A passionate teacher, Kumiko Yamaguchi, a.k.a. Yankumi, is now overseeing the new students of Class 3D of Akado High School, who still have not opened up to her and are giving her a hard time.
One day, the students of 3D get harassed by street hoodlums. Then, Reita, a leader figure of 3D, shows up and beats up the hoodlums, yelling “Keep your hands off my friends.” The next day, the guys beat up by Reita come storming into their school. Principal Sawatari berates the students for getting mixed up with a gang, and gives Kumiko an ultimatum: “You’re fired the next time a 3D student gets into trouble.” Then Reita tells Kumiko that he doesn’t want to owe her anything, and he takes off by himself to settle the score with the gang…
Meanwhile, trouble was also brewing for the former 3D student who just graduated. The police are after Ren for being involved in an illegal drug transaction. Upset Kumiko tries to find him with the other former 3D students. However, they later find out from her grandfather, the head of the Oedo Family, the shocking identity of the mastermind pulling the strings of the drug deal Ren is being accused of…
ある日、久美子の黒銀学院時代の教え子・小田切竜が、赤銅学院に教育実習生としてやって来た! 久美子は、竜が自分に憧れて教師を目指していると思い大感激。しかし、竜は大学に入ってからもやりたいことが見つからず、なんとなく教育実習に参加しただけだという。そんな竜だったが、久美子が昔と変わらず生徒たちに真っ直ぐぶつかっていく姿を見て、高校時代に感じた何かを思い出していた――
一方、春に卒業した教え子・風間廉が、とんでもない事件に巻き込まれる。覚せい剤の取引にかかわった疑いで警察に追われ、行方がわからないというのだ! 久美子はいてもたってもいられず、「もうあなたの生徒じゃない」という猿渡の制止を振り切り、「あいつは私の教え子です!」と職員室を飛び出していく。緒方大和ら卒業した元3Dの生徒たちも加わり、廉の行方を捜す久美子。そして、廉がかかわったとされる覚せい剤密売に、驚くべき黒幕がいることを知り――