Jannis je izredno brihten učenec osnovne šole, ki pa ima težave z branjem in pisanjem. Ko Samo to opazi, takoj aktivira svojo najboljšo dijakinjo Nežo, da mu pomaga. Neža pa ima svoje velike probleme. Sooča se s hudimi pritiski staršev okoli ocen in s prihodnostjo, kot so ji jo zastavili starši. Ko starši izvedo, da Neža ob šoli poučuje še Jannisa in se z njim udeležuje nevarnih dejavnosti, Samu zagrozijo s pritožbo, ki ga lahko stane učiteljske kariere.
Jannis is an extremely bright elementary school student, but he has problems with reading and writing. When Samo notices this, he immediately activates his best student, Neža, to help him. But Neža has its own big problems. She faces severe pressure from her parents regarding grades and the future that her parents have set for her. When the parents find out that Neža also teaches Jannis at school and participates in dangerous activities with him, they threaten Sam with a complaint that could cost him his teaching career.