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Season 1

  • S01E01 お月様の巻

    In this first episode Kure Kure Takora tries to impress on Monro. But she wants nothing less than the moon! So Kure Kure tries his best and shoots himself in the head with an arrow in the process.

  • S01E02 酢ダコはごめんネの巻

    Tororo, the jellyfish, terrorizes Chonbo and Kure Kure with his super disappear-and-reappear magic trick. He also squirts vinegar on Kure Kure which makes Kure Kure scared to death (since vinegar is used on octopus in sushi). Kure Kure tries to beat Tororo with a kendo stick and finally introduces his own super magic trick, the transformation.

  • S01E03 ピクニックの巻

    The Sea cucumber gang is going to have a nice picnic. Kure Kure transforms into one of the gang members, Shiku Shiku, and then tricks the gang to hand over all their food. Everything seems to work out fine until Shiku Shiku discovers them and forces Kure Kure to vomit back the food!

  • S01E04 時限爆弾の巻

    When Kure Kure and Chonbo are out running and fighting as usual, they find a wrapped up gift. It is a cuckoo clock but the sudden joy quickly turns into terror. Chonbo discovers a note on the package that says its a timebomb! They quickly report to Debura (the cop) who puts on his anti-bomb-gear.

  • S01E05 磁石がほしいの巻

    Kure Kure and Chonbo finds out that Debura has a super cool magnet that attracts food! And to top it off Debura gives the food to the lovely Monro. The jealousy is overwhelming so Kure Kure and Chonbo tries to steal the magnet.

  • S01E06 夢のまた夢の巻

    Kure Kure and Chonbo gets lucky when everyone, one after another suddenly wants to give them candy. Kure Kure falls asleep after every snack. But when even the beautiful Monro wants to give Kure Kure some candy, he believes it's a dream. Is it?

  • S01E07 死んでもらいますの巻

    When Kure Kure and Chonbo are out running around and hitting each other as usual, they run into Biragon who reads a book. Kure Kure must have it! But the evil Biragon hits the poor octopus (thats Kure Kure) with a baseball bat! After several tries Kure Kure gets his battle sword and the epic battle begins. Over a book about what?

  • S01E08 まんがの巻

    This 8th episode has quite the same theme as the previous. Biragon reads a super funny book and Kure Kure just cant stand it! He must have it! So he and Chonbo writes their own book with a cute cover, but inside it only says that Biragon is an idiot! When laughing at their book, Biragon of course becomes jealous so he wants to trade books. Now what was it that was so funny in Biragons book?

  • S01E09 オバケの巻

    Monro suggests that Kure Kure, Chonbo and the Sea cucumber gang should come to the cemetary later at night. The bunch are all terrified when there. But when Monro finally shows up, the true horror starts.

  • S01E10 電話の巻

    Kure Kure and Chonbo are all dressed up and ready to go to visit Monro, when they see her talking on the phone with Debura! Kure Kure gets jealous as usual and they decide to play Debura a trick.

  • S01E11 ああ結婚の巻

    Kure Kure gets depressed after meeting Monro. He then fantasizes about Monro marrying Biragon, Debura and even the Sea cucumber gang. But when he in his twisted mind sees his best friend Chonbo marrying Monro, Kure Kure loses his temper and decides to beat him up!

  • S01E12 きれいな傘だの巻

    Biragon and Tororo has super cool umbrellas that Kure Kure and Chonbo just must have! Asking is not an option so they get a rope...

  • S01E13 牛乳が飲みたいの巻

    Hera Hera of the Sea cucumber gang is the milk man and delivers bottles to Debura and Biragon. When Kure Kure and Chonbo sees that Debura is sleeping they decide to steal his milk. But Tororo beats them to it. They then try to steal Biragons milk but Tororo is faster once again! Next day they have prepared to be first, only to be discovered and finally end up in jail.

  • S01E14 彫刻家の巻

    Tororo is having a nice day sculpting when he see's Kure Kure and Chonbo apporaching. So he does his magic super power (becoming invisible). Of course Kure Kure can't keep his tentacles off Tororo's sculpture. But oops! The head of the sculpture falls off. Fearing Tororo's wrath, Kure Kure quickly decides to perform some magic of his own. He throws away the broken sculpture and transforms into a new one!

  • S01E15 まちがい電話の巻

    Kure Kure are running with baskets to the vending machine when they stop by at Monro, who is sad since noone brings her any snacks. They promise to get her some too! When they arrive at the machine Biragon and Debura is already there. But when it's Kure Kure's turn Monro calls so he has to step out of the line and answer her call. She whines about not getting any and Kure Kure gets kind of frustrated since every time she calls, he has to step out of the line. Finally when Monro calls, she asks where her Takoyaki (small dumplings with octopus!!) is and thats when Kure Kure finally flips.

  • S01E16 本日断水の巻

    It's a super hot day in takora land! Chonbo and Kure Kure heads to the pool, but it's occupied by Tororo! They quickly come up with a plan to lure Tororo away. Chonbo plays sweet music and wears a sign that says "Everything is free today at the impossible market". But when stupid Tororo falls for the trick and runs away, Kure Kure and Chonbo find out that the pool is empty! Desperately the search for water to fill it up. They build a well and pump for water till late at night, with no result. Finally, exhausted and with bruises and headbumps, they see Debura wearing a sign that says "The water is shut down today".

  • S01E17 メガネが欲しいの巻

    Debura is reading a funny book. Kure Kure and Chonbo wants it but cant have it, so they plan for vengeance. When Debura falls asleep they paint his glasses black. Debura wakes up and just runs around in circles not knowing where he is. Then Kure Kure lifts off the glasses to Deburas relief. Back home at Kure Kure's place they try Deburas glasses and find out that they really not need 'em.

  • S01E18 道路標識の巻

    Kure Kure and Chonbo are on a naughty streak! They decide to mess with Debura by removing all the traffic signs! Sheer chaos begins and their joy is over the top when Debura runs head first into a misplaced traffic sign.

  • S01E19 塵取と箒の巻

    Biragon is out with his broom cleaning up when Kure Kure and Chonbo shows up. Of course they too want to clean! They turn out to be too good at it! "Cleaning" away the Sea Cucumber gangs dinner and table, Deburas police office and even his gun! After a while they find out that there is nothing more to clean since all the litter (and a lot more) is already in their bags. So what do they do? Spread it all out and start all over again of course!

  • S01E20 蚊取り線香の巻

    Biragon is having a nice day just chilling out. By his side is an incense thingy to keep flies and bugs away. The nice day quickly ends when Kure Kure and Chonbo steals the incense! Biragon chases them around for hours until he falls down exhausted, just to be stomped and punched by the evil duo. Biragon retaliates by burning a huge antibug incense below Kure Kures tree.

  • S01E21 リレー競争の巻

    Its the olympics in Takora land and we get to see the relay race. Kure Kure Takora takes off first, while Chonbo tricks and cheats the other runners as much as he can. But soon the trickery backfires when noone knows where to run.

  • S01E22 狩りで魚で釣りが鳥の巻

    It's hunting season! Kure Kure finds Ikari shooting randomly up in the sky, followed by birds falling down. So Kure Kure also give it a try, but down comes a fish! This repeats itself a couple of times until Kure Kure gets pissed and leave, trying his luck fishing instead. But all he gets from the river are birds! Something is very fishy...

  • S01E23 お祭りの巻

    Today its a festival in town. Everyone is doing their best carrying a shrine. But there is not room for everyone so it gets a bit rough. Since Monro is standing beside, all the guys want to impress on her. But instead, Monro feels sorry for Shiku Shiku who is kicked out. Now all the guys wants to be kicked out.

  • S01E24 警官になりたいの巻

    Kure Kure Takora and Chonbo overpowers Debura the cop. They steal his gun, badge and helmet and throw Debura in jail. Aroused by the power Kure Kure Takora threatens Biragon who is dating Monro and Biragon runs off. Monro is overwhelmed by the macho Takora. However, Chonbo is fed up with being harassed all the time and plans for revenge.

  • S01E25 草刈りの巻

    Kure Kure Takora and Chonbo heads over to the vending machine, hungry for a snack. But when they insert a coin the machine tells them to insert onions! Weird indeed, but the guys do as the machine says. When done, it asks for potatoes! The guys gets pretty upset, but serves the machine once again. Then the machine asks for soy sauce. The suspicion grows and finally a great conspiracy is unfolded!

  • S01E26 ランチタイム騒動の巻

    Kure Kure Takora and Chonbo are all dressed up and in the mood for some pink walrus love. Kure Kure pushes Chonbo aside and takes a walk with Monro, but Chonbo wont settle with that. He plants a spider in Kure Kure's gift to Monro. But finally, as always, the demonic plan fails.

  • S01E27 虫歯騒動の巻

    Monro finds some candy and hands it over to Debura. When Kure Kure Takora sees the candy he screams Kure Kure! After som nagging, Debura hands it over. But too much candy ain't good for your teeth! Kure Kure Takora gets an excruciating pain so the rest of the bunch helps to pull the tooth out.

  • S01E28 意地悪の巻

    Kure Kure and Chonbo heads over to the vending machine, hungry for a snack. Chonbo gets a nice cake, but when Kure Kure is next, the machine just plays tricks with him! Either it closes to quickly, snapping Kure Kure's tentacles or it ridicules him. Finally it's just too much and our hero gets creamed.

  • S01E29 注射の巻

    Kure Kure Takora and Chonbo are out running around as usual when they end up at Debura who is working as a doctor. It's vaccination time! Kure Kure quickly turns around and runs, but Chonbo is not as fast and Debura quickly shoots him with the needle. Chonbo's screams of agony puts great fear in Kure Kure and he runs like a madman. Tororo and Chonbo who just got their vaccine now wants Kure Kure in on the pain and helps Debura with the chase. After running for days Kure Kure at one last desperate attempt to escape uses his super power and transforms into a bush. Will it save him?

  • S01E30 大入道現わるの巻

    The two gentlemen are out running. When they run by Monros place they discover her crying. It turns out that bastard Tororo has stolen her dinner! The duo quickly decides to bring order to the land and begins their hunt for Tororo. When they finally find him an epic battle begins, involving ghosts, super powers and vinegar. But returning home to Monro with her food, she replies: "I am on diet for my beauty, so I just wanted a glass of juice."

  • S01E31 看板がほしいの巻

    Kure Kure Takora and Chonbo runs by the local jail when they see that the police, Debura is sleeping! They quickly take advantage of the short period of anarchy by playing police by themselves. Takora puts up a super cool banner that says he is the new sheriff in town. But when Debura awakes and discovers this, he is not amused.

  • S01E32 日曜大工の巻

    Kure Kure Takora and Chonbo are on a carpenting mood, finding Debura trying to build a chair. Of course they try to steal his stuff, but that wont do, so they smack him with their hammers and run off. While chasing the demonic duo around Takora land the chair actually gets built!

  • S01E33 交番ジャックの巻

    Kure Kure Takora are up for some hellraising action today! When passing by Deburas jail they decide to occupy it. They quickly build barricades and then guard it with guns. When Debura comes by he is apalled by the rebellious attitude. He tries to lure them out with some fruit baskets, but it seems harder than he hoped for. Eventually he rids the antagonists off his property. When the two gangsters return home they find that Tororo has occupied Kure Kure Takoras tree. Backfire!

  • S01E34 コック修行の巻

    Kure Kure Takora and Chonbo are out running when they find out that Monro is seeking help for her restaurant. Of course the two professional chefs help her out. But it turns out that the work in the kitchen is some really tough business. Kure Kure Takora keeps getting smacked in the head by the door and Chonbo is just hysterical by the stove. When Kure Kure Takora accidentally slips the soap into Chonbos bread, we all know this episode wont get a happy ending.

  • S01E35 蝶々が欲しいの巻

    It's summer time and Takora land is full of life. Kure Kure Takora and Chonbo tries to catch a butterfly but bumps into Monro who doesn't enjoy the competition. The two gentlemen then decides to catch the butterfly for her. It's tougher than it seems though and soon they need some rest. After the break they try some alternative methods, all ending up with Kure Kure Takora getting hurt.

  • S01E36 モンロの椅子の巻

    Poor Monro, her chair is broken! Luckily her best friends Kure Kure Takora and Chonbo are amazing carpenters so they try to fix it. But somehow one leg on the chair always seems to be shorter so after a while there ain't much left of the chair. When Monro comes back Kure Kure Takora quickly decides to use his super transform power and turns into a chair. But then Debura and Biragon comes...

  • S01E37 アタッシュケースの巻

    Kure Kure Takora and Chonbo sees that Ikari puts some super confidential documents in a briefcase. Of course they must have them! So they come up with a devious plan and trick Ikari. Of course the Ikari finds out and then brings his whole crew, including Debura. But Kure Kure Takora has got a gun and one of the most devastating battles of all time is a fact.

  • S01E38 史上最笑の作戦の巻

    Hera Hera and Shiku Shiku are playing with guns! Kure Kure Takora and Chonbo have probably never been this jealous before. So they do the old "play-dead-trick". Which of course works. However, when they later on run around playing with the guns, Shiku Shiku and Hera Hera has brought Ikari! And Ikari has a big shotgun! Kure Kure Takora aims for them and try to shoot, only to find out that the gun shoots nothing but water! Oh the humiliation... But it wont end here, as our favorite octopus brings out the BIG artillery!

  • S01E39 ベンチ奪取戦の巻

    There's a new rocking chair in town but the boys are not the first to find it. This time, they try brute force to reach it. The old pinball technique seems to work. To keep it, they come up with a great plan. Kure Kure Takora puts a "Newly painted" sign on it. Now those stupid sea cucumbers won't dare to sit! But the story take a dramatic turn the next day...

  • S01E40 髭が欲しいの巻

    Debura is on a walk with Monro. Apparently she thinks guys with moustaches are really really hot and that's just what Debura has got. Kure Kure Takora and Chonbo must have that moustache! But after getting it, they of course start fighting about which one of them that should have it.

  • S01E41 催眠術の巻

    Kure Kure Takora finds a mysterious book about hypnosis and quickly turns Chonbo into a lunatic. Hysterically funny of course, so when Biragon arrives, he too gets hypnotized. But too much fun soon tips over, into jail.

  • S01E42 車輪転がしの巻

    Biragon has a super funny wheel! When Kure Kure Takora and Chonbo try to grab it Biragon do the old rounabout trick which makes the duo really dizzy. Chonbo beats Kure Kure Takora with a stick to wake him up. The chase continues, including hooks and magnets but in the end I wonder if it was worth it.

  • S01E43 宝さがしの巻

    Tororo is hiding a super secret box, but Kure Kure Takora and Chonbo see's it. Quickly after Tororo disappear, they grab it. Inside is a mysterious map, which throws the duo into a treasure hunt that would make Indiana Jones blush.