In 2097, most of the world's monsters have been rounded up and are living on an island in the South Pacific dubbed Godzilla Island. The kaiju are kept content on their island home, and are monitored from the G-Guard base in the center of the island. There, Commander Besuke Jinguji watches and monitors the monsters day after day, with only the spherical robot Lucas by his side. However, the monotony of the job and of the monster's lives comes to an abrupt end when a gigantic UFO arrives on Earth.
Godzilla Island is a Japanese television spinoff of the Godzilla franchise. It ran for a total of 256 three-minute episodes between 1997 and 1998. The series is notable for its almost exclusive use of action figures to portray the kaiju rather than suitmation.
In 2097, most of the world's monsters have been rounded up and are living on an island in the South Pacific dubbed Godzilla Island. The kaiju are kept content on their island home, and are monitored from the G-Guard base in the center of the island. There, Commander Besuke Jinguji watches and monitors the monsters day after day, with only the spherical robot Lucas by his side. However, the monotony of the job and of the monster's lives comes to an abrupt end when a gigantic UFO arrives on Earth.
Godzilla Island is a Japanese television spinoff of the Godzilla franchise. It ran for a total of 256 three-minute episodes between 1997 and 1998. The series is notable for its almost exclusive use of action figures to portray the kaiju rather than suitmation.