Gordon Ramsay, Gino D'Acampo and Fred Sirieix's European adventure brings them to Fred's cherished homeland of France, where an old friend has asked him to host an oyster festival in Arcachon on the Atlantic coast. As the trio set off across France in search of ingredients, Fred is determined to show his companions the best his country has to offer, with highlights including the famous nudist beaches of the French Riviera - where Gordon attracts unwanted attention - an unruly pony and Fred demonstrating his questionable musical skills.
Auf ihrem Roadtrip durch Europa machen Gordon, Gino und Fred Halt in Frankreich, um ein Austernfestival zu besuchen. Hier stellt Fred seine Freunde vor eine besondere Herausforderung: Wer von den dreien schafft es, mithilfe erlesener französischer Köstlichkeiten das perfekte Gericht zu zaubern?
Il magico trio continua il road trip e arriva in una splendida località della Francia: all'annuale festival locale delle ostriche competeranno l'uno contro l'altro. Inizia una caccia al miglior vino, al formaggio più ghiotto e all'ostrica più raffinata.