer.
Trevor's drinking gets him into a dangerous situation. At the barbecue, Calley goes cold on Robbie, and Mandy discovers the original reason that Gonch asked her out.
Helen encounters Mauler at her work experience, Mr. Bronson hands in his notice and Trevor is seen going to the off-license.
Mr. Griffiths, Mauler and Ziggy make a search for the mystery intruder under the cover of darkness.
Who will be Mauler's date? Matthew and Clarke find the owner of the ferocious dog.
Mauler is out for revenge on Gonch. A reporter for the local radio station comes to school. Tegs goes back to his old house.
Plans are laid for the forthcoming Prom, and money is raised for Mr. Bronson's leaving present.
Grange Hill holds a glitzy end-of-term Prom. There's a clash of the Rambos, and a mission to get Georgina and Ziggy together.
Jacko's dog disrupts the first day of the new school year, and the new Deputy Head imposes his discipline on Mauler and Ted.
Locko falls for one of Neil Timpson's tricks, and Tegs is still hostile towards Justine.
Mr. Hargreaves continues to drive other staff mad, Georgina gets nowhere fast with Mike Bentley, and Mrs. Monroe teaches the first formers a song in Latin.
Georgina and her friends get some glamour photos taken. Robbie and Mike get involved in a pub brawl.
The Third Formers take a trip to the canal. Tegs and Matthew do a spot of breaking and entering and Mrs. Monroe gets locked in a cupboard.
Ronnie gets involved in an animal rights protest outside a Chemists. Mike and Georgina see Calley with her new boyfriend.
Aichaa discovers that a photo of herself will be published in a magazine. A new playground craze is brought to an early end by Mr. Robson's sports net.
Ronnie attempts to stop rat dissection at St. Mary's, Mauler sells Mr. Hargreaves's photo frame, and Neil Timpson's "video nasty" gets him into trouble.
Neil Timpson's revenge on the T-Shirt girls might just be more deadly than he intended. Mike finds a newspaper report about the pub brawl.
Aicha and Georgina go to a modelling agency, the photo and the frame come back to Grange Hill, and Tegs goes home to his real mother.
A hunger lunch is given and Matthew's home life, in a crowded noisy, flat takes a turn for the worse.
Mike decides to drop out of the athletic trials to avoid publicity. The first formers make Chilli Con Carne to sell as an alternative to the hunger lunches.
Mike runs his race, and confides in Georgina about the fight. Aichaa has a date with Robbie, and Matthew takes drastic action.
Matthew's arson attempt only results in his family moving to another dingy hotel. The t-shirt business is terminated, and Jacko's dog is found.
Justine's reputation is in tatters, Ronnie sees where Calley's boyfriend works, and Robbie and Aichaa get into trouble at a football match.
Mr. Hankin calls on his Aunt Camelia to demonstrate acoustics, and at night Calley uses her boyfriend's electronic card to get Ronnie into the laboratory.
Calley, Ronnie and Georgina are allowed to leave the lab. Georgina's first modelling assignments are disastrous. Neil Timpson's monkeying around gets him into trouble.
Alice and Becky spend the morning at the health club, Matthew has his court appearance, and Robbie decides to tell the police what happened at the pub.
Neil Timpson gets taught a lesson. Rod's time as a caretaker comes to a sudden end, and Mr. Robson arranges a surprise for the disillusioned Mike.
Mike and Robbie go to court, and with the support of the school, and his father, Mike runs his most important race.
Mr. Van Der Groot makes a good impression on Form R2. The ill-maintained heating causes the school to be filled with water, most of it landing on Mr. Hargreaves!
Trevor gets some work experience as an Estate Agent, Alice asks for "more" and Calley gets her hospital test results.
Becky and Alice use the crawlspace to spy on the staff, and start a peaceful canteen protest. Matthew sees the "Smugglers" from Richard's tree-house.
While Jacko and his gang try to get to Edinburgh, a party is in the offing. Georgina doesn't wait in for Mike and Tegs tells Justine he is moving to Germany.
Mike gets an offer to train in the USA. Jack and Locko go to meet Brian, who is sick with a mystery illness.
Julie Corrigan is sent to Coventry, Mike learns about Georgina's dance with Don and Trevor starts selling take-away pizzas in the playground.
The school advertising is made to look ridiculous, the school starts charging for lockers and Mr Robson has an accident while he and Mike are out on his motorbike.
News of Chrissy's pregnancy is overheard by Alice. Chrissy goes to get some advice from Ms Booth, and Cecile gives Mike a visa application.
The rumour of Chrissy's pregnancy by Mr. Van Der Groot spreads around school. Julie will do anything to gain the friendship of her classmates, including jumping in the swimming pool!
Trevor abandons the lunchtime pizza business, Julie goes missing, and there's another stab at trying to prove that the smugglers are up to no good.
Mrs. Monroe teaches Alice a lesson in victimization, Richard sells some t-shirts to raise money for Matthew, and the contents of the smuggler's shed is finally seen.
On the day of the Dartmoor trip, Ray arrives with his brother's bike, and his wallet. Justine realizes that Chrissy is pregnant after all, and lied about her test.
On the last day at Dartmoor, there's a final initiative test to be done. Matthew gets his revenge on Ray and Richard, while back home Trevor and Ted's dinner party fails to win any admiration from Calley and Georgina.
Chrissy's pregnancy becomes common knowledge, and she goes to see an advisor. Mrs. McClusky announces her early retirement and Alice comes a cropper.
A model boat race is held. The true nature of the "smugglers" is revealed. There's bad news for Brian shaw's parents: their son needs a bone marrow transplant.
The pizza business is discovered by Mr. Robson. Georgina persuades Calley to get glasses. Chrissy's dad doesn't take news of the pregnancy very well.
Interviews are held for the post of Headmaster, Matthew takes his friends to see his new flat and Ray ruins Nick's jacket on a night out.
Fran receives a letter from Jamie, Nick is on the warpath when he sees what Ray's done to his jacket and Calley excels at her hotel work experience.
Ms Booth does her sponsored run, Jamie turns up unexpectedly to see Fran, and Ted has tea again at Chrissy's house.
As the term ends, Natalie gives Mrs. McClusky a musical send off, and the long-standing headmistress is given a variety of leaving presents.
It's love at first sight for Ray when a new American teacher starts, Jacko and his mates start cleaning car windscreens, and Natalie is horrible to everyone.
Ms. Janowitz suggests the idea of a school newspaper, and Nat continues exhibit a changeable personae until it becomes evident that she is just one of a pair of twins.
The windscreen washers accidentally target Mr. Hargreaves car. He tells Mr. Robson that pupils must stay in at lunchtime, and Ray overhears and circulates a bulletin with the news.
Trainers are banned at school after an expensive pair are stolen. The 5th formers debate the "Invidividual" versus the "Group".
Maria and Richard make fake American trainers, Spanner and Techno use the computer to produce the lines they are given to do, and unauthorized photographers appear in the playground.
Mrs. Monroe unwittingly gives plausible excuses for trainers to be worn, Justine tapes a revealing interview with Mr. Hargreaves and Alice and Becky find a secret garden.
While Chrissy goes into an early pregnancy, almost giving birth in the school loos, Ted seems intent on creating a new life for himself in Southampton.
Mr. Hargreaves isn't pleased when the newspaper misquotes him as lifting the trainer ban. The piece about cigarettes being sold to first formers provokes violent revenge against Justine.
Mrs. Keele, Grange Hill's new headmistress, starts. Ted finally goes to see Chrissy and their baby. Jacko sells flowers from the garden to Liam who gives them to Justine.
The clashes between Natasha and Natalie, and the violence in the peace garden finally all get too much for Becky. The feud with St Joseph's School gathers momentum.
Writers' Week causes a bit of a stir, Techno finds out that "LoveByte" isn't quite the girl he was expecting, and Ray kisses Ms. Janowitz.
Justine plays a trick on the Cigarette Gang, and there's a massive confrontation between St. Joseph's and Grange Hill.
A local newspaper reporter steals Justine's unpublished account of the confrontation with St. Joseph's, and Mrs. Keele issues an ultimatum to the school.
After Justine intercepts a postcard for Ted a few home truths are revealed. Ted moves away to Southampton, alone. Diane finds a fox's paw print in the garden. Liam has a confrontation with a rival gang.
Staff and pupils unite to stop the sale of the Peace Garden land.
Ray and the others try to find Liam to stop him joining in the Eagles and Hawks gang fight, but they find he's had an accident en-route, and is lying dead in the road.
Public schoolboys visit Grange Hill, Year Seven find out how environmentally friendly the school is, or rather isn't, and Justine makes a surprise return.
The visiting public schoolboys find that the girls at Grange Hill are a little more than they can handle. Richard finally gets time alone with Natasha.
Richard organizes a collection for Ms. Janowitz, and Chrissy brings her baby to school.
A fashion show and baseball match bring the school year to a close. Ray's jacket becomes Ms. Janowitz's leaving present, and the Cigarette Gang get expelled.
When an asteroid is forecast hitting the Earth at 3.20pm, it is blamed for a series of malfunctions. Fran and Maria attempt to love match Natasha with Mr. Brisley.
Barry Timpson is chased round school, Ray's girlfriend (really Kenny's) impresses everyone, Techno falls out with Spanner, and Fran and Maria steal Natasha's diary.
Mr. Robson comes under pressure to allow the girls to play football. The contents of Natasha's lost diary are pinned on the notice board.
Impatient for the school to buy the camcorder, Ray gambles the fifty quid raised so far on Grange Hill winning a five-a-side match against St.Joseph's.
A badminton match brings Maria closer to Richard. Mick and Grimbo do community work, helping an old Polish lady.
Mary becomes a pariah when Julie Corrigan learns that she is a traveller. The girls earn the right to run the tuck shop.
Mrs. Monroe cancels a potentially lucrative advert film shoot, but Ray gets Justine to phone to reinstate it. When the film crew arrive, the footballers auditioning aren't what the producer expected.
The camcorder is purchased with money from the advert, Mr. Robson agrees to coach the girls in football, Frank steals a locket, and Maria engineers a visit to a new night club with Richard.
Ray records Kenny's engagement party using the camcorder: with an ex-girlfriend on the loose, and the party food contaminated by Worcester Sauce, it is far from uneventful!
The Polish lady works out that Frank and Graham have taken her locket and they are expelled. Robyn visits the travellers' camp and meets Mary's father.
Natalie finds Fran's photo (planted to convince Richard that Natasha had a boyfriend) and gives it to Natasha who pretends to know him. Then that boy, Fran's cousin, turns up...
The girls vs boys football match takes place, and Robyn goes missing on her birthday.
Robyn is missing, and the police search everywhere, including the travellers' camp. Justine gets a lesson in etiquette from Mr. Brisley.
The mystery of Robyn's disappearance is solved, hostilities between Fran and Maria flare up, and Ray accidentally shows the incriminating engagement party video to Kenny's fiancé, Ruth.
Justine spends the weekend at Luke's impressive house in the country and tries to shake off the memories of Liam. Back home, Ruth has vamoosed and Kenny is heartbroken.
Video equipment is stolen from the Media Room and the finger of suspicion points to Mick and Barry. The person who has been posting copies of Natasha's diary is discovered.
An old friend of Kenny's makes an appearance, Nick finally admits his guilt to Natasha, and the tuck shop sells friendship hearts.
Ruth insists on a church wedding, Lauren again gets the blame for Dudley's joke against Mr. Parrott, and Justine and Ray make a surprising discovery about Mr. Brisley.
Mr. Brisley admits to being gay but gets support in an unexpected way, Mr Parrott gets taken down a peg or two, and Jacko tells his friends that his mother is in a mental institution.
When Kenny and Ruth get married it's an opportunity for Grange Hill to dress up. The staff go nowhere fast while Bevis and Mrs. Mason end up helping the police with their inquiries.
Mr. Robson and Justine collect an American teacher, Martha Jordan, from the airport. Mrs. Keele cuts up her credit card and throws away the pieces, but Anna Wright cunningly reassembles them.
Anna has fun with Mrs. Keele's credit card, Justine's good intentions come to nothing, and Jacko tells Becky about his mum's mental deterioration.
Mr. Robson's romantic aspirations have a momentary knock back at Martha's Thanksgiving dinner, Anna locks Mrs. Monroe in the toilets and Jacko sets an aim of taking his sick mum to the seaside.
It's Sunday, and there's a car boot sale, football trials and a drama workshop at school. Jacko sells some precious belongings, while Arnie and Sam discover a suspicious trade in animals.
Arnie and Sam's investigation into the animal sellers lead them into trouble, all the males of the drama workshop quit, and romance is in the air for Martha and Mr. Robson.
Jacko takes his mum to the sea and learns some family history, Mr. Robson almost destroys his romance with Martha, and Jessica and her old public school friends accidentally eavesdrop on the Head's marital strife.
Anna gets involved in the "Animal Man" business, word spreads about Martha and Mr. Robson, and a light-hearted drama session leads to a serious assault on Jessica.
Paula attacks Jessica because of the rumour that Joe groped her, while Mr. Robson and Martha interrogate the boys to get the culprit. During a confrontation with Anna Mrs. Keele keels over.
Mrs. Keele recovers from her heart attack in hospital, Dennis photocopies Mr Parrott's Maths test, and Jacko spends time with his mother, but gets kicked out of the band as a result.
The school choir is resurrected. Work starts on a school brochure with photos being taken of the school. Arnie, Sam and Anna borrow the camera to get a further clue about the animal smuggling.
The school inspectors give Mr. Robson a worrying time. Arnie, Sam and Anna make a journey to Hertford and discover Animal Man's farm, but Anna can't keep herself hidden when she sees a puppy about to be drowned.
Arnie, Sam and Anna defeat the animal trader. The girls perform their "Bits and Pieces" drama for Mrs. Monroe who decides it's too risqué for public performance.
Dennis and Dudley accidentally damage the stage equipment used for the girls' play, but Dennis's shoe leaves a tell-tale imprint behind. Justine takes an old friend to a party, but witnesses an attack on the way home.
The girls find a way around Mrs Monroe's ban, and perform their feminist drama piece in a park.
Sam can't find a reliable location for the computer tennis tournament, Dennis reveals that it was Brian who assaulted Jessica and Robyn and Julie's second babysitting evening is no better than the first.
Anna is forced to join the choir, and surprises everyone with her talent. A school trip to East Germany is planned. Babysitting lessons are given by the school secretary.
Year Seven put pressure on Mr. Parrott's rapidly failing voice to get him out of the choir. Justine and Maria secretly record Martha's singing and replay it to the music teacher so that she'll go to Germany with Mr. Robson.
The computer game tournament ends and Sam wins, but the winnings are confiscated by Mr. Robson. Maria spends the night with a bloke she met at a party and has a huge row with both her father and with Richard.
Grange Hill goes to Germany for the choir competition. A trip to a youth club becomes an unpleasant experience: Jodie faces right-wing youths who resent the intrusion of the English, and Jessica gets drunk on Schnapps.
Josh's war memorabilia threatens an explosive end to the Germany trip, Mrs. Monroe treats her class on her last day, Martha decides she can't quit the U.S., and Justine and Maria leave their school days behind.
On Induction Day there are some new faces. Sarah-Jane's little sister goes rampant, a new house system is introduced, and there's trouble brewing in the canteen.
Anna's brother gets her to drum up business for his drug selling. Julie takes driving lessons, but it's Robyn who the instructor is interested in.
The house system is reorganized. There's a gorillagram in school, but it is both Poppy and Mrs. Maguire's birthday.
When a policeman comes to school to talk about drugs, Anna hides the LSD tabs. Looking for Gordon, the loan shark smashes up the flat. Anna heads out onto the streets alone.
Paula makes a fool of herself trying to impress Jerome. Dennis adopts the Beatnik look for a trip to an art museum, but when he sees that Rachel needs to sit down, he grabs a nearby chair and destroys the exhibit from which it is a part!
Julie camps out in the playing fields. Arnie and Dill find someone living in the Boiler Room. Kevin unwittingly takes one of Anna's LSD tabs. Later, he starts to be affected, runs out of class and climbs over the balcony...
Rachel calmly talks Kevin away from danger, Miss Carver moves in with Mrs. Maguire and Becky goes to see how a women's refuge operates.
Becky's involvement with the women's refuge threatens her relationship with Jacko. Arnie and Dill eavesdrop on Gordon on his mother and discover disturbing news about Anna.
The school holds a fund raising day. Arnie and Sam's hatch a plan to kidnap Mr. Parrot (but all for a good cause!) while Jessica settles her differences with Paula in the girls' rugby match.
Anna seeks revenge for her brother being shopped. Julie joins the "tribe" of protesters and Jessica goes go-karting with Joe.
Gordon tracks down his mother and sister at the refuge, Lucy and Josh develop a fact sheet about the area and Dudley falls in love.
Gordon hits Becky as she tries to rescue Anna, but he's caught by the police. Demolition equipment sets to work on the road protesters' house, while inside Julie and her friends are handcuffed together.
The lonely hearts comes to an abrupt end when the two "Sexy Sadies" get mixed up assignments. An HIV awareness workshop is held.
Year Seven spends the night at the Science Museum, while Lucy's mother is taken to hospital with suspected Meningtitis.
Lucy's mother dies of an HIV related disease. Her father works out the disease was contracted during a transfusion while abroad. At school, sympathy turns into vicious rumour.
There's a lot of ignorance demonstrated when people learn that Lucy's mother had HIV. A visit to the Terrence Higgins Trust helps clear up her thoughts.
At half term, Jacko and Brian leave a raunchy video in a coach they are cleaning, and when the coach unexpectedly departs, courier-biker Jacko tries to intercept it before the Women's Institute press "play" on the remote control.
Lucy and her father get the rest results they hoped for, and a parents' evening is held.
The school works on a promo video and Rick persuades a shop to give him a bicycle in return for "product placement" in the video. Jacko tells Becky he doesn't have the money to go on holiday with her.
The two videos are finalized, Poppy gets revenge on Wayne, and Jacko has a surprise present for Becky's birthday.
Jessica is unwell, and boyfriend Joe seems to have lost interest. Wayne has an air pistol, and finds that Kevin is a surprisingly good shot. Wayne wants to know how good he is with a live target, so they go to an animal sanctuary...
Jessica publicly dumps Joe and then collapses. Kevin has Wayne's air-gun, but Wayne chooses the Maths lesson to ask it to be returned. As Kevin takes out the gun, Mr. Davies enters and demands to see what's in everyone's bag.
Kevin accidentally shoots Sarah-Jane with the air gun. He doesn't tell the police whose gun it really is. Jessica goes to collect the results of her blood test.
Jessica is diagnosed with M.E, but has an offer to stay with an Aunt in California. Dennis uses this as a business opportunity - importing cheap jackets - but Arnie quashes the idea.
Julie returns to school from her time in Spain. Mrs. Maguire announces that she's pregnant. Poppy brings a precious photo to school, but Wayne trips her up, and it is smashed.
Just who is stalking Joanna? Robyn gets the blame for a mistake in allocating homes for the French Exchange scheme.
The sixth formers are paid to monitor bullying. The French exchange kids arrive, and Arnie takes a fancy to Edith - if only he can summon the courage to ask her to go to the disco....
Julie tells Robyn about her Spanish romance. At the French disco, there's a disagreement about the music, Robyn dances with Mr. Parrott, and the Year 9 peasants revolt against the high refreshment prices.
A clear up is done after the disco, Chris invents a fight to cover up his strict parents' limitation on his social life, and Julie is convinced to give a talk on bullying.
Mr. Parrott's late night casino visits are taking their toll on both his finances and his appearance. The Anti-bullying counselling starts and Lauren's first customer is Poppy.
Mr. Parrot's careless comment affects Julie's self-esteem. "Bring Your Daughter to Work Day" takes place: Jodie has a disappointing day. Rehearsals for Grease start, and Mme. Lefevre's daughter Cecile makes an impact.
Robyn's spends the evening at a casino and then spends the night on Mr. Parrott's sofa bed. Chris talks to his parents about his religious doubts, but Anna makes a surprise visit.
Miss Carver's class create an audio book, Robyn can't understand why Mr. Parrot has gone so cold, Christophe makes a sudden departure to Paris and Gabriel lets Cecile sing in the musical.
Christophe handles Miss Carver's detention class badly. Chris plans to escape his baptism by leaving home. He tells Anna he's going on a trip, and she surprises him by appearing at the coach station.
Chris and Anna head up to the Highlands but get lost when they get off the coach. A local woman rescues them, but they aren't the only people from Grange Hill in the area - Miss Carver is spending a holiday there.
Robyn calls at Mr. Parrott's house, but he's in no fit state for a tutorial. The net closes in on Chris and Anna, and they finally arrive at Chris's grandmother.
Mr. Parrott goes missing, and Robyn visits his flat, fearing for his safety. At the same time, his letter of resignation has landed on Mr. Robson's desk.
The Sixth Formers visit the Hologram Laboratory where Christophe kisses Julie. After writing nothing in the history exam, Josh walks down the corridor and then collapses.
Dudley's caught putting graffiti on the school wall, Denny sells advertising for the Grease production, and when Lucy has a roller blading accident, the unpopular Cecile steps forward to replace her.
There's a surprise for Robyn as Mr. Parrott returns to school. While the Grease show is performed, Mrs. Maguire's baby is delivered by Dennis and Lucy in the loos.
It's Human Rights Day: a metal cage occupied to represent a prisoner of conscience. Dudley's hardened steel padlock, supposedly keeping Josh's motorbike safe, makes Kevin rather more securely imprisoned than his mother would like.
Lucy meets her widowed dad's new girlfriend, but it's Dennis who makes an instant rapport with her. Sarah-Jane sees Judi's little brother steal sausages.
Dennis encounters Ray, a former Grange Hill pupil, running a local café. Judi has to cut short her school day to pick up her brothers and Josh encounters the badge from his damaged bike on someone's bag.
Judi's mother has Multiple Sclerosis. After spending time with Lucy, Dennis speeds back to rugby practice. On the way, his motorbike hits a truck, and Dennis is catapulted onto the road.
In hospital, Dennis has no feeling in his legs. Kevin's friends go round to his house, and enjoy themselves: Kevin agrees to have his hair coloured, but his mother is shocked by the results.
The Double Dare Gang spring some dares: a stink bomb onto Mr. Jones, for which Matt is almost caught, and a custard-based revenge on Alec for his outrageous toilet tax.
Lauren and Carlene dress up for a party, are mistaken for prostitutes by the police, and Lauren is strip searched.
A party at Lauren's house gets out of control. Dai Jones misreads the signals from Miss Carver when she goes round to his house after a boxing match.
Hockey on skates becomes popular. When Judi's brother is hurt while she puts him to bed, Social Services start poking their noses into her home life.
Dennis's return to school causes headaches for Mr. Robson, Mrs. Holmes authority is undermined by Judi's Social Service helper, and Kelly gets nowhere fast with Arnie.
Can the "Hill Hogs" Skate Hockey team win the day? Only if Arnie can get Kelly back, if Josh bothers to turn up and if he can swallow his pride and let Chris play Forward.
Lauren's dad gets the job he wanted in Barbados. Joanna gets sacked from Ray's café. Tom performs his dare to get Mrs. Holmes suspended - in a manner of speaking!
Alec gets suspended, blamed for the Double Dare Gang's trick on Mrs. Holmes. Lauren's mother finds out about her daughter's wrongful arrest, and Chris hides Joanna in his bedroom.
Judi shames the body-building Wayne, Kevin and Robert. Lauren's friends wish her good luck as she nears the time of her departure to Barbados.
Mr. Hankin demonstrates custard pies in Science, Dill has a bathroom disaster while babysitting for Mrs. Maguire and Joanna cruelly dashes Chris's hopes.
Rachel and Gerald photograph the staff intent on making satirical masks. Laurie calls a radio phone-in about Chris and Joanna, though not naming them - soon the truth is all round the school.
Mr. Robson persuades Jessica to become editor for the school magazine. Dennis recovers in hospital, but Lucy stays away. Cracker dresses up as Mrs. Holmes for a dare.
Wayne disrupts Rachel's Animal Farm project, Liam dashes Lucy's hopes and Dennis gives a bitter interview for the magazine.
The school magazine is withdrawn after Gemma's father complains about the male pin-up, but Cracker does a roaring trade in illicit photocopies.
After Rachel's Animal Hill drama, it's time for the dare to beat all dares... Speedy streaks around the school, and Matt photographs his posterior with a Polaroid camera, fixing the photos to the noticeboards.
Former cast members celebrate 21 years of Grange Hill, revealing the backstage dramas, and assessing the programme's impact. With Todd Carty, Michelle Gayle, Susan Tully and Sean Maguire.
On Caveman Day for the Year Sevens, Ian Hudson takes his role of "hunter" too seriously, while Adam Hawkins is extremely nervous. Gemma has fun at Mr. Urdy's expense.
Adam is found in the woods, but his befriended dog comes back with him, Joanna shoplifts earrings for her mother's present, but her mother has no time for her.
Miss Carver gets Year 8 to look after "flour babies" while Zoe and her friends are determined to find the mystery dog they can hear. Adam gets locked in at night.
Some truths about Adam are revealed. The flour babies are kidnapped for a ransom. Joanna disgraces herself at the karaoke session in Ray's café.
Joanna confesses her alcoholism to her mother. Franco's indoor baseball causes Adam to smash some glass in Max's house, and Ian breaks Max's glasses, blaming Adam.
Lisa uses dirty tactics in the Snakeboard challenge, Adam causes his class to earn a detention, and Joanna comes clean about her problem to the other Sixth Formers.
New boy Sean helps his friend Alec get close to Judi, but first they have to eliminate Colin from the scene. Adam seeks refuge at Miss Carver's house.
Mr. Brisley's Art show turns into something more popular with Nathan as the D.J. Alec has zero success with Judi, while her interest in Wayne becomes apparent.
With his parents absent, Chris sleeps with Laurie: but the next day he evades her clutches. Ian overhears Miss Carver talk about Adam's mum, and spreads the news - Adam runs away to his old house.
Chris and Laurie make up. Sean extracts revenge on Wayne for Alec's failure with Judi, but it's Judi herself who pays the price.
In the aftermath of Judi's knife attack, Wayne goes on a wild goose chase to find her attacker. Judi learns that the wound will leave a significant scar on her face.
New roller hockey equipment arrives, but it's far from clear who will get to use it. Chris and Dill's friendship grows into something else, and Judi meets Wayne's unpleasant brother.
Franco battles with the school chef to prove his spaghetti recipe is better. The Double Dare Gang try to solve the mystery of the stolen hockey equipment.
Laurie catches out Dill and Chris, Judi removes her dressing, and Dennis suffers an ordeal in the courtroom to settle his compensation claim.
Arnie punches Chris when he discovers Chris's relationship with Dill. Matt plants drugs on Wayne who is expelled when they fall out of his pocket after a talk on bullying.
The Double Dare Gang return the stolen hockey gear in an unconventional manner. Judi realizes that the CCTV might prove that Wayne is innocent.
Sean replaces Judi's CCTV video and persuades Matt to lie low. Learning of Matt's name allows Wayne to look up his address and soon he and Judi are knocking on Matt's front door.
Cracker and Gemma's mice escape, convincing Mrs. Holmes there is a rodent infestation. Wayne persuades Matt to tell the truth to Mr. Robson, and Sean is brought to justice.
Dennis buys Lucy a horse, but she refuses the gift. Later, he treats his friends to a great night out, but misses the important interview the next day.
There's a final surprise for Dennis including a reunion with old friends and the coach for the French skiing trip departs.
Amy's lack of uniform causes her problems, and Spencer's soon in trouble. Alec's doing community service, but wants to get back to school: after a fight, his father chucks him out.
Calvin suffers an Asthma attack when Nathan throws his inhaler away. Alec returns to school, but there seems little hope that he can stay.
Max takes up the tuba. Alec and Judi get locked in a storeroom then when Alec's careless match starts a fire, and the only exit is the window, Judi falls to her death.
When Ray gives Alec some work in the café, Wayne decides to picket the entrance. Max loses the tuba in the canal, can he recover in time for the concert?
Wayne takes heavy handed action against Ray's café. When Gemma learns that her parents want to divorce, and she won't be able to stay with her dad, she packs her bags and leaves.
Gemma's friends protest against her going to boarding school, and Becky makes Kamal look very foolish for claiming he snogged her after a date.
New boy Ben replaces Franco in the football team, but Franco can't bring himself to tell his dad. Gemma's father arranges for her to go to boarding school, and she spends her last day at Grange Hill.
At the Inter-School Final Franco gets Max to lock Ben in the changing rooms, but has a change of heart. The Double Dare Gang try to rescue Gemma from her new boarding school.
The Inter-School Football cup doesn't stay long in the trophy case. Amy's reading skills give Miss Carver cause for concern. Kamal and his friends start fixing up his brother's car.
Kamal's mates work to raise the £1000 goal for renovating the car. Amy starts special classes to help with her reading. Ben and Franco become determined to return the football trophy.
Amy runs away from school and makes a friend, and Zoe is determined to stop the confrontation with St. Joseph's.
Zoe steps in to help bring the football trophy back, Amy's new friend puts the fear of God into Spencer, and Colin's date with Becky is spoiled.
Lisa makes plans for Tracey's birthday treat, Darren discovers a rabbit, Becky goes to Colin's house for a meal, and Arnie disobeys his father.
Lisa's treat for Tracy almost goes horribly wrong when Tracey is left alone at the hotel. Becky's father arrives with news that he wants to sell the family home.
Lisa and Matt become friends again, Nathan fails his driving test and Sarah-Jane has become dependent on her pills, walking around in a daze.
To Mr. Jones's dismay Mrs. Holmes volunteers for the Outward Bound course. Kamal and Colin's trip to Brighton turns into a nightmare.
Colin tries to pressure Kamal into going to the police, and stays away from Becky who assumes he's finished with her. Cracker gets part-time work at the café.
On the Outward Bound trip, Wayne discovers that Sarah-Jane is becoming addicted to anti-depressants. Colin tells Becky about the accident and heads off into the police station.
After Colin tells the police about the accident, the police question Kamal, and at school, the other sixth formers learn of the situation.
Kamal gets a heavy fine for his driving offences, but renews his friendship with Colin. Sarah-Jane finally asks for Wayne's help, and Cracker's sandwich scheme is rumbled by the Head.
Ofsted are due to visit the school, Dill has an opportunity to go to New York, and Spencer is witness to his father's racist brutality.
Matt learns that his four friends are now couples, Arnie seems to be holding Dill back from her trip abroad, and Evelyn meets a guy who assumes she's at college.
Someone is taking photographs of Adam at the school gates, Mr. Robson is determined to rally his troops for OFSTED and Spencer pushes Anika who knocks her head.
Matt's blind date with Lisa's cousin isn't what he expected. Spencer is left on his own at home. After Dill leaves for New York, Arnie collapses at the airport.
Colin and Kelly are surprised to find Mr. Hankin moonlighting as a stand-up comedian, and Spencer is still on his own at home.
Wayne and Sarah-Jane decide to find Alec, Colin almost gives the game away about Evelyn's age, and Matt has a disaster meeting with another potential girl friend.
Evelyn and Simon's relationship deepens, a complex arrangement of dating starts among the Double Dare Gang, and Arnie collapses at a night club.
Colin gets the TV presenting job, Wayne gets a lead on Alec's location, Spencer makes amends, and Mr. Robson meets an Ofsted Alien, courtesy of Cracker.
Wayne doggedly searches for Alec, Adam's meeting with his father doesn't go well, and the Double Dare Gang decide that "Spring Heeled Jack" must walk the Earth again!
Miss Carver is not seen in a good light when Ofsted visit, Anika and Amy agree to help out Spencer's mess, Evelyn worries that she might be pregnant, and Arnie realizes he has epilepsy.
Adam gives vent to his feelings about Miss Carver in front of an Ofsted inspector, Spencer's house is cleaned, and he repays the kindness, and things finally get too much for Mr. Robson.
Wayne finally meets up with Alec, the school inspection comes to an end, and Spencer's mother returns.
Adam's tackle breaks Franco's leg: Ian fights Adam in retaliation, but Adam's father's intervention is unwelcome. There's a shock for Evelyn when Simon starts teaching at Grange Hill.
Colin gives Amy and Anika a tour of the studios. The Double Dare Gang give up their enforced dating. Katy and the boys make a horrific discovery while camping.
Wayne starts a cardboard collection scheme to help the homeless, Arnie seems to be at the end of his tether, and Mr. Robson is shocked to find Adam's dad is his alcohol counsellor.
Arnie, intent on suicide, gets new hope after giving a lift to a hitchhiker. Spencer's little party comes to an abrupt end when his father makes a reappearance.
Some fund raising events take place, and Mr. Hankin camps out with Wayne and Alec. The Double Dare Gang take the cardboard boxes that Max had earmarked from his dad's hotel.
Dirty tactics are used to gain cardboard boxes, but Wayne discovers that the whole campaign is basically unprofitable and Arnie has an epileptic fit in public.
The staff wear period school costume, Evelyn renews her friendship with Kelly, a new plan for the collected cardboard is hatched and the police call again at the Hargreaves house.
Many loose ends are tied up, as term comes to an end. Linford Christie lights the fund-raising bonfire, the double Dare Gang put on a performance and Mr. Hargreaves turns himself in.
The building work creates havoc - and a fire. Shannon decides that she is a prefect, Danny Hartston makes an enemy of Mr. Hankin, and Spencer's dad gets sent to jail for two years.
Ozzie hatches a plan to get the school keys, using self-elected prefect Shannon who in turn delegates the task to Kathy and Martin. Mr. Hankin takes a dislike to Danny Hartston.
Spider frenzy sweeps school, Clare and Vikki start the lunchtime fitness club and Lisa's mother walks out.
Martin, Maddie and Shona explore the basement. Ozzie steals the building plans and when the builders start demolishing the wrong walls, they strike a water pipe, causing a flood.
Tom asks Leah out, Mr. Hankin gives a lecture against smoking, and a meeting about a black refugee sparks off a racist conflict against Nathan and Briony.
Arnie and Wayne use a ruse to get Claire and Vikki out on a date, Ozzie continues his campaign against Mr. Hankin and Mrs. Holmes is seen with her "toy boy".
Mr. Hankin becomes increasingly certain that Danny Hartson is behind a hate campaign against him, and Mrs. Holmes reveals that the mystery man is her son, Michael.
Lisa and Shona's mother returns - but it's not a happy reunion, just a flying visit with the new boyfriend. What are Darren's parents hiding in the loft?
Danny's initialled footprint is found in the fresh concrete, Darren's parents act suspiciously and the staff have a sneaky play at Darren's game console.
Shannon arrives at Lisa's party and says that Danny Hartson dumped her, Miss Fraser makes a new friend, and Darren encounters a strange girl in the middle of the night.
Mr. Hankin accuses Danny of breaking into his home, but then Danny's troubles deepen when Shannon claims she spent the night with him.
Maddie sends a fake email to Kathy, Mr. Abbott gets a surprise birthday treat, and Tom has sex with Leah, but afterwards Leah tells Shannon she didn't want it.
Shannon comes clean about her imaginary affair with Danny. Refugee girl Amelia is smuggled into school to alleviate her boredom, but in the evening, the police come knocking at the door.
There's a shock for Lisa when her mother reveals she is pregnant by boyfriend Dave, and Mr. Hankin gives a talk on testicular cancer.
Shannon tells Tom that he raped Leah, Tracy and Lisa both have their sights set on the talent competition, and when hidden refugee Amelia decides to do a midnight flit, Darren goes with her.
Matt has worries about cancer, Max gets publicity for his protest against company logos on sports strips, and Lisa and Tracy's dispute over Tom flares up into a fight.
Shona behaves badly, Kathy discovers that Martin has Asbergers, Amy and Anika find where Darren and Amelia have been hiding, and Mr. Hankin tenders his resignation.
When Danny and Ozzie come to blows in the boiler room, Mr. Hankin overhears both sides, but as he enters, the ceiling caves in trapping them all.
Amelia is abducted, Kathy and Martin find evidence of foul play on the part of Mr. Forbes, and things look bad for Danny, Ozzie and Mr. Hankin, trapped in the old boiler room.
Mr. Forbes and Ozzie are arrested, Lisa and Tracey are reconciled, Kelly makes her point, and Wayne's band perform at the talent show, but Ray pays the price for shopping the racist thugs.
Elections take place for the new role of editor of the school website. Lisa gets attacked and injured, but so does Mr. Robson in his efforts to catch the attacker.
Anika wins the web site editor competition while Mr. Robson recovers in hospital. When Maddie gets Shona drunk, Lisa's dad decides the girls should live with their mum.
Amy starts to search for her father, work on the website begins, lunchtime step aerobics start, Lisa lives in fear after her attack, and Maddie is left on her own.
Amy secretly writes a letter to her long lost father and her mother gives her worrying news. Vikki breaks off with Danny when she learns he's not going to Uni.
Amy stays with Anika while her mother is in hospital, Kathy and Josh learn of Maddie's full name, and Nathan has been keeping a secret from Briony.
Briony learns about Nathan's other girlfriend, Maddie is ridiculed, and Cracker is impressed by Ozzie's new night club.
The "No means No" article is pulled from the website, Calvin and Darren's Deostini card selling days are over and Amy learns that her mother has cancer.
Mrs. Holmes becomes increasingly confused by matters at school and home, Danny and Vikki are reunited, and Cracker has decided to leave school to work in the new night club.
Mr. Deverill implements the Positive Discipline regime, Cracker leaves school and starts working at the club, and the club manager, Chris, sets Ozzy a challenge to prove his worth.
Wheelchair-bound Ray visits Lisa, Mr. Deverill picks on Ian, Leah owns up to the website incident, Ozzy ruins Danny and Vikki's celebration and Maddie falls into bad company.
Leah and Shannon fight and receive a Saturday detention from Mr. Deverill. Miss Fraser reveals her engagement to her pupils, to the horror of her fiancée, Michael Barton.
A Saturday detention allows Maddie, Leah, Shannon, Martin and Ian to reflect on life, "Breakfast Club" style. Amy meets Chaz at a record fair, but afterwards her mother collapses.
Amy gets some tragic news from her mother, Maddie's party goes badly, and Mr. Robson shocks his staff by announcing he is going to resign.
Mr. Deverill loses his temper and strikes Ian Hudson, Ozzy worms his way into Vikki's affections, and Tom reveals his part time work as a male model.
The staff attend Miss Fraser's barbecue, Lisa watches Tom on his modelling assignment, and Amy's mother loses her battle with cancer.
Ben and Max learn of Mr. Deverill's previous existence - as Mr. Wilcox. Ozzy wins the bet with Chris, Leah leaves school, and Tom becomes a local celebrity after his modelling photos are published.
Maddie stands up to her tormentors, Chris shows Ozzy the counterfeit money he's laundering, and Ian and Ben get the proof they need about Mr. Deverill.
Mr. Deverill is exposed as a violent fraud while Mr. Robson and Miss Carver hold their wedding reception at school, but the fire he unwittingly starts has devastating results.
Togger and Andy get a lift to their new school from Uncle Peter, Jeremy is an immediate target for bully Mooey Humphries and Tanya's lip ring doesn't go unnoticed by Miss Dyson.
Leah and Shannon sign up to women's soccer, Maddie gets fed up with Baz's secretive home life, Abel "borrows" Jeremy's football boots, and Amy gets angry about the Art Department's lack of resources.
Baz hurts his leg jumping out of the upstairs window at home, Emma is determined to be Tanya's best mate, and Mr. Robson announces plans to raise £50,000 for new technology.
Togger is determined that he and Abel have an unscheduled swim in the pool, but someone (or something!) takes Abel's clothes.
Tanya is determined to wear makeup for the school photo, Martin, Josh and Anika put together their own websites, and Shannon injures Ian Hudson in football practice.
The class of 7D do some ghost hunting, Mr. Robson reveals plans to sell off some of the playing fields, and Baz returns to school on crutches.
Annie takes the blame for a missing costume and Class 7d's lesson in pancake making leads to a messy food fight.
At Parents' Evening, Mr. Wainwright impresses Mr. Malachay, Togger finds signs of habitation in the damaged building, Josh makes a fool of himself and Leah finds her mother is dating Mr. Malachay.
Josh's Beckham hairstyle attracts ridicule, the rumour of Leah and Mr. Malachay spreads, and Togger and the other Year 7's use CCTV to catch a glimpse of the mysterious squatter.
Year Seven get to know the hidden boy, Josh finally asks out Anika, and as the term ends, Leah decides to leave school for good.
Emma succeeds in driving Tanya and Annie apart, Tranter falls sick, and Shannon shows interest in a new face in the Sixth Form.
When Mr. Wainwright strikes Annie, Baz is determined that his father will get back on his medication, Abel gets literally plastered, and Tranter is found unconscious outside school.
The latest Underpants Dare involves the Head's bow-tie wearing skeleton, Amy falls out with Anika, and Tranter gets a visit in hospital.
Tanya starts to follow the school rules literally, love bells ring for Martin - well, the fire alarm bells anyway, and Baz is beaten up by his father.
Tanya takes on the next Underpants Dare, Mel takes Shannon's place as soccer forward, and Amy is stressed at finding History too hard, desperately missing the support of her mother.
In Food Technology Tanya's apple pie is literally pants, Baz tries to win Maddie back, and both Shannon and Anika audition for the part of Juliet.
Amy panics at her examination, Baz uses a psychological ploy to win Maddie back, and Abel employs a Trojan Horse approach to get the Sacred Undies.
Tranter has an ulterior purpose in joining Year 7 on their trip to Chester, the Women's football team have a disastrous away fixture, and Anika and Nick rehearse for the school play.
Maddie has an uncomfortable time alone with Baz's father, Shannon learns the truth about Nick and Mel, while Josh and Martin's Staff Room web cam gets discovered.
An eventful Sports Day takes place - can Hudson's team beat the staff? Jeremy stands up to Mooey, Martin kisses Kathy, Josh meets his admirer, and Mr. Robson becomes a father.
Togger winds up Tanya with a chicken's foot, Maddie is overprotective towards Baz, Hudson frets over missing Shannon and Taylor Mitchell might throw light on the mystery about Nick.
Tanya and Annie wear chicken claw jewellery, Mr. Green makes an entrance and finds discipline a problem, Hudson finally locates Shannon, and Taylor seems to be stalking Mel.
The cross country run seems the perfect opportunity for Togger to find the treasure Uncle Peter told him about, if he doesn't lose the map.
Mr. Wainwright goes missing, Andy and Emma have a thing going, Calvin becomes a Roman statue, and Togger uses Mr. Green's knowledge to determine the location of the time capsule.
Togger's hopes of finding the capsule are dashed by the caretaker, Taylor's account of Nick's racist past becomes public knowledge, and Annie gets kept at home by her unstable father.
Things come to a head for the Wainwrights, Togger has fun with a false door, and Nick is goaded into violence against Taylor.
Taylor's disappearance is assumed to be a permanent exclusion, Annie falls out with Tanya, and Togger floats the fake door in the swimming pool.
Josh wants to enter the trip to France essay competition when he leans Anika is entering, but isn't inspired to write anything, so Martin puts his own entry in under Josh's name.
Tanya renews her friendship with Annie, Anika learns that Josh will be accompanying her to France, and Miss Dyson finds an elderly ex-Grange Hill pupil for Togger to interview.
On the last day of term Anika almost gets pulled off the French Exchange trip, Togger and Abel visit an elderly man in sheltered accommodation, and Taylor convinces Nick to go to the police.
Togger & Abel give a disastrous presentation for the history project, Martin makes some dubious new friends, and Annie's disobedience makes her mother take drastic steps.
Shannon marks the anniversary of her parents' death, Jeremy discovers it is Emma who is leaving presents for Miss Dyson, and Baz and Annie call in their social worker to foil their mother.
Togger has another "offal" surprise for Tanya. Jeremy tries to help Emma, but when she tells him that he's got no friends, he proves that she is Miss Dyson's secret admirer.
The truth comes out about Emma being the one leaving presents for Miss Dyson, Spencer offers odds on who will become the next Headmaster and Taylor tries the patience of Mr. Green.
Emma and Annie fight, but Miss Dyson makes then apologise to each other. Goaded by his insults, Mr. Green lands a punch on Taylor, but the event is witnessed by Nick.
Mr. Green gives a false account of events and so Taylor is expelled - Nick does nothing. Jeremy tells Emma to write an email to her mother. Baz forgets his date with Maddie.
Emma's winning of the DVD artwork competition doesn't seem to have made her happy, Annie gets a disappointment, and Martin stands up to Max with Kathy and Baz's help.
Annie goes to school in a bad mood, forbidden to see her father. Nick goes to Taylor's house to tell him what he witnessed, but Taylor simply doesn't care about his situation - he's just given up. Miss Dyson knows from the swipe card records who ruined Emma's art project - Annie. Annie goes home after lunch, and although her father is pleased to see her, she is told she can't stay, because Social Services will blame him for her absence from school. Baz sees some camcorder footage that Martin has taken and spots Annie walking out the gates. He heads home too, and the old argument ensues - that of Mr. Wainwright not taking his pills. Shannon and Hudson seem to be getting close again, but he is shocked that she is considering to simply work in her grandmother's shop after school ends. Nick tells Mrs Bassinger about Mr. Green's attack, admits to trying to take an exam paper from the office, and is told that he might be barred from taking any further exams. Annie returns, and Miss Dyson lies in wait, but is sympathetic to Annie's woes: Annie must fix up Emma's damaged art project. After school, Baz and Annie's dad is waiting. In the car, Baz tries to persuade his father that he must take his pills.
Taylor is asked by Mrs. Bassinger for his side of events, but he is uncooperative, given up on the idea of staying at school. Karen tells him something that hits home though - she wants him to stay. She also tells him it's unfair that Mr. Green should lose his job - and career, over one mistake, especially as Taylor provoked the teacher into violence. He reconsiders and tells Mrs. Bassinger ungrammatically "no-one hit no-one". Annie's dad visits school, having received a message from her. He tries to tell her that the pills he has to take take away his personality - she finally convinces him that he must take them daily, and that she wants to come back to live with him. Emma, Annie, and Tanya get together and make a pact to be friends again. Mr. Malachay offers Hudson a football training job for the summer holidays - Shannon is shocked to learn that there will be no more opportunities for them to see each other. Mr Green leaves Mrs. Bassinger's office, and on the way sees Taylor. Realizing what Taylor must have done, he thanks him as he passes by.
Year 7 take in their surroundings on induction day. Alex and his best mate Ed meet Togger's younger brother Tigger. Mayhem soon erupts when Alex's toy airship gets into the wrong hands. The new gang on the block is the Wannabes - Chloe, Sammy and Andrea. It's not long before Grange Hill's new terrors select their victims. Baz, Abel and Togger attend the last day of footy camp. Excitement goes off the Richter scale when they realise a scout from a football academy is watching. Everyone is out to impress, but it's not long before Togger lands himself in trouble with Mr Malachay and realises that having Tigger at school won't be plain sailing. They discover the scout will be coming back for an official trial - everything's still to play for! Spencer is annoyed at having to show the new sixth formers around until he catches sight of Kat, Dawn, and Kate. They make it clear its going to take more than his cheesy chat up lines to impress them, but an ever-optimistic Spencer is determined to
Chloe, Sammy and Andrea come up with a money making scam - to run an underground tuck shop. Mr Malachay is organising a healthy eating campaign so sweets are in demand! Alex encounters Mooey and realises Grange Hill could get tough. He talks to fellow Yr7 Alison for the first time, and realises appearances can be deceptive. Mr Malachay reminds Yr9 there's a French exchange this year. As they write emails to the French students Togger's up to his old tricks, bending the rules to make life easier. Andy and Abel are soon swept up in his scams and entertain themselves using dinner trays to slide toboggan style, but Wally and Mr Malachay are hot on their heels, dishing out detentions. The boys are quick to take revenge by dumping a truck of manure on Malachay's new bike - everything goes to plan until they realise it's not Malachay's bike… it's Baz's! Baz claims he's not bothered when he hears Maddie might be seeing someone else, but despite himself he's drawn to Maddie's charms. She find
Chloe pressures a reluctant Sammy to supply sweets for the underground tuck shop scam. Alex finds himself the victim of the other kids pranks and starts to feel out of his depth. Tigger's determined to retrieve a toy the Wannabe's have stolen from Alex - his hunt leads him to discover Sammy's sweet stash. The Wannabe's are furious to discover Tigger's taken the sweets and Chloe is quick to plot revenge. Her plan comes to fruition when Mr Malachay gets involved. Year 9 meet their new form Tutor Miss Adams, but they've only got one thing on their mind - football! Andy fakes injury during the match and Togger's forced to go in goal. His impressive saves lead his team to victory, but he's horrified when Mr Malachay's reward is a permanent position as goalkeeper - how will he impress the scout stuck in goal? Baz warns Togger to clean his bike after Togger's manure prank, but he gets more than he'd bargained for when Togger dumps the bike in the swimming pool. Togger thinks his day couldn
Mr Malachay's raising awareness for the healthy eating campaign with a chocolate bar amnesty. A reluctant Tigger becomes Malachay's right hand man whilst Alex finds himself the centre of unwanted attention when Malachay praises him for taking part. Alex struggles his way through PE but jibes about his weight hurt. He's surprised to find parity with Alison, as she restores a little of his lost confidence. Grange Hill's maths teacher Mr Fox causes a stir with his unorthodox teaching methods and the kids realise you can't judge a book by its cover or a duffer by his dandruff! Meanwhile competition is rife between Abel and Togger as they look forward to the football trials next week. Tanya's undeterred in her attempt to rebel and comes to school with hair extensions. Year 9 look at the French exchange schools website and Tanya falls in love at first sight with 'Jean'. Tanya emails him her blog - she's going all out to get her guy! Voting for the radio station's name gets underway. Spence
Chloe's fuming when Sammy drops the bombshell that her dad caught her stealing his stock for the underground tuckshop. Sammy explains her dad has a business proposition; they'll have to pay him a share of their profits. Despite initial setbacks the tuckshops first day of trading is a success. Alex falls victim to Mooey again, and despite Alison's advice won't get help. Alex finds himself increasingly isolated due to his weight. It is the football trials and Togger and Abel dream of fame and fortune, but their rivalry causes them to clash both on and off the pitch. Tanya's gutted that Jean hasn't emailed and is convinced her blog makes her sound boring. She sets out to make herself more appealing to Jean. The girls make an alarming discovery when they receive an email from one of the French boys. There is friction at the radio station's first meeting. Competition is rife for the job of Editor, while Maddie bags the job of DJ much to Kathy's irritation. When the local paper comes to p
Ed and Tigger have a moneymaking scam, but Tigger warns Ed not to tell Alex - he has a habit of getting them into trouble. It's Alex's birthday. He mistakes their secretive behaviour as planning for his birthday surprise, and is gutted when he discovers Ed's forgotten. Mooey continues to bully Alex. Togger and Abel settle their differences after the trials, but remain nervous about the outcome. Mr Fox brings an unusual teaching tool into school - a rabbit. When Togger and co. realise they've sent an email to the French kids that suggests Grange Hill is like Hogwarts, Togger sees the perfect opportunity to have some fun. With the help of an unwitting Mr Malachay, green screen and the rabbit, they come up with a plan. Meanwhile Tanya's infatuation with Jean grows when he emails her. It's Maddie's DJ debut for the launch of 'The Hill' and her ego's in overdrive. A row breaks out over Kathy's newspaper prank and things get out of control when 'The Hill' accidentally broadcasts early, an
The Wannabe's continue to operate the underground tuck shop, but disaster strikes when Malachay catches the operation red-handed. Alex's weight continues to make his life difficult, and Mr Malachay suggests the mentoring scheme. Will Alex's mentor provide the support he needs? Abel's so thrilled to be told he's got a place at the football academy, he doesn't realise that Togger hasn't until it's too late. Abel doesn't know how to handle the situation as Togger struggles to come to terms with his disappointment. Meanwhile Tanya's obsession for Jean grows, having her hair extensions made longer to impress him. Karen pushes Taylor to commit to their relationship, but he wants to play things cool. Maddie's annoyed at having to share the airwaves with Taylor and tensions are rife. Mrs Bassinger's outraged when Taylor's broadcast over steps the mark. With the future of the station under threat Kat sacks Taylor, but faced with what she's done Kat realises she's made a mistake. Spencer and K
Tanya continues to go to extremes to impress Jean. When her appearance gets her in trouble again, she rebels. Tanya hijacks the radio station determined to have her say. Mrs Bassinger's furious when Tanya insults her and her staff on air. She's forced to confront Tanya's increasingly defiant behaviour, dishing out the ultimate punishment, a ban from the French exchange and Jean. Togger's still reeling from the shock of not getting into the academy, but finds himself feeling sorry for Tanya. Annie is distraught when she gets a letter from her mother with the news that she's pregnant. Annie has never forgiven her for leaving them and now assumes with a new baby on the way she'll forget them completely. Annie can't understand Baz's offhand attitude - she's determined to make her mother pay. Annie takes drastic action, forging a credit card application in her mum's name. Taylor's enjoying being 'The Hills' star DJ. Maddie's confused when she thinks Taylor is flirting with her, and jealou
Year 7 have their first swimming lesson with the notorious Mr McDonnell. Alex is desperate to get out of it, but Tigger can't wait to get in the pool and cause mayhem. Alex finds himself targeted by Mooey and his gang once again, and Alison warns him he must tell someone this time. Alex takes on board her advice, but decides it's time he stuck up for himself. Annie's determined to make her mother pay and activates her forged credit card. She tells Tanya her mum's having a baby, but Tanya's only concern is that Bassinger's banned her from the exchange. Tanya's even more devastated when Jean emails to say he won't be coming to Grange Hill - he's dropped out the exchange, in support of her. All seems lost until Jean tells her he's coming to England, to meet her in secret! Togger and Andy train for the impending charity bike ride, Togger's determined to come first despite constant reminders that it's not a race. His training regime results in Andy getting more than a little saddle sore!
The last day of school before half term is peddle power to the pupils as they take part in 'On Your Bike', a charity bike ride. Sammy and Andrea are surprised Chloe's taking part, but it soon becomes apparent she's got a plan of her own, designed to line her own pockets! Annies spending on the credit card causes Emma to voice concern, but Annie's able to deflect questioning - for now. Tanya annoys her mates when she doesn't turn up for their planned radio broadcast; Annie and Emma are growing increasingly tired of her selfish behaviour and obsession with Jean. Tanya finally arrives but behaves strangely, out of the blue a man comes up behind her, says he is Jean's uncle tells to come with him to show her where he is, all of a sudden he grabs her and throws her in his van, Togger shes her and gets help, Tanya's safe but the man has got away. Togger's determined to finish the ride first, and soon resorts to his usual high jinx, in a bid to out do the competition. As Togger's antics cau
Everyone's still coming to terms with the dangerous situation Tanya recently put herself in. Togger's excited the press is calling him a hero, but feels spooked that his mischief making probably saved Tanya's life. Abel's bored of hearing about the rescue - envious that he wasn't involved. The divide between Abel and Togger is made worse when Abel explains the academy won't let him play for the school football team. Tanya returns to Grange Hill, she's vulnerable and it's obvious her ordeal has changed her. Mrs Bassinger breaks the news that Internet privileges have been withdrawn across the school because of Tanya's misuse. Tanya knows this will cause uproar and panics that everyone will blame her. Maddie sparks an unauthorised debate on the radio about the withdrawn Internet access, which leads to discussion about Tanya. Maddie's convinced Taylor's stringing Karen along and is determined to prove to Karen that he's no good. Maddie sets a honey-trap for Taylor, but will he fall f
Alex is desperate to get out of swimming but Mr McDonnell is having none of it. Pressure builds on Alex as he struggles through the ordeal, and things go from bad to worse when he goes to get changed and discovers someone's written a cruel message on his shirt. Tensions are rife between Tanya and Togger after she heard him talking about her. Emma's desperate to persuade Annie and Tanya to go on the school Outdoor Pursuits Trip. Tanya has a scare when she mistakes Wally for someone else, and Emma suggests the trip would help take Tanya's mind off what's happened. Baz warns Annie not to put pressure on their dad for the money, so she pays for the trip on her credit card. Tanya and Emma see the forged card for the first time but Annie covers and tells them her mum gave it to her out of guilt. The academy is taking its toll on Abel who's finding it hard to balance it with school. Abel finds himself in trouble with Mr Malachay when he falls asleep in class. Maddie's desperate to explain her
Alex is having a bad day and feels left out of Ed and Tigger's antics. His friends try and persuade him to go on the Outdoor adventure trip next week, but Alex is unsure. Mooey strikes again and Alex eventually agrees to go on the trip to escape being bullied. Jeremy's dreams of starring in the film are shattered when Dawn insists he's not right for the part. A distraught Emma refuses to take part in the film when she discovers Spencer is to play Jeremy's role. With no female lead, the shoot is in turmoil, but who'll step in to save the day? Tigger winds Togger up and tells him he'll have to act as his chaperone on the Outdoor adventure trip if Tigger gets in anymore trouble with Mrs Bassinger. Togger frantically tries to keep an eye on Tigger, but lands himself in hot water in the process! Meanwhile, Tanya is desperate to put her ordeal behind her but realises it's not going to be easy. Taylor, Maddie and Karen are still at loggerheads after the honey-trap and things get more heated w
Everyone was looking forward to the outdoor pursuits trip, but their excitement soon turned to shock when they realised where they'd be staying. Meanwhile, the Wannabes were back to their old tricks with a scam to sell sweets. They were delighted when Mr Fox announced that the group had to hunt for their own food. The Wannabes set about sabotaging the 'hunt' to increase demand for their stash of sweets. However, it wasn't long before they were rumbled. Annie tried to forget her money worries and Tanya struggled to put her recent ordeal behind her. Kathy got frustrated with Spencer's attitude as he poured all his efforts into his undercover film. Despite her better judgement, she got roped into helping Spencer capture Malachay footage. Later, Kathy finally plucked up the courage to ask Spencer out. Back at Grange Hill, Baz was touched when Maddie stood up for him after a scuffle with Max, but he was gutted when she said that he shouldn't read anything into it. Baz was annoyed as he watc
Andy and Togger started off the final day of the outdoor pursuits trip with one of their infamous pranks that upset the girls - especially Tanya. Meanwhile, everyone was gossiping in the girls' dorm, about the fact that someone had been in the showers during the night, but nobody wanted to own up to it. The group arrived at their destination for the final day - a Maize Maze! A prize was offered for whoever reached the centre first, but it didn't take long before the Wannabe's were distracting everyone. Ed even ended up hunting for his pants. Meanwhile, Tanya panicked after becoming separated from her mates.Andy and Togger wondered how Mr Fox knew so much about the countryside. When Mr Fox managed to find somewhere that everyone could get a phone signal, they decided he must be hiding something about his past. Later, when everyone made their calls to say how they were getting on, Annie received some bad news from home.The Wannabes discovered it was Alison who had a secret shower in the
Miserable after his argument with Alison, Alex started the day strangely detached from life at Grange Hill. His unusual behaviour went largely unnoticed, and the Wannabe's continued to taunt him. The horror of Tanya's ordeal came flooding back, when she received an email from a girl who claimed to have been in the same situation. Annie had to face up to reality when she received a credit card bill which revealed how much debt she's in. However, Annie thought she'd found a way to pay back some of the money, but things didn't go to plan, and her guilt was compounded by her dad telling her how proud he is of her. Togger was dreading the impending football match; convinced Grange Hill were about to get embarrassingly thrashed with their depleted squad. Togger and Abel were at loggerheads, with Togger unable to control his jealousy and frustration. Baz returned to Grange Hill to face Mrs Bassinger following his exclusion for the abseiling stunt. Plus, there was tension in the air between Ba
Mrs. Bassinger called every student to the hall, while Alex was on his way to school with his mum. Mrs. Bassinger read some of his diary entries, and talked about bullying in the school. Meanwhile, Karen was concerned for her sister's safety so she told Mrs Bassinger about the girl's email Tanya received. The police think the email is legitimate, but explain they can't act until the victim contacts them. Tanya was frustrated and wanted to help the girl so she went against everyone's advice and, with Annie's help, replied to the email and makes a shock discovery. In desperation, Annie sold the trappings of her credit card escapades in order to try and repay her mounting debt, but is it too late to get her finances under control? With exams in the offing, nerves and relationships were put to the test. Things were still frosty between Maddie and Taylor, while Baz and Maddie reached an understanding, but can Maddie get Karen to forgive her? The film hit a problem but Dawn comes to the resc
Tanya was frustrated she hadn't heard from Lucy since she sent an email asking her to meet up. Convinced Lucy could be the key to catching her attacker, Tanya set an ultimatum for Lucy and she agreed to meet Tanya at Grange Hill. As reality set in Tanya realises the risk she's taking - is Lucy genuine? Tanya and Lucy met and shared their experiences but Lucy didn't want to talk any more. When Lucy revealed she knows where their attacker lives, the police turned up. Will she tell them what's happened? Annie was desperate to settle the red credit card bill that's still outstanding. She stooped to desperate measures to get enough money to make the minimum payment, but still finds herself short. She finally got the money, but things went from bad to worse when she lost it… Year 9 were nervous about their SATS results - Abel's weren't good and it's clear he's feeling the pressure of juggling school, the academy and his friendship with Togger. Togger and Andy's ticket-selling scam went wrong
Things were tense between Kathy and Spencer after their misunderstanding the week before, but Spencer breaks the ice and Kathy's relieved that they can still be friends. Meanwhile Karen continued to give Maddie and Taylor the cold shoulder, still struggling to get over her and Taylor's split. Martin mediated the situation, explaining Maddie's motives for the honeytrap. Maddie made a last ditch attempt to win Karen round, but will Karen ever forgive her? The Wannabes were gutted when they were made carpark attendants for the Premiere, but Chloe saw it as a way to make some cash! Everyone made a glamorous effort for the Premiere. Togger was gutted at the lack of 'hot stars' but Kat and Dawn were the hot stars! Togger and Andy were in control of the refreshments stand, so there was plenty of high jinx! Everyone was stunned when Maddie arrived with her date…Martin. Speculation is rife, could they be more than just good friends? The film was a hit and Spencer thrived on the attention, Kathy
Abel surprises Togger and Andy by annoucing he's quit the football academy, which means giving up his dream. Mr Malachay is furious, and refuses to let Abel play in the upcoming school match - Togger fakes an injury so Abel can take his place. Spencer spend the day hiding from Malachay, but that means he has to avoid Kathy too, but he eventually plucks up the courage to ask her out. Annie makes a final attempt at getting money - borrowing from Baz and Maddie,Annie then steals one of the school's laptops to sell. Maddie tells Baz about Annie borrowing money form her, he confronts her and finds the stolen laptop in her bag. As they go to put it back, they are caught by Ms Bassenger, with two policemen right behind her.
The school gates open for the first day of a new school year. Togger and his friends suddenly find themselves interested in the opposite sex.
Tanya isn't impressed by the PE kit. Martin falls out with Maddie.
Alex and Alison's friendship hits problems. Holly is saved from having an accident by Baz.
Togger finds himself in trouble. Tanya continues her campaign for an improved PE kit.
Togger and his friends find their lives in danger on the day of the wedding.
Tanya decides to stand for the school council.
Preparations get under way for the school's first ever GP. When Togger tries to help Tanya get elected to the school council his plan goes wrong.
More of life from Britain's most famous school.
Togger comes to school with a black eye.
Togger continues to find himself in trouble.
Tanya is concerned how Emma will react when she finds out that she is now seeing Baz.
Tanya and Togger continue in their quest to get the school's PE kit improved. Karen isn't impressed when she learns that Baz is seeing Tanya.
Tanya thinks about her relationship with Baz is going.
Taylor clashes with Max. Ed and Alex find themselves falling out with Tigger.
The first showing of Togger's film is broadcast. Tanya decides to cancel her date with Baz.
Chloe and Andrea find themselves in trouble.
Togger finds himself in trouble when he states a protest over the state of the toilets.
Ed and Tigger agree to help Alex with his business if they agree to cut them in on the deal.
Bryan manages to find a friend in Ali. Chloe's feelings towards Max continue to grow.
To try and keep the Humphries happy Alex is forced to think fast on his feet. Jenny discovers that she has nits.
Everybody finds it difficult to believe that Baz is really dead.
Togger is forced to face his problems. Chloe decides that she can profit from Baz's death.
Kathy gets drunk on the day of Baz's funeral and shocks everybody by what she has to say. Alex decides to get rid of his business.
Tanya and Togger grow even closer as the share their first ever kiss. The final of the dance competition gets under way.
Everybody prepares to go to the school prom. Togger is surprised by Donnie. Everyone is surprised by what Emma has to say.
Lucy tries to make the first day of term an interesting one. Tigger decides to let Alison know how he feels about her. Alex decides to make a fresh start.
After skate boards are banned at the school a rebel skater emerges to try and get the ban lifted. Everyone wonders who the mysterious skater is.
The pupils vote to decide who will be head boy and girl for the year. Tanya and Togger are hoping they will win but Lucy wants the position of head girl as well.
When Chloe and Andrea try to get out of a cross country run they find themselves getting into trouble.
Footballer Dwayne Miller visits the school to promote his new cookery book. Mr McDonnell hopes the ex pupil will get a good reception.
Alison is upset when her friends forget her birthday. Alex and Trigger then try to give her a day to remember.
The school gets ready to show year six pupils around the place. Theo and Laxo aren't looking forward to having them there.
Andrea and Chloe fear that their past is going to catch up with them. A pensioner is mistaken for somebody else at the school.
Bryn and Ducket are shown 'Extra Terrestrial Hunt' by Kathy. It is an Internet site looking for life away from the planet Earth. Bryn thinks that a conspiracy might be happening on the site.
When Jake finds out that Jenny is planning on taking her dog back to the dog's home because she is fed up with looking after it he isn't impressed.
Mr McDonnell attempts to create more team work amongst the students with his Building Bridges project. With Lucy and Rachel arguing things dont go quite as planned.
The school ends up full of animals after Lucy isn't happy about her father's career choice. Tigger thinks he has found the woman of his dreams.
An inter-schools music competition gets the pupils auditioning.
Tigger is excited by the prospect of winning tickets to see his favourite group performing. Togger has something important to ask Tanya.
As part of Grange Hill's Citizenship Day Chloe Tigger, and Andrea are auctioned off as slaves. Tigger isn't happy when he ends up as a slave to some year seven pupils.
Sammy isn't happy when she thinks that Ed and Alex could be fighting over her. Not everything is as it seems though. When Andrea takes part in a spelling competition, Chloe isn't pleased.
Alex makes Chloe attend bully court after she is caught bullying Serena.Theo and Laxo have a competition to see how can keep quiet the longest.
The pupils play War Games. When Jenny defends a younger pupil, Lucy isn't sure that the girl is being completely honest. Sammy is concerned whether Alex really wants to be with her.
Tigger finds himself falling in love with a French exchange student visiting the school.
Everybody gets ready for the school prom at the end of term. Tigger and Ed attempt find dates for the prom. Alex attempts to tell Sam how he really feels. A bomb which is still lethal is discovered in the sewers beneath the school.